module Display where import List import Graphics.Collage (..) import Graphics.Element (Element) import Color (..) import Text (..) import Text import Html (..) import Html.Attributes (..) import Html.Attributes as A import Json.Encode (string) import Vec2 (Vec2) import Player (..) import Game (Game) import Point (..) import Board (boardSize) import Config (..) display : Game -> Html display game = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "cAtchVoid" ] , div [ id "game" ] [ fromElement << displayGame <| game ] , p [] [ text "Catch the points of your color, avoid the other points." ] , p [] [ text "Use the arrow keys to move and 'e' to change your color." ] , a [ href "" ] [ img [ [ ("position", "absolute") , ("top", "0") , ("right", "0") , ("border", "0") ] , src "" , alt "Fork me on GitHub" , property "data-canonical-src" (string "") ] [] ] ] displayGame : Game -> Element displayGame {time, score, player, cloud, bestScore} = let whitePointForms = (pointForm time (configColor White)) (cloud.points White) blackPointForms = (pointForm time (configColor Black)) (cloud.points Black) forms = boardForms ++ playerForms player ++ whitePointForms ++ blackPointForms ++ scoreForms score ++ bestScoreForms bestScore in collage (truncate boardSize.x) (truncate boardSize.y) forms boardForms : List Form boardForms = [filled boardColor (rect boardSize.x boardSize.y)] boardColor : Color boardColor = rgb 103 123 244 playerForms : Player -> List Form playerForms player = let playerColor = configColor player.config in [circleForm player.pos playerSize playerColor] playerColor : Color playerColor = rgb 224 224 224 pointForm : Float -> Color -> Point -> Form pointForm time color point = let pos = pointMove point time in circleForm pos pointSize color configColor : Config -> Color configColor config = case config of White -> rgb 240 240 240 Black -> rgb 14 17 33 circleForm : Vec2 -> Float -> Color -> Form circleForm pos size color = let outline = circle size |> filled outlineColor inside = circle (size - 1) |> filled color in group [outline, inside] |> move (pos.x, pos.y) outlineColor : Color outlineColor = rgb 34 34 34 scoreForms : Int -> List Form scoreForms score = let text = (toString score) scorePos = { x = 0.0, y = boardSize.y / 2 - 30 } in [textForm text scorePos centered] bestScoreForms : Int -> List Form bestScoreForms bestScore = if(bestScore > 0) then let text = "Record: " ++ (toString bestScore) pos = { x = -boardSize.x / 2 + 100 , y = -boardSize.y / 2 + 30 } in [textForm text pos leftAligned] else [] textForm : String -> Vec2 -> (Text -> Element) -> Form textForm content pos alignment = let textElement = fromString content |> Text.height 30 |> typeface ["calibri", "arial"] |> Text.color textColor |> bold |> alignment in textElement |> toForm |> move (pos.x, pos.y) textColor : Color textColor = rgb 14 17 33