module View.Page ( renderPage ) where import Html exposing (..) import Html as H import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Attributes as A import Html.Events exposing (..) import Date import Date exposing (Date) import String exposing (append) import Json.Decode as Json import Model exposing (Model) import Model.Payment exposing (Payments, Payment) import Model.View exposing (..) import Model.View.SignIn exposing (..) import Update exposing (..) import Update.SignIn exposing (..) import ServerCommunication as SC import ServerCommunication exposing (serverCommunications) import View.Icon exposing (renderIcon) renderPage : Model -> Html renderPage model = div [] [ renderHeader model , renderMain model ] renderHeader : Model -> Html renderHeader model = header [] [ h1 [] [ text "Shared Cost" ] , case model.view of LoadingView -> text "" SignInView _ -> text "" PaymentView _ -> button [ class "signOut" , onClick serverCommunications.address SC.SignOut ] [ renderIcon "power-off" ] ] renderMain : Model -> Html renderMain model = case model.view of LoadingView -> loadingView SignInView signIn -> signInView signIn PaymentView payments -> paymentsView payments loadingView : Html loadingView = text "" signInView : SignIn -> Html signInView signIn = div [ class "signIn" ] [ div [ class "form" ] [ input [ value signIn.login , on "input" targetValue (Signal.message actions.address << UpdateSignIn << UpdateLogin) , onEnter serverCommunications.address (SC.SignIn signIn.login) ] [] , button [ onClick serverCommunications.address (SC.SignIn signIn.login) ] [ text "Sign in" ] ] , div [ class "result" ] [ signInResult signIn ] ] onEnter : Signal.Address a -> a -> Attribute onEnter address value = on "keydown" (Json.customDecoder keyCode (\code -> if code == 13 then Ok () else Err "")) (\_ -> Signal.message address value) signInResult : SignIn -> Html signInResult signIn = case signIn.result of Just result -> case result of Ok login -> div [ class "success" ] [ text ("We send you an email, please click to the provided link in order to sign in.") ] Err error -> div [ class "error" ] [ text error ] Nothing -> text "" paymentsView : Payments -> Html paymentsView payments = table [] ([ tr [] [ th [] [ renderIcon "user" ] , th [] [ renderIcon "shopping-cart" ] , th [] [ renderIcon "euro" ] , th [] [ renderIcon "calendar" ] ] ] ++ (paymentLines payments)) paymentLines : Payments -> List Html paymentLines payments = payments |> List.sortBy (Date.toTime << .creation) |> List.reverse |> paymentLine paymentLine : Payment -> Html paymentLine payment = tr [] [ td [] [ text payment.userName ] , td [] [ text ] , td [] [ text ((toString payment.cost) ++ " €") ] , td [] [ text (renderDate payment.creation) ] ] renderDate : Date -> String renderDate date = toString ( date) |> flip append (" " ++ (toString (Date.month date)) ++ ".") |> flip append (" " ++ (toString (Date.year date)))