import { h } from 'lib/h' import * as Button from 'lib/button' import * as ContextMenu from 'lib/contextMenu' import * as Layout from 'lib/layout' import * as Modal from 'lib/modal' import * as Marker from 'marker' const L = window.L let map export function view() { // let state = ref (state_from_hash ()) in // let map = ref None in // let markers = Leaflet.feature_group [| |] in window.setTimeout(() => map = getMap(), 0) return element() } function element(): Element { return h('div', { className: 'g-Layout__Page' }, h('div', { className: 'g-Layout__Header' }, h('a', { className: 'g-Layout__Home', href: '#' }, 'Map' ), Layout.line( { className: 'g-Layout__HeaderImportExport' }, h('input', { id: 'g-Header__ImportInput', type: 'file', onchange: () => { // match !map with // | Some map -> // let reader = File.reader () in // let () = Element.add_event_listener reader 'load' (fun _ -> // let str = File.result reader in // let new_state = State.from_dicts (CSV.to_dicts (CSV.parse str)) in // let () = History.push_state '' '' ('#' ^ State.to_url_string new_state) () in // reload_from_hash state map markers true) // in // File.read_as_text reader ( // Js.Array.unsafe_get (Element.files ( e)) 0) // | _ -> // ()) } } ), h('label', { for: 'g-Header__ImportInput', className: 'g-Button__Text' }, 'Import' ), Button.text({}, 'Export') // { onclick: () => 'map.csv' (State.to_csv_string !state)) |] ) ) , h('div', { className: 'g-Map' }, h('div', { id: 'g-Map__Content' }) ) ) } function getMap(): object { const map ='g-Map__Content', { center: [51.505, -0.09], zoom: 13, attributionControl: false }) // map.addLayer(markers) map.addLayer(L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png')) // (* Init markers from url *) // let () = reload_from_hash state map markers true in // (* Reload the map if the URL changes *) // let () = Element.add_event_listener Window.window 'popstate' (fun _ -> // reload_from_hash state map markers true) // in // Context menu map.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => { e.originalEvent, [ { label: 'Add a marker', action: () => { const pos = e.latlng const marker = { pos, name: '', color: '#3F92CF', icon: '' } const colors: string[] = [] const add_marker = (name: string, color: string, icon: string) => { console.log('adding marker…') // let new_marker = { State.pos = pos; name = name; color = color; icon = icon } in // let new_state = State.update !state pos new_marker in // let () = History.push_state '' '' ('#' ^ State.to_url_string new_state) () in // reload_from_hash state map markers false } // let marker = // match State.last_added !state with // | Some m -> { m with pos = pos; name = '' } // | _ -> { pos = pos; name = ''; color = '#3f92cf'; icon = '' } // in // let colors = State.colors !state in add_marker, colors,, marker.color, marker.icon )) } } ] ) }) return map }