{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} module View.Payment.Table ( widget , TableIn(..) , TableOut(..) ) where import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Prelude hiding (init) import Reflex.Dom (MonadWidget) import qualified Reflex.Dom as R import qualified Common.Message as Message import qualified Common.Message.Key as Key import Common.Model (Payment(..), PaymentCategory(..), Category(..), User(..), Init(..)) import qualified Common.Model.User as User import qualified Common.Util.Text as T import qualified Common.View.Format as Format import qualified Icon data TableIn = TableIn { _tableIn_init :: Init } data TableOut = TableOut { } widget :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => TableIn -> m TableOut widget tableIn = do R.divClass "table" $ R.divClass "lines" $ do R.divClass "header" $ do R.divClass "cell name" $ R.text $ Message.get Key.Payment_Name R.divClass "cell cost" $ R.text $ Message.get Key.Payment_Cost R.divClass "cell user" $ R.text $ Message.get Key.Payment_User R.divClass "cell category" $ R.text $ Message.get Key.Payment_Category R.divClass "cell date" $ R.text $ Message.get Key.Payment_Date R.divClass "cell" $ R.blank R.divClass "cell" $ R.blank R.divClass "cell" $ R.blank let init = _tableIn_init tableIn payments = _init_payments init mapM_ (paymentRow init) (take 8 . reverse . L.sortOn _payment_date $ payments) return $ TableOut {} paymentRow :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => Init -> Payment -> m () paymentRow init payment = R.divClass "row" $ do R.divClass "cell name" . R.text $ _payment_name payment R.divClass "cell cost" . R.text . Format.price (_init_currency init) $ _payment_cost payment R.divClass "cell user" $ case User.find (_payment_user payment) (_init_users init) of Just user -> R.text (_user_name user) _ -> R.blank R.divClass "cell category" $ case findCategory (_init_categories init) (_init_paymentCategories init) (_payment_name payment) of Just category -> R.elAttr "span" (M.fromList [("class", "tag"), ("style", T.concat [ "background-color: ", _category_color category ])]) $ R.text $ _category_name category _ -> R.blank R.divClass "cell date" $ do R.elClass "span" "shortDate" . R.text $ Format.shortDay (_payment_date payment) R.elClass "span" "longDate" . R.text $ Format.longDay (_payment_date payment) R.divClass "cell button" . R.el "button" $ Icon.clone R.divClass "cell button" $ if _payment_user payment == (_init_currentUser init) then R.el "button" $ Icon.edit else R.blank R.divClass "cell button" $ if _payment_user payment == (_init_currentUser init) then R.el "button" $ Icon.delete else R.blank findCategory :: [Category] -> [PaymentCategory] -> Text -> Maybe Category findCategory categories paymentCategories paymentName = do paymentCategory <- L.find ((== (T.unaccent . T.toLower) paymentName) . _paymentCategory_name) paymentCategories L.find ((== (_paymentCategory_category paymentCategory)) . _category_id) categories