module LoggedIn.Model.Payer ( Payers , Payer , ExceedingPayer , getOrderedExceedingPayers ) where import Json.Decode as Json exposing (..) import Dict exposing (..) import List import Maybe import Time exposing (Time) import Date import Model.Payment exposing (Payments, totalPayments) import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId, userIdDecoder) import Model.Income exposing (..) import Utils.Dict exposing (mapValues) import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust) type alias Payers = Dict UserId Payer type alias Payer = { preIncomePaymentSum : Int , postIncomePaymentSum : Int , incomes : List Income } type alias ExceedingPayer = { userId : UserId , amount : Int } getOrderedExceedingPayers : Time -> Users -> Incomes -> Payments -> List ExceedingPayer getOrderedExceedingPayers currentTime users incomes payments = let payers = getPayers currentTime users incomes payments exceedingPayersOnPreIncome = payers |> mapValues .preIncomePaymentSum |> Dict.toList |> exceedingPayersFromAmounts in case incomeDefinedForAll (Dict.keys users) incomes of Just since -> let postPaymentPayers = mapValues (getPostPaymentPayer currentTime since) payers mbMaxRatio = postPaymentPayers |> Dict.toList |> (.ratio << snd) |> List.maximum in case mbMaxRatio of Just maxRatio -> postPaymentPayers |> mapValues (getFinalDiff maxRatio) |> Dict.toList |> exceedingPayersFromAmounts Nothing -> exceedingPayersOnPreIncome Nothing -> exceedingPayersOnPreIncome getPayers : Time -> Users -> Incomes -> Payments -> Payers getPayers currentTime users incomes payments = let incomesDefined = incomeDefinedForAll (Dict.keys users) incomes in Dict.keys users |> (\userId -> ( userId , { preIncomePaymentSum = totalPayments (\p -> (Date.toTime p.creation) < (Maybe.withDefault currentTime incomesDefined)) userId payments , postIncomePaymentSum = totalPayments (\p -> case incomesDefined of Nothing -> False Just t -> (Date.toTime p.creation) >= t ) userId payments , incomes = List.filter ((==) userId << .userId) (Dict.values incomes) } ) ) |> Dict.fromList exceedingPayersFromAmounts : List (UserId, Int) -> List ExceedingPayer exceedingPayersFromAmounts userAmounts = let mbMinAmount = List.minimum << snd <| userAmounts in case mbMinAmount of Nothing -> [] Just minAmount -> userAmounts |> (\userAmount -> { userId = fst userAmount , amount = snd userAmount - minAmount } ) |> List.filter (\payer -> payer.amount > 0) type alias PostPaymentPayer = { preIncomePaymentSum : Int , cumulativeIncome : Int , ratio : Float } getPostPaymentPayer : Time -> Time -> Payer -> PostPaymentPayer getPostPaymentPayer currentTime since payer = let cumulativeIncome = cumulativeIncomesSince currentTime since payer.incomes in { preIncomePaymentSum = payer.preIncomePaymentSum , cumulativeIncome = cumulativeIncome , ratio = toFloat payer.postIncomePaymentSum / toFloat cumulativeIncome } getFinalDiff : Float -> PostPaymentPayer -> Int getFinalDiff maxRatio payer = let postIncomeDiff = -1 * (maxRatio - payer.ratio) * toFloat payer.cumulativeIncome |> truncate in postIncomeDiff + payer.preIncomePaymentSum