from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore from typing import List import todo.gui.tasks.dialog from todo.model.status import Status from todo.model.task import Task, ValidTaskForm from todo.model.tag import Tag def open(table: QtWidgets.QTableWidget, status: Status, update_task_signal, position): rows = set([index.row() for index in table.selectedIndexes()]) menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(table) if len(rows) == 1: modify_action = menu.addAction(todo.gui.icon.dialog_open(, "Modifier") else: modify_action = QtWidgets.QAction(menu) delete_action = menu.addAction(todo.gui.icon.trash(, "Supprimer") if status != Status.READY: move_to_ready = menu.addAction(todo.gui.icon.task_ready(, "Mettre à prêt") else: move_to_ready = QtWidgets.QAction(menu) if status != Status.WAITING: move_to_waiting = menu.addAction(todo.gui.icon.task_waiting(, "Mettre en attente") else: move_to_waiting = QtWidgets.QAction(menu) if status != Status.MAYBE: move_to_maybe = menu.addAction(todo.gui.icon.task_maybe(, "Mettre à peut-être") else: move_to_maybe = QtWidgets.QAction(menu) action = menu.exec_(table.mapToGlobal(position + QtCore.QPoint(15, 20))) if action == modify_action and len(rows) == 1: row = list(rows)[0] (task, tags) = table.get_at(row) todo.gui.tasks.dialog.update(table, update_task_signal, row, task, tags).exec_() elif action == delete_action and len(rows) > 0: todo.gui.tasks.dialog.confirm_delete(table, rows, lambda: table.delete_rows(rows)) elif action == move_to_ready: table.update_status(rows, Status.READY) elif action == move_to_waiting: table.update_status(rows, Status.WAITING) elif action == move_to_maybe: table.update_status(rows, Status.MAYBE)