module Model.Translations exposing ( translationsDecoder , Translations , Translation , getMessage , getParamMessage ) import Maybe exposing (withDefault) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import String type alias Translations = List Translation translationsDecoder : Decoder Translations translationsDecoder = Decode.list translationDecoder type alias Translation = { key : String , message : List MessagePart } getTranslation : String -> Translations -> Maybe (List MessagePart) getTranslation key translations = translations |> List.filter (\translation -> String.toLower translation.key == String.toLower key) |> List.head |> .message translationDecoder : Decoder Translation translationDecoder = Decode.map2 Translation (Decode.field "key" Decode.string) (Decode.field "message" (Decode.list partDecoder)) type MessagePart = Order Int | Str String partDecoder : Decoder MessagePart partDecoder = (Decode.field "tag" Decode.string) |> Decode.andThen partDecoderWithTag partDecoderWithTag : String -> Decoder MessagePart partDecoderWithTag tag = case tag of "Order" -> Order (Decode.field "contents" _ -> Str (Decode.field "contents" Decode.string) ----- getMessage : Translations -> String -> String getMessage = getParamMessage [] getParamMessage : List String -> Translations -> String -> String getParamMessage values translations key = getTranslation key translations |> (\parts -> String.concat ( (replacePart values) parts)) |> withDefault key replacePart : List String -> MessagePart -> String replacePart values part = case part of Str str -> str Order n -> values |> List.drop (n - 1) |> List.head |> withDefault ("{" ++ (toString n) ++ "}")