Dividat since 2019
Prevent falls with technology-based training therapy which promotes autonomous mobility and functional independence in old age, after an accident or illness.
- Elm
- Scala
- Nix
- Python
- Ocaml
- Rust
- PostgreSQL
Zengularity for 5 years
Web Oriented Architecture (WOA) for information systems :
- Training platform for the unemployed in Seine-Saint-Denis.
- File house insurance claims for Saretec.
- Unit and automatic franking of Colissimo labels for La Poste.
- Participant’s pages for the Mutuelle Nationale Territoriale (MNT).
- Food sample analysis with results visualization for Adisseo.
- Scala
- Scala.js
- Elm
- Akka
- Play!
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- ElasticSearch
IRISA Rennes for 5 months
Scalable query-based faceted search for guided and expressive search on the semantic web.
- Semantic Web
- Scala
- Java
- LaTeX
- Jena
Mission Critical IT for 3 months
Guided querying and edition of semantic web information.
- Semantic Web
- Mercury
Educational background
Master of Science Computer Science at INSA Rennes
- Language
- System
- Network
Master of Research Computer Science at University of Rennes I
- Machine learning
- Modelisation
- Data indexation
Technical lead
- Create tasks and subtasks from functional needs.
- Optimise task order for the development team.
- Program with functional languages (Haskell, Scala, Elm).
- Build web applications (HTTP protocol; HTML, CSS, Javascript and JSON languages).
- Interact with data (SQL, MongoDB, SPARQL).
- Work with versioning (Git).
- Review code and test functionalities.
- Write bash and Python scripts.
- Conduct a bibliographic research.
- Build a prototype and experiment from it.
- Analyse the results from an experimentation and check the hypotheses.
- Present a research study through an article and a slideshow (LaTeX).
- Tune my workstation (NixOS, i3, bépo keyboard layout).
- Create video games (SDL, Elm).