Event ===== Notify by email if there are any event today or next week. This program has to be launched everyday, with cron for example. Required dependencies --------------------- - `cabal2nix` - `nix-shell` - `cabal-install` Usage ----- ``` cabal2nix --shell . > shell.nix nix-shell -I ~ --command 'cabal configure' cabal run ``` Events ------ ``` [January] 30, 1955: Henry Brown [May] # Comment 08, 1980: Alexander Khan 16, 2003: Wedding [August] 02, 1976: Violet Koval 02, 1976: Jude Martinez [October] 23, 1982: Katie Clarke ``` Mail Notification example ------------------------- ### Subject “Hey, there are 3 events today and there will be 2 events next week!” ### Body “Today, Katie Clarke is 19 years old, Henry Brown is 34 years old and Alexander Khan is 22 years old. Next week, Violet Koval will be 65 years old on thirsday and Jude Martinez will be 12 years old on friday.”