module Util.Ajax ( get , post , put , delete ) where import Control.Arrow (left) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Data.Default (def) import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as LM import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, IsXhrPayload, MonadWidget, XhrRequest, XhrRequestConfig (..), XhrResponse, XhrResponseHeaders (..)) import qualified Reflex.Dom as R get :: forall t m a. (MonadWidget t m, FromJSON a) => Event t Text -> m (Event t (Either Text a)) get url = fmap getJsonResult <$> R.performRequestAsync (R.ffor url $ \u -> jsonRequest "GET" u (Aeson.String "")) post :: forall t m a b. (MonadWidget t m, ToJSON a, FromJSON b) => Text -> Event t a -> m (Event t (Either Text b)) post url input = fmap getJsonResult <$> R.performRequestAsync (jsonRequest "POST" url <$> input) put :: forall t m a b. (MonadWidget t m, ToJSON a, FromJSON b) => Text -> Event t a -> m (Event t (Either Text b)) put url input = fmap getJsonResult <$> R.performRequestAsync (jsonRequest "PUT" url <$> input) delete :: forall t m a. (MonadWidget t m) => Dynamic t Text -> Event t () -> m (Event t (Either Text Text)) delete url fire = do fmap getResult <$> (R.performRequestAsync $ R.attachWith (\u _ -> request "DELETE" u ()) (R.current url) fire) getJsonResult :: forall a. (FromJSON a) => XhrResponse -> Either Text a getJsonResult response = case getResult response of Left l -> Left l Right r -> left T.pack . Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict $ (T.encodeUtf8 r) getResult :: XhrResponse -> Either Text Text getResult response = case R._xhrResponse_responseText response of Just responseText -> if R._xhrResponse_status response == 200 then Right responseText else Left responseText _ -> Left "NoKey" request :: forall a. (IsXhrPayload a) => Text -> Text -> a -> XhrRequest a request method url payload = let config = XhrRequestConfig { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = def , _xhrRequestConfig_user = def , _xhrRequestConfig_password = def , _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = def , _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders = def , _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False , _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = payload } in R.xhrRequest method url config jsonRequest :: forall a. (ToJSON a) => Text -> Text -> a -> XhrRequest ByteString jsonRequest method url payload = let config = XhrRequestConfig { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = def , _xhrRequestConfig_user = def , _xhrRequestConfig_password = def , _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = def , _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders = def , _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False , _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = LBS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode payload } in R.xhrRequest method url config