module View.Page ( pageView ) where import List import Html (..) import Html.Attributes (..) import Html.Attributes as A import Json.Encode (string) import Model.Game (Game) import View.Game (gameView) pageView : Game -> Html pageView game = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "cAtchVoid" ] , div [ id "game" ] [ fromElement <| gameView game ] , p [] [ text "Catch the points of your color, avoid the other points." ] , p [] [ text "Use the arrow keys to move and 'e' to change your color." ] , ( if List.isEmpty game.scores then div [ class "bestScore" ] [] else let bestScore = List.maximum game.scores in p [ class "bestScore isDefined" ] [ text <| "Best score: " ++ (toString bestScore) ] ) , a [ href "" ] [ img [ [ ("position", "absolute") , ("top", "0") , ("right", "0") , ("border", "0") ] , src "" , alt "Fork me on GitHub" , property "data-canonical-src" (string "") ] [] ] ]