module View.LoggedIn.AddPayment ( addPayment ) where import Result exposing (..) import Signal exposing (Address) import Html as H exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Model exposing (Model) import Model.Payment exposing (PaymentFrequency(..)) import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage) import Model.Action as Action exposing (..) import Model.Action.LoggedInAction as LoggedInAction exposing (..) import Model.Action.AddPaymentAction exposing (..) import Model.View.LoggedIn.AddPayment exposing (..) import Model.View.LoggedInView exposing (LoggedInView) import View.Events exposing (onSubmitPrevDefault) import View.Icon exposing (..) import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust) import Utils.Either exposing (toMaybeError) addPayment : Address Action -> Model -> LoggedInView -> Html addPayment address model loggedInView = H.form [ let update = if loggedInView.add.waitingServer then Action.NoOp else UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInAction.AddPayment loggedInView.add.cost loggedInView.add.frequency in onSubmitPrevDefault address update , class "addPayment" ] [ addPaymentName address loggedInView.add , addPaymentCost address model loggedInView.add , paymentFrequency address model loggedInView.add , button [ type' "submit" , classList [ ("add", True) , ("waitingServer", loggedInView.add.waitingServer) ] ] [ text (getMessage "Add" model.translations) , if loggedInView.add.waitingServer then renderSpinIcon else text "" ] ] addPaymentName : Address Action -> AddPayment -> Html addPaymentName address addPayment = div [ classList [ ("name", True) , ("error", isJust addPayment.nameError) ] ] [ input [ id "nameInput" , value , on "input" targetValue (Signal.message address << UpdateLoggedIn << UpdateAdd << UpdateName) , maxlength 20 ] [] , label [ for "nameInput" ] [ renderIcon "shopping-cart" ] , case addPayment.nameError of Just error -> div [ class "errorMessage" ] [ text error ] Nothing -> text "" ] addPaymentCost : Address Action -> Model -> AddPayment -> Html addPaymentCost address model addPayment = div [ classList [ ("cost", True) , ("error", isJust addPayment.costError) ] ] [ input [ id "costInput" , value addPayment.cost , on "input" targetValue (Signal.message address << UpdateLoggedIn << UpdateAdd << UpdateCost) , maxlength 7 ] [] , label [ for "costInput" ] [ text model.conf.currency ] , case addPayment.costError of Just error -> div [ class "errorMessage" ] [ text error ] Nothing -> text "" ] paymentFrequency : Address Action -> Model -> AddPayment -> Html paymentFrequency address model addPayment = button [ type' "button" , class "frequency" , onClick address (UpdateLoggedIn << UpdateAdd <| ToggleFrequency) ] [ div [ classList [ ("punctual", True) , ("selected", addPayment.frequency == Punctual) ] ] [ text (getMessage "Punctual" model.translations) ] , div [ classList [ ("monthly", True) , ("selected", addPayment.frequency == Monthly) ] ] [ text (getMessage "Monthly" model.translations) ] ]