module Common.Message.Translation ( get ) where import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Common.Message.Key import Common.Message.Lang (Lang (..)) get :: Lang -> Key -> Text get = m m :: Lang -> Key -> Text m l App_Title = case l of English -> "Shared Cost" French -> "Partage des frais" m l Category_Add = case l of English -> "Add an category" French -> "Ajouter une catégorie" m l Category_Clone = case l of English -> "Clone an category" French -> "Cloner une catégorie" m l Category_Color = case l of English -> "Color" French -> "Couleur" m l Category_DeleteConfirm = case l of English -> "Are you sure to delete this category ?" French -> "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette catégorie ?" m l Category_Edit = case l of English -> "Edit an category" French -> "Modifier une catégorie" m l Category_Empty = case l of English -> "No category." French -> "Aucune catégorie." m l Category_Name = case l of English -> "Name" French -> "Nom" m l Category_NotDeleted = case l of English -> "The category could not have been deleted." French -> "La catégorie n’a pas pu être supprimé." m l Category_Title = case l of English -> "Categories" French -> "Catégories" m l Category_Used = case l of English -> "This category is currently being used" French -> "Cette catégorie est actuellement utilisée" m l (Date_Short day month year) = case l of English -> T.intercalate "-" [ padded year 4, padded month 2, padded day 2 ] French -> T.intercalate "/" [ padded day 2, padded month 2, padded year 4 ] where padded num pad = let str = show num in T.pack $ replicate (pad - length str) '0' ++ str m l (Date_ShortMonthAndYear month year) = case l of English -> T.intercalate "-" . map (T.pack . show) $ [ year, month ] French -> T.intercalate "/" . map (T.pack . show) $ [ month, year ] m l (Date_Long day month year) = case l of English -> T.concat [ month, " " , T.pack . show $ day, ", ", T.pack . show $ year ] French -> T.intercalate " " [ T.pack . show $ day, month, T.pack . show $ year ] m l Dialog_Confirm = case l of English -> "Confirm" French -> "Confirmer" m l Dialog_Undo = case l of English -> "Undo" French -> "Annuler" m l Error_CategoryCreate = case l of English -> "Error at category creation" French -> "Erreur lors de la création de la catégorie" m l Error_CategoryDelete = case l of English -> "Error at category deletion" French -> "Erreur lors de la suppression de la catégorie" m l Error_CategoryEdit = case l of English -> "Error at category edition" French -> "Erreur lors de la modification de la catégorie" m l Error_IncomeCreate = case l of English -> "Error at income creation" French -> "Erreur lors de la création du revenu" m l Error_IncomeDelete = case l of English -> "Error at income deletion" French -> "Erreur lors de la suppression du revenu" m l Error_IncomeEdit = case l of English -> "Error at income edition" French -> "Erreur lors de la modification du revenu" m l Error_PaymentCreate = case l of English -> "Error at payment creation" French -> "Erreur lors de la création du paiement" m l Error_PaymentDelete = case l of English -> "Error at payment deletion" French -> "Erreur lors de la suppression du paiement" m l Error_PaymentEdit = case l of English -> "Error at payment edition" French -> "Erreur lors de la modification du paiement" m l Error_SignOut = case l of English -> "Error at sign out" French -> "Erreur lors de la déconnexion" m l Form_AlreadyExists = case l of English -> "Dupplicate field" French -> "Doublon" m l Form_NonEmpty = case l of English -> "Required field" French -> "Champ requis" m l (Form_MinChars number) = case l of English -> T.concat [ "This field must contains at least ", T.pack . show $ number, " characters" ] French -> T.concat [ "Ce champ doit contenir au moins ", T.pack . show $ number, " caractères" ] m l Form_NonNullNumber = case l of English -> "Number must not be null" French -> "Le nombre ne doit pas être nul" m l (Form_GreaterIntThan number) = case l of English -> T.concat [ "Integer smaller than ", T.pack . show $ number, " or equal required" ] French -> T.concat [ "Entier inférieur ou égal à ", T.pack . show $ number, " requis" ] m l Form_InvalidCategory = case l of English -> "Invalid category" French -> "Catégorie invalide" m l Form_InvalidColor = case l of English -> "Invalid color" French -> "Couleur invalide" m l Form_InvalidDate = case l of English -> "Date required" French -> "Date requise" m l Form_InvalidInt = case l of English -> "Integer required" French -> "Entier requis" m l Form_InvalidString = case l of English -> "String required" French -> "Chaîne de caractères requise" m l (Form_SmallerIntThan number) = case l of English -> T.concat [ "Integer bigger than ", T.pack . show $ number, " or equal required" ] French -> T.concat [ "Entier supérieur ou égal à ", T.pack . show $ number, " requis" ] m l HttpError_BadPayload = case l of English -> "Bad payload server error" French -> "Contenu inattendu en provenance du serveur" m l HttpError_BadUrl = case l of English -> "URL not valid" French -> "l’URL n’est pas valide" m l HttpError_NetworkError = case l of English -> "Network can not be reached" French -> "Le serveur n’est pas accessible" m l HttpError_Timeout = case l of English -> "Timeout server error" French -> "Le serveur met trop de temps à répondre" m l Income_AddLong = case l of English -> "Add an income" French -> "Ajouter un revenu" m l Income_AddShort = case l of English -> "Add" French -> "Ajouter" m l Income_Amount = case l of English -> "Amount" French -> "Montant" m l Income_Clone = case l of English -> "Clone an income" French -> "Cloner un revenu" m l (Income_CumulativeSince since) = case l of English -> T.concat [ "Cumulative incomes since ", since ] French -> T.concat [ "Revenus nets cumulés depuis le ", since ] m l Income_Date = case l of English -> "Date" French -> "Date" m l Income_DeleteConfirm = case l of English -> "Are you sure to delete this income ?" French -> "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce revenu ?" m l Income_Edit = case l of English -> "Edit an income" French -> "Modifier un revenu" m l Income_Empty = case l of English -> "No income." French -> "Aucun revenu." m l Income_MonthlyNet = case l of English -> "Net monthly incomes" French -> "Revenus mensuels nets" m l Income_Title = case l of English -> "Income" French -> "Revenu" m l Month_January = case l of English -> "january" French -> "janvier" m l Month_February = case l of English -> "february" French -> "février" m l Month_March = case l of English -> "march" French -> "mars" m l Month_April = case l of English -> "april" French -> "avril" m l Month_May = case l of English -> "may" French -> "mai" m l Month_June = case l of English -> "june" French -> "juin" m l Month_July = case l of English -> "july" French -> "juillet" m l Month_August = case l of English -> "august" French -> "août" m l Month_September = case l of English -> "september" French -> "septembre" m l Month_October = case l of English -> "october" French -> "octobre" m l Month_November = case l of English -> "november" French -> "novembre" m l Month_December = case l of English -> "december" French -> "décembre" m l PageNotFound_Title = case l of English -> "Page not found" French -> "Page introuvable" m l Payment_Add = case l of English -> "Add a payment" French -> "Ajouter un paiement" m l Payment_Balanced = case l of English -> "Payments are balanced." French -> "Les paiements sont équilibrés." m l (Payment_By key value) = case l of English -> T.concat [ key, ": ", value ] French -> T.concat [ key, " : ", value ] m l Payment_Category = case l of English -> "Category" French -> "Catégorie" m l Payment_CloneLong = case l of English -> "Clone a payment" French -> "Cloner un paiement" m l Payment_CloneShort = case l of English -> "Clone" French -> "Cloner" m l Payment_Cost = case l of English -> "Cost" French -> "Coût" m l Payment_Date = case l of English -> "Date" French -> "Date" m l Payment_Delete = case l of English -> "Delete" French -> "Supprimer" m l Payment_DeleteConfirm = case l of English -> "Are you sure to delete this payment ?" French -> "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce paiement ?" m l Payment_EditLong = case l of English -> "Edit a payment" French -> "Modifier un paiement" m l Payment_EditShort = case l of English -> "Edit" French -> "Modifier" m l Payment_Empty = case l of English -> "No payment found from your search criteria." French -> "Aucun paiement ne correspond à vos critères de recherches." m l Payment_Frequency = case l of English -> "Frequency" French -> "Fréquence" m l Payment_InvalidFrequency = case l of English -> "Invalid frequency" French -> "Fréquence invalide" m l Payment_Many = case l of English -> "payments" French -> "paiements" m l Payment_MonthlyFemale = case l of English -> "Monthly" French -> "Mensuelle" m l Payment_MonthlyMale = case l of English -> "Monthly" French -> "Mensuel" m l Payment_Name = case l of English -> "Name" French -> "Nom" m l Payment_NotDeleted = case l of English -> "The payment could not have been deleted." French -> "Le paiement n’a pas pu être supprimé." m l Payment_One = case l of English -> "payment" French -> "paiement" m l Payment_PunctualFemale = case l of English -> "Punctual" French -> "Ponctuelle" m l Payment_PunctualMale = case l of English -> "Punctual" French -> "Ponctuel" m l Payment_Title = case l of English -> "Payments" French -> "Paiements" m l Payment_User = case l of English -> "Payer" French -> "Payeur" m l (Payment_Worth subject amount) = case l of English -> T.concat [ subject, " worth ", amount ] French -> T.concat [ subject, " comptabilisant ", amount ] m l Search_Monthly = case l of English -> "Monthly" French -> "Mensuel" m l Search_Name = case l of English -> "Search" French -> "Recherche" m l Search_Punctual = case l of English -> "Punctual" French -> "Ponctuel" m l Secure_Unauthorized = case l of English -> "You are not authorized to sign in." French -> "Tu n’es pas autorisé à te connecter." m l Secure_Forbidden = case l of English -> "You need to be logged in to perform this action" French -> "Tu dois te connecter pour effectuer cette action" m l SignIn_Button = case l of English -> "Sign in" French -> "Connexion" m l SignIn_DisconnectSuccess = case l of English -> "You have successfully disconnected" French -> "Vous êtes à présent déconnecté." m l SignIn_EmailInvalid = case l of English -> "Your email is not valid." French -> "Votre courriel n’est pas valide." m l SignIn_EmailLabel = case l of English -> "Email" French -> "Courriel" m l SignIn_EmailSendFail = case l of English -> "You are authorized to sign in, but we failed to send you the sign up email." French -> "Tu es autorisé à te connecter, mais nous n’avons pas pu t’envoyer le courriel de connexion." m l SignIn_EmailSent = case l of English -> "We sent you an email with a connexion link." French -> "Nous t’avons envoyé un courriel avec un lien pour te connecter." m l SignIn_LinkExpired = case l of English -> "The link expired, please sign in again." French -> "Le lien sur lequel tu as cliqué a expiré, connecte-toi à nouveau." m l SignIn_LinkInvalid = case l of English -> "The link is invalid, please sign in again." French -> "Le lien sur lequel tu as cliqué est invalide, connecte-toi à nouveau." m l SignIn_LinkUsed = case l of English -> "You already used this link, please sign in again." French -> "Tu as déjà utilisé ce lien, connecte-toi à nouveau." m l SignIn_MailTitle = case l of English -> T.concat [ "Sign in to ", m l App_Title ] French -> T.concat [ "Connexion à ", m l App_Title ] m l (SignIn_MailBody name url) = T.intercalate "\n" ( case l of English -> [ T.concat [ "Hi ", name, "," ] , "" , T.concat [ "Click to the following link in order to sign in to Shared Cost:" , m l App_Title , ":" ] , url , "" , "See you soon!" ] French -> [ T.concat [ "Salut ", name, "," ] , "" , T.concat [ "Clique sur le lien suivant pour te connecter à " , m l App_Title , ":" ] , url , "" , "À très vite !" ] ) m l SignIn_ParseError = case l of English -> "Error while reading initial data." French -> "Erreur lors de la lecture des données initiales." m l (Statistic_ByMonthsAndMean amount) = case l of English -> T.concat [ "Payments by category by month months (", amount, "on average)" ] French -> T.concat [ "Paiements par catégorie par mois (en moyenne ", amount, ")" ] m l Statistic_Title = case l of English -> "Statistics" French -> "Statistiques" m l Statistic_Total = case l of English -> "Total" French -> "Total" m l WeeklyReport_Empty = case l of English -> "No activity the previous week." French -> "Pas d’activité la semaine passée." m l (WeeklyReport_IncomesCreated count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " incomes created:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " revenus créés :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_IncomesDeleted count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " incomes deleted:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " revenus supprimés :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_IncomesEdited count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " incomes edited:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " revenus modifiés :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_IncomeCreated count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " income created:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " revenu créé :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_IncomeDeleted count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " income deleted:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " revenu supprimé :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_IncomeEdited count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " income edited:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " revenu modifié :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_PayedFor name amount for at) = case l of English -> T.concat [ name, " payed ", amount, " for “", for, "” at ", at ] French -> T.concat [ name, " a payé ", amount, " concernant « ", for, " » le ", at ] m l (WeeklyReport_PayedForNot name amount for at) = case l of English -> T.concat [ name, " didn’t pay ", amount, " for “", for, "” at ", at ] French -> T.concat [ name, " n’a pas payé ", amount, " concernant « ", for, " » le ", at ] m l (WeeklyReport_PayedFrom name amount for) = case l of English -> T.concat [ name, " is payed ", amount, " of net monthly income from ", for ] French -> T.concat [ name, " est payé ", amount, " net par mois à partir du ", for ] m l (WeeklyReport_PayedFromNot name amount for) = case l of English -> T.concat [ name, " isn’t payed ", amount, " of net monthly income from ", for ] French -> T.concat [ name, " n’est pas payé ", amount, " net par mois à partir du ", for ] m l (WeeklyReport_PaymentsCreated count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " payments created:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " paiements créés :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_PaymentsDeleted count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " payments deleted:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " paiements supprimés :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_PaymentsEdited count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " payments edited:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " paiements modifiés :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_PaymentCreated count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " payment created:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " paiement créé :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_PaymentDeleted count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " payment deleted:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " paiement supprimé :" ] m l (WeeklyReport_PaymentEdited count) = case l of English -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " payment edited:" ] French -> T.concat [ T.pack . show $ count, " paiement modifié :" ] m l WeeklyReport_Title = case l of English -> "Weekly report" French -> "Rapport hebdomadaire" m l NotFound_Message = case l of English -> "There is nothing here!" French -> "Vous vous êtes perdu." m l NotFound_LinkMessage = case l of English -> "Go back to the home page." French -> "Retour à l’accueil."