{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Application ( signInAction , validateSignInAction , signOutAction , getIndexAction , getUsersAction , getPaymentsAction , addUserAction , deleteUserAction , createPaymentAction ) where import Web.Scotty import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (ok200, badRequest400) import Network.Wai (requestHeaderHost) import Database.Persist import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Data.String (fromString) import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime) import Text.Email.Validate (isValid) import qualified LoginSession import qualified Secure import Model.Database import Model.User import Model.Payment import Model.SignIn import Model.Message import View.Page (page) import Mail getIndexAction :: ActionM () getIndexAction = html page getUsersAction :: ActionM () getUsersAction = do users <- liftIO $ runDb getUsers html . fromString . show $ users getPaymentsAction :: ActionM () getPaymentsAction = Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do payments <- liftIO $ runDb getPayments json payments ) addUserAction :: Text -> Text -> ActionM () addUserAction email name = do _ <- liftIO . runDb $ createUser email name status ok200 deleteUserAction :: Text -> ActionM () deleteUserAction email = do _ <- liftIO . runDb $ deleteUser email status ok200 createPaymentAction :: Text -> Int -> ActionM () createPaymentAction name cost = Secure.loggedAction (\login -> do maybeUser <- liftIO . runDb $ getUser login case maybeUser of Just user -> do _ <- liftIO . runDb $ createPayment (entityKey user) name cost return () Nothing -> do status badRequest400 status ok200 ) signInAction :: Text -> ActionM () signInAction login = if isValid (TE.encodeUtf8 login) then do maybeUser <- liftIO . runDb $ getUser login maybeHost <- fmap TE.decodeUtf8 . requestHeaderHost <$> request case (maybeUser, maybeHost) of (Just _, Just host) -> do token <- liftIO . runDb $ createSignInToken login let url = T.concat ["http://", host ,"/validateSignIn?token=", token] let mail = Mail [login] "Sign in" url url maybeSentMail <- liftIO . sendMail $ mail case maybeSentMail of Right _ -> status ok200 Left _ -> errorResponse "Sorry, we failed to send you the sign up email." _ -> errorResponse "You are not authorized to sign in." else errorResponse "Please enter a valid email address." validateSignInAction :: Text -> ActionM () validateSignInAction token = do maybeSignIn <- liftIO . runDb $ getSignInToken token now <- liftIO getCurrentTime case maybeSignIn of Just signIn -> if signInIsUsed . entityVal $ signIn then redirectError "The token has already been used." else let diffTime = now `diffUTCTime` (signInCreation . entityVal $ signIn) in if diffTime > 2 * 60 -- 2 minutes then redirectError "The token has expired." else do LoginSession.put (signInEmail . entityVal $ signIn) liftIO . runDb . signInTokenToUsed . entityKey $ signIn redirect "/" Nothing -> redirectError "The token is invalid." redirectError :: Text -> ActionM () redirectError msg = redirect . TL.fromStrict . T.concat $ ["/?signInError=", msg] signOutAction :: ActionM () signOutAction = do LoginSession.delete status ok200 errorResponse :: Text -> ActionM () errorResponse msg = do status badRequest400 json (Message msg)