path: root/server/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/src')
72 files changed, 0 insertions, 3687 deletions
diff --git a/server/src/Conf.hs b/server/src/Conf.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ca19c8d..0000000
--- a/server/src/Conf.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module Conf
- ( get
- , Conf(..)
- ) where
-import qualified Data.ConfigManager as Conf
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
-import Common.Model (Currency (..))
-data Conf = Conf
- { hostname :: Text
- , port :: Int
- , signInExpiration :: NominalDiffTime
- , currency :: Currency
- , noReplyMail :: Text
- , https :: Bool
- , devMode :: Bool
- } deriving Show
-get :: FilePath -> IO Conf
-get path = do
- conf <-
- (flip fmap) (Conf.readConfig path) (\configOrError -> do
- conf <- configOrError
- Conf <$>
- Conf.lookup "hostname" conf <*>
- Conf.lookup "port" conf <*>
- Conf.lookup "signInExpiration" conf <*>
- fmap Currency (Conf.lookup "currency" conf) <*>
- Conf.lookup "noReplyMail" conf <*>
- Conf.lookup "https" conf <*>
- Conf.lookup "devMode" conf
- )
- case conf of
- Left msg -> error (T.unpack msg)
- Right c -> return c
diff --git a/server/src/Controller/Category.hs b/server/src/Controller/Category.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 371ba78..0000000
--- a/server/src/Controller/Category.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-module Controller.Category
- ( listAll
- , list
- , create
- , edit
- , delete
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-import Data.Validation (Validation (..))
-import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (badRequest400, ok200)
-import Web.Scotty hiding (delete)
-import Common.Model (CategoryId, CategoryPage (..),
- CreateCategoryForm (..),
- EditCategoryForm (..))
-import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
-import qualified Controller.Helper as ControllerHelper
-import Model.CreateCategory (CreateCategory (..))
-import Model.EditCategory (EditCategory (..))
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Persistence.Category as CategoryPersistence
-import qualified Persistence.Payment as PaymentPersistence
-import qualified Secure
-import qualified Validation.Category as CategoryValidation
-listAll :: ActionM ()
-listAll =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ CategoryPersistence.listAll) >>= json
- )
-list :: Int -> Int -> ActionM ()
-list page perPage =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- categories <- CategoryPersistence.list page perPage
- usedCategories <- PaymentPersistence.usedCategories
- count <- CategoryPersistence.count
- return $ CategoryPage page categories usedCategories count
- ) >>= json
- )
-create :: CreateCategoryForm -> ActionM ()
-create form =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- case CategoryValidation.createCategory form of
- Success (CreateCategory name color) -> do
- Right <$> (CategoryPersistence.create name color)
- Failure validationError ->
- return $ Left validationError
- ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest
- )
-edit :: EditCategoryForm -> ActionM ()
-edit form =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- case CategoryValidation.editCategory form of
- Success (EditCategory categoryId name color) ->
- do
- isSuccess <- CategoryPersistence.edit categoryId name color
- return $ if isSuccess then
- Right ()
- else
- Left $ Msg.get Msg.Error_CategoryEdit
- Failure validationError ->
- return $ Left validationError
- ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest
- )
-delete :: CategoryId -> ActionM ()
-delete categoryId =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do
- deleted <- liftIO . Query.run $ do
- CategoryPersistence.delete categoryId
- if deleted
- then
- status ok200
- else do
- status badRequest400
- text . TL.fromStrict $ Msg.get Msg.Category_NotDeleted
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Controller/Helper.hs b/server/src/Controller/Helper.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index dc9cbc4..0000000
--- a/server/src/Controller/Helper.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module Controller.Helper
- ( okOrBadRequest
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status
-import Web.Scotty (ActionM)
-import qualified Web.Scotty as S
-okOrBadRequest :: Either Text () -> ActionM ()
-okOrBadRequest (Left message) = do
- S.status Status.badRequest400
- S.text (LT.fromStrict message)
-okOrBadRequest (Right ()) =
- S.status Status.ok200
diff --git a/server/src/Controller/Income.hs b/server/src/Controller/Income.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ccbbc..0000000
--- a/server/src/Controller/Income.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-module Controller.Income
- ( list
- , create
- , edit
- , delete
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
-import Data.Validation (Validation (..))
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status
-import Web.Scotty hiding (delete)
-import Common.Model (CreateIncomeForm (..),
- EditIncomeForm (..),
- IncomeHeader (..), IncomeId,
- IncomePage (..), User (..))
-import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
-import qualified Controller.Helper as ControllerHelper
-import Model.CreateIncome (CreateIncome (..))
-import Model.EditIncome (EditIncome (..))
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Persistence.Income as IncomePersistence
-import qualified Persistence.Payment as PaymentPersistence
-import qualified Persistence.User as UserPersistence
-import qualified Secure
-import qualified Validation.Income as IncomeValidation
-list :: Int -> Int -> ActionM ()
-list page perPage =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do
- currentTime <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- count <- IncomePersistence.count
- users <- UserPersistence.list
- let userIds = _user_id <$> users
- paymentRange <- PaymentPersistence.getRange
- incomeDefinedForAll <- IncomePersistence.definedForAll userIds
- let since = max <$> (fst <$> paymentRange) <*> incomeDefinedForAll
- cumulativeIncome <-
- case since of
- Just s -> IncomePersistence.getCumulativeIncome s (Clock.utctDay currentTime)
- Nothing -> return M.empty
- incomes <- IncomePersistence.list page perPage
- return $ IncomePage page (IncomeHeader since cumulativeIncome) incomes count) >>= json
- )
-create :: CreateIncomeForm -> ActionM ()
-create form =
- Secure.loggedAction (\user ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- case IncomeValidation.createIncome form of
- Success (CreateIncome amount date) -> do
- Right <$> (IncomePersistence.create (_user_id user) date amount)
- Failure validationError ->
- return $ Left validationError
- ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest
- )
-edit :: EditIncomeForm -> ActionM ()
-edit form =
- Secure.loggedAction (\user ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- case IncomeValidation.editIncome form of
- Success (EditIncome incomeId amount date) ->
- do
- isSuccess <- IncomePersistence.edit (_user_id user) incomeId date amount
- return $ if isSuccess then
- Right ()
- else
- Left $ Msg.get Msg.Error_IncomeEdit
- Failure validationError ->
- return $ Left validationError
- ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest
- )
-delete :: IncomeId -> ActionM ()
-delete incomeId =
- Secure.loggedAction (\user -> do
- _ <- liftIO . Query.run $ IncomePersistence.delete (_user_id user) incomeId
- status Status.ok200
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Controller/Index.hs b/server/src/Controller/Index.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f4ae77..0000000
--- a/server/src/Controller/Index.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-module Controller.Index
- ( get
- , signIn
- , signOut
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-import Data.Validation (Validation (..))
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status
-import Prelude hiding (error, init)
-import Web.Scotty (ActionM)
-import qualified Web.Scotty as S
-import Common.Model (Init (..), SignInForm (..),
- User (..))
-import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
-import Conf (Conf (..))
-import qualified LoginSession
-import Model.Query (Query)
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import Model.SignIn (SignIn (..))
-import qualified Persistence.User as UserPersistence
-import qualified Validation.SignIn as SignInValidation
-import View.Page (page)
-get :: Conf -> ActionM ()
-get conf = do
- init <- do
- mbToken <- LoginSession.get
- case mbToken of
- Nothing ->
- return Nothing
- Just token -> do
- liftIO . Query.run $ getInit conf token
- S.html $ page init
-signIn :: Conf -> SignInForm -> ActionM ()
-signIn conf form =
- case SignInValidation.signIn form of
- Failure _ ->
- textKey Status.badRequest400 Msg.SignIn_InvalidCredentials
- Success (SignIn email password) -> do
- result <- liftIO . Query.run $ do
- isPasswordValid <- UserPersistence.checkPassword email password
- if isPasswordValid then
- do
- signInToken <- UserPersistence.createSignInToken email
- init <- getInit conf signInToken
- return $ Just (signInToken, init)
- else
- return Nothing
- case result of
- Just (signInToken, init) -> do
- LoginSession.put conf signInToken
- S.json init
- Nothing ->
- textKey Status.badRequest400 Msg.SignIn_InvalidCredentials
- where textKey st key = S.status st >> (S.text . TL.fromStrict $ Msg.get key)
-getInit :: Conf -> Text -> Query (Maybe Init)
-getInit conf signInToken = do
- user <- UserPersistence.get signInToken
- case user of
- Just u ->
- do
- users <- UserPersistence.list
- return . Just $ Init users (_user_id u) (Conf.currency conf)
- Nothing ->
- return Nothing
-signOut :: Conf -> ActionM ()
-signOut conf = LoginSession.delete conf >> S.status Status.ok200
diff --git a/server/src/Controller/Payment.hs b/server/src/Controller/Payment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb4d54..0000000
--- a/server/src/Controller/Payment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-module Controller.Payment
- ( list
- , create
- , edit
- , delete
- , searchCategory
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
-import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Calendar
-import Data.Validation (Validation (Failure, Success))
-import Web.Scotty (ActionM)
-import qualified Web.Scotty as S
-import Common.Model (Category (..), CreatePaymentForm (..),
- EditPaymentForm (..), Frequency,
- PaymentHeader (..), PaymentId,
- PaymentPage (..), User (..))
-import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
-import qualified Controller.Helper as ControllerHelper
-import Model.CreatePayment (CreatePayment (..))
-import Model.EditPayment (EditPayment (..))
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Payer as Payer
-import qualified Persistence.Category as CategoryPersistence
-import qualified Persistence.Income as IncomePersistence
-import qualified Persistence.Payment as PaymentPersistence
-import qualified Persistence.User as UserPersistence
-import qualified Secure
-import qualified Validation.Payment as PaymentValidation
-list :: Frequency -> Int -> Int -> Text -> ActionM ()
-list frequency page perPage search =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do
- currentUtctDay <- liftIO $ Clock.utctDay <$> Clock.getCurrentTime
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- count <- PaymentPersistence.count frequency search
- payments <- PaymentPersistence.listActivePage frequency page perPage search
- users <- UserPersistence.list
- paymentRange <- PaymentPersistence.getRange
- incomeDefinedForAll <- IncomePersistence.definedForAll (_user_id <$> users)
- cumulativeIncome <-
- case (incomeDefinedForAll, paymentRange) of
- (Just incomeStart, Just (paymentStart, _)) ->
- IncomePersistence.getCumulativeIncome (max incomeStart paymentStart) currentUtctDay
- _ ->
- return M.empty
- searchRepartition <-
- case paymentRange of
- Just (from, to) ->
- PaymentPersistence.repartition frequency search from (Calendar.addDays 1 to)
- Nothing ->
- return M.empty
- (preIncomeRepartition, postIncomeRepartition) <-
- PaymentPersistence.getPreAndPostPaymentRepartition paymentRange users
- let exceedingPayers = Payer.getExceedingPayers users cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition
- header = PaymentHeader
- { _paymentHeader_exceedingPayers = exceedingPayers
- , _paymentHeader_repartition = searchRepartition
- }
- return $ PaymentPage page frequency header payments count) >>= S.json
- )
-create :: CreatePaymentForm -> ActionM ()
-create form =
- Secure.loggedAction (\user ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- cs <- map _category_id <$> CategoryPersistence.listAll
- case PaymentValidation.createPayment cs form of
- Success (CreatePayment name cost date category frequency) ->
- Right <$> PaymentPersistence.create (_user_id user) name cost date category frequency
- Failure validationError ->
- return $ Left validationError
- ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest
- )
-edit :: EditPaymentForm -> ActionM ()
-edit form =
- Secure.loggedAction (\user ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ do
- cs <- map _category_id <$> CategoryPersistence.listAll
- case PaymentValidation.editPayment cs form of
- Success (EditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency) -> do
- isSuccess <- PaymentPersistence.edit (_user_id user) paymentId name cost date category frequency
- return $ if isSuccess then
- Right ()
- else
- Left $ Msg.get Msg.Error_PaymentEdit
- Failure validationError ->
- return $ Left validationError
- ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest
- )
-delete :: PaymentId -> ActionM ()
-delete paymentId =
- Secure.loggedAction (\user ->
- liftIO . Query.run $ PaymentPersistence.delete (_user_id user) paymentId
- )
-searchCategory :: Text -> ActionM ()
-searchCategory paymentName =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do
- (liftIO $ Query.run (PaymentPersistence.searchCategory paymentName))
- >>= S.json
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Controller/Statistics.hs b/server/src/Controller/Statistics.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 500c93c..0000000
--- a/server/src/Controller/Statistics.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module Controller.Statistics
- ( paymentsAndIncomes
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import Web.Scotty (ActionM)
-import qualified Web.Scotty as S
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Persistence.Income as IncomePersistence
-import qualified Persistence.Payment as PaymentPersistence
-import qualified Secure
-import qualified Statistics
-paymentsAndIncomes :: ActionM ()
-paymentsAndIncomes =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do
- payments <- liftIO $ Query.run PaymentPersistence.listAllPunctual
- incomes <- liftIO $ Query.run IncomePersistence.listAll
- S.json (Statistics.paymentsAndIncomes payments incomes)
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Controller/User.hs b/server/src/Controller/User.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a7bb136..0000000
--- a/server/src/Controller/User.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module Controller.User
- ( list
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import Web.Scotty (ActionM)
-import qualified Web.Scotty as S
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Persistence.User as UserPersistence
-import qualified Secure
-list :: ActionM ()
-list =
- Secure.loggedAction (\_ ->
- (liftIO . Query.run $ UserPersistence.list) >>= S.json
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Cookie.hs b/server/src/Cookie.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 00d73f2..0000000
--- a/server/src/Cookie.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-module Cookie
- ( makeSimpleCookie
- , setCookie
- , setSimpleCookie
- , getCookie
- , getCookies
- , deleteCookie
- ) where
-import Control.Monad (liftM)
-import qualified Data.Text as TS
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TS
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
-import Conf (Conf)
-import qualified Conf
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
-import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
-import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
-import Web.Cookie
-import Web.Scotty.Trans
-makeSimpleCookie :: Conf -> TS.Text -> TS.Text -> SetCookie
-makeSimpleCookie conf name value =
- def
- { setCookieName = TS.encodeUtf8 name
- , setCookieValue = TS.encodeUtf8 value
- , setCookiePath = Just $ TS.encodeUtf8 "/"
- , setCookieSecure = Conf.https conf
- , setCookieHttpOnly = True
- }
-setCookie :: (Monad m) => SetCookie -> ActionT e m ()
-setCookie name = addHeader "Set-Cookie" (TL.decodeUtf8 . toLazyByteString $ renderSetCookie name)
-setSimpleCookie :: (Monad m) => Conf -> TS.Text -> TS.Text -> ActionT e m ()
-setSimpleCookie conf name value = setCookie $ makeSimpleCookie conf name value
-getCookie :: (Monad m, ScottyError e) => TS.Text -> ActionT e m (Maybe TS.Text)
-getCookie name = liftM (Map.lookup name) getCookies
-getCookies :: (Monad m, ScottyError e) => ActionT e m (Map.Map TS.Text TS.Text)
-getCookies =
- liftM (Map.fromList . maybe [] parse) $ header "Cookie"
- where parse = parseCookiesText . BSL.toStrict . TL.encodeUtf8
-deleteCookie :: (Monad m) => Conf -> TS.Text -> ActionT e m ()
-deleteCookie conf name = setCookie $ (makeSimpleCookie conf name "") { setCookieExpires = Just $ posixSecondsToUTCTime 0 }
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Appearing.hs b/server/src/Design/Appearing.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 79b94b3..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Appearing.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Appearing
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-design :: Css
-design = do
- appearKeyframe
- ".g-Appearing" ? do
- appearAnimation
-appearAnimation :: Css
-appearAnimation = do
- animationName "appear"
- animationDuration (sec 0.2)
- animationTimingFunction easeIn
-appearKeyframe :: Css
-appearKeyframe = keyframes
- "appear"
- [ (0, "opacity" -: "0")
- ]
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Color.hs b/server/src/Design/Color.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e7f5aec..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Color.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Color where
-import Clay
-import qualified Clay.Color as C
-import Data.Text (Text)
--- http://chir.ag/projects/name-that-color/#969696
-white :: C.Color
-white = C.white
-black :: C.Color
-black = C.black
-chestnutRose :: C.Color
-chestnutRose = C.rgb 207 92 86
-unknown :: C.Color
-unknown = C.rgb 86 92 207
-mossGreen :: C.Color
-mossGreen = C.rgb 159 210 165
-gothic :: C.Color
-gothic = C.rgb 108 162 164
-negroni :: C.Color
-negroni = C.rgb 255 223 196
-wildSand :: C.Color
-wildSand = C.rgb 245 245 245
-silver :: C.Color
-silver = C.rgb 200 200 200
-dustyGray :: C.Color
-dustyGray = C.rgb 150 150 150
-toString :: C.Color -> Text
-toString = plain . unValue . value
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Constants.hs b/server/src/Design/Constants.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a3123d9..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Constants.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Constants where
-import Clay
-iconFontSize :: Size LengthUnit
-iconFontSize = px 32
-radius :: Size LengthUnit
-radius = px 3
-blockPadding :: Size LengthUnit
-blockPadding = px 15
-blockPercentWidth :: Double
-blockPercentWidth = 90
-blockPercentMargin :: Double
-blockPercentMargin = (100 - blockPercentWidth) / 2
-inputHeight :: Double
-inputHeight = 40
-focusLighten :: Color -> Color
-focusLighten baseColor = baseColor +. 20
-focusDarken :: Color -> Color
-focusDarken baseColor = baseColor -. 20
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Errors.hs b/server/src/Design/Errors.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f435eb..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Errors.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Errors
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import Design.Color as Color
-design :: Css
-design = do
- position fixed
- top (px 20)
- left (pct 50)
- "transform" -: "translateX(-50%)"
- margin (px 0) (px 0) (px 0) (px 0)
- disapearKeyframes
- ".error" ? do
- disapearAnimation
- let errorColor = Color.chestnutRose -. 15
- color errorColor
- border solid (px 2) errorColor
- backgroundColor Color.white
- borderRadius (px 5) (px 5) (px 5) (px 5)
- padding (px 5) (px 5) (px 5) (px 5)
- before & display none
-disapearAnimation :: Css
-disapearAnimation = do
- animationName "disapear"
- animationDelay (sec 5)
- animationDuration (sec 1)
- animationFillMode forwards
-disapearKeyframes :: Css
-disapearKeyframes = keyframes
- "disapear"
- [ ( 10
- , do
- opacity 0
- height (px 40)
- lineHeight (px 40)
- marginBottom (px 10)
- )
- , ( 100
- , do
- opacity 0
- height (px 0)
- lineHeight (px 0)
- marginBottom (px 0)
- )
- ]
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Form.hs b/server/src/Design/Form.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5713bfe..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Form.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Form
- ( design
- ) where
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-import Clay
-import Design.Color as Color
-design :: Css
-design = do
- let inputHeight = 30
- let inputTop = 22
- let inputPaddingBottom = 3
- ".textInput" ? do
- position relative
- marginBottom (em 2)
- paddingTop (px inputTop)
- marginTop (px (-10))
- input ? do
- width (pct 100)
- position relative
- backgroundColor transparent
- paddingBottom (px inputPaddingBottom)
- paddingRight (px 14) -- Space for the delete icon
- borderStyle none
- borderBottom solid (px 1) Color.dustyGray
- marginBottom (px 5)
- height (px inputHeight)
- lineHeight (px inputHeight)
- focus & do
- borderWidth (px 2)
- paddingBottom (px $ inputPaddingBottom - 1)
- ".label" ? do
- zIndex (-1)
- color Color.silver
- lineHeight (px inputHeight)
- position absolute
- top (px inputTop)
- left (px 0)
- transition "all" (sec 0.2) easeInOut (sec 0)
- button ? do
- position absolute
- right (px 0)
- top (px 27)
- svg ? "path" ?
- ("fill" -: Color.toString Color.silver)
- hover & svg ? "path" ?
- ("fill" -: Color.toString (Color.silver -. 25))
- (input # ".filled" |+ ".label") <> (input # focus |+ ".label") ? do
- top (px 0)
- fontSize (pct 80)
- ".error" & do
- input ? do
- borderBottomColor Color.chestnutRose
- ".errorMessage" ? do
- position absolute
- color Color.chestnutRose
- fontSize (pct 80)
- ".colorInput" ? do
- display flex
- alignItems center
- marginBottom (em 1.5)
- input ? do
- borderColor transparent
- backgroundColor transparent
- ".selectInput" ? do
- ".label" ? do
- color Color.silver
- display block
- marginBottom (px 10)
- fontSize (pct 80)
- select ? do
- width (pct 100)
- backgroundColor Color.white
- border solid (px 1) Color.silver
- sym borderRadius (px 3)
- sym2 padding (px 5) (px 8)
- option ? sym2 padding (px 5) (px 8)
- focus & backgroundColor Color.wildSand
- ".error" & do
- select ? borderColor Color.chestnutRose
- ".errorMessage" ? do
- color Color.chestnutRose
- fontSize (pct 80)
- marginTop (em 0.5)
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Global.hs b/server/src/Design/Global.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c67db7c..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Global.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Global
- ( globalDesign
- ) where
-import Clay
-import Clay.Color as C
-import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
-import qualified Design.Appearing as Appearing
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Errors as Errors
-import qualified Design.Form as Form
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-import qualified Design.Loadable as Loadable
-import qualified Design.Media as Media
-import qualified Design.Modal as Modal
-import qualified Design.Tooltip as Tooltip
-import qualified Design.Views as Views
-globalDesign :: Text
-globalDesign = renderWith compact [] global
-global :: Css
-global = do
- ".errors" ? Errors.design
- Appearing.design
- Modal.design
- ".tooltip" ? Tooltip.design
- Views.design
- Form.design
- Loadable.design
- spinKeyframes
- appearKeyframe
- html ? do
- height (pct 100)
- "g-Body--Modal" ?
- overflowY hidden
- body ? do
- position relative
- minWidth (px 320)
- height (pct 100)
- fontFamily ["Cantarell"] [sansSerif]
- Media.tablet $ do
- fontSize (px 15)
- button ? fontSize (px 15)
- input ? fontSize (px 15)
- Media.mobile $ do
- fontSize (px 14)
- button ? fontSize (px 14)
- input ? fontSize (px 14)
- ".app" ? do
- appearAnimation
- display flex
- height (pct 100)
- flexDirection column
- -- "main" ?
- -- appearAnimation
- ".pageSpinner" ? do
- display flex
- alignItems center
- justifyContent center
- flexGrow 1
- ".spinner" ? do
- display flex
- alignItems center
- justifyContent center
- width (pct 100)
- height (pct 100)
- paddingBottom (pct 10)
- before & do
- display block
- content (stringContent "")
- width (px 50)
- height (px 50)
- border solid (px 3) (C.setA 0.3 Color.chestnutRose)
- sym borderRadius (pct 50)
- borderTopColor Color.chestnutRose
- spinKeyframes
- spinAnimation
- a ? cursor pointer
- input ? fontSize inherit
- h1 ? do
- color Color.chestnutRose
- lineHeight (em 1.3)
- Media.desktop $ fontSize (px 24)
- Media.tablet $ fontSize (px 22)
- Media.mobile $ fontSize (px 20)
- ul ? do
- "margin-top" -: "1vh"
- "margin-bottom" -: "3vh"
- "margin-left" -: "1vh"
- li <? do
- "margin-bottom" -: "2vh"
- before & do
- content (stringContent "• ")
- color Color.chestnutRose
- "margin-right" -: "0.3vw"
- ul <? do
- "margin-left" -: "3vh"
- "margin-top" -: "2vh"
- ".dialog" ? ".content" ? button ? do
- ".confirm" & Helper.button Color.chestnutRose Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- ".undo" & Helper.button Color.silver Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- svg ? height (pct 100)
- button ? do
- position relative
- ".content" ? do
- display flex
- svg # ".loader" ? do
- display none
- position absolute
- ".waiting" & do
- ".content" ? do
- opacity 0
- svg # ".loader" ? do
- display block
- spinAnimation
- select ? cursor pointer
-spinAnimation :: Css
-spinAnimation = do
- animationName "rotate"
- animationDuration (sec 1)
- animationTimingFunction easeInOut
- animationIterationCount infinite
-spinKeyframes :: Css
-spinKeyframes = keyframes
- "rotate"
- [ (100, "transform" -: "rotate(360deg)")
- ]
-appearAnimation :: Css
-appearAnimation = do
- animationName "appear"
- animationDuration (sec 0.2)
- animationTimingFunction easeIn
-appearKeyframe :: Css
-appearKeyframe = keyframes
- "appear"
- [ (0, "opacity" -: "0")
- ]
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Helper.hs b/server/src/Design/Helper.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e586d56..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Helper.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Helper
- ( clearFix
- , button
- , centeredWithMargin
- , verticalCentering
- ) where
-import Prelude hiding (span)
-import Clay hiding (button)
-import Design.Constants
-clearFix :: Css
-clearFix =
- after & do
- content (stringContent "")
- display displayTable
- clear both
-button :: Color -> Color -> Size a -> (Color -> Color) -> Css
-button backgroundCol textCol h focusOp = do
- display flex
- alignItems center
- justifyContent center
- backgroundColor backgroundCol
- padding (px 0) (px 10) (px 0) (px 10)
- color textCol
- borderRadius radius radius radius radius
- verticalAlign middle
- cursor pointer
- lineHeight h
- height h
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- hover & backgroundColor (focusOp backgroundCol)
- focus & backgroundColor (focusOp backgroundCol)
-centeredWithMargin :: Css
-centeredWithMargin = do
- width (pct blockPercentWidth)
- marginLeft auto
- marginRight auto
-verticalCentering :: Css
-verticalCentering = do
- position absolute
- top (pct 50)
- "transform" -: "translateY(-50%)"
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Loadable.hs b/server/src/Design/Loadable.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b13f2d..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Loadable.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Loadable
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-design :: Css
-design = do
- ".g-Loadable" ? do
- position relative
- width (pct 100)
- height (pct 100)
- ".g-Loadable__Spinner" ? do
- position absolute
- top (px 0)
- left (px 0)
- width (pct 100)
- height (pct 100)
- display none
- ".g-Loadable__Spinner--Loading" ? do
- display block
- ".g-Loadable__Content" ?
- transition "opacity" (sec 0.4) ease (sec 0)
- ".g-Loadable__Content--Loading" ?
- opacity 0.5
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Media.hs b/server/src/Design/Media.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 19a3b8c..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Media.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Media
- ( mobile
- , mobileTablet
- , tablet
- , tabletDesktop
- , desktop
- ) where
-import Clay hiding (query)
-import qualified Clay
-import qualified Clay.Media as Media
-import Clay.Stylesheet (Feature)
-mobile :: Css -> Css
-mobile = query [Media.maxWidth mobileTabletLimit]
-mobileTablet :: Css -> Css
-mobileTablet = query [Media.maxWidth tabletDesktopLimit]
-tablet :: Css -> Css
-tablet = query [Media.minWidth mobileTabletLimit, Media.maxWidth tabletDesktopLimit]
-tabletDesktop :: Css -> Css
-tabletDesktop = query [Media.minWidth mobileTabletLimit]
-desktop :: Css -> Css
-desktop = query [Media.minWidth tabletDesktopLimit]
-query :: [Feature] -> Css -> Css
-query = Clay.query Media.screen
-mobileTabletLimit :: Size LengthUnit
-mobileTabletLimit = (px 520)
-tabletDesktopLimit :: Size LengthUnit
-tabletDesktopLimit = (px 950)
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Modal.hs b/server/src/Design/Modal.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1195e10..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Modal.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Modal
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-import qualified Design.View.Payment.Form as Form
-design :: Css
-design = do
- appearKeyframe
- ".g-Modal" ? do
- display none
- appearAnimation
- transition "all" (sec 0.2) ease (sec 0)
- opacity 0
- ".g-Modal--Show" & do
- display block
- opacity 1
- ".g-Modal--Hiding" & do
- display block
- ".g-Modal__Curtain" ? do
- position fixed
- top (px 0)
- left (px 0)
- width (pct 100)
- height (pct 100)
- backgroundColor (rgba 0 0 0 0.6)
- zIndex 1
- ".g-Modal__Content" ? do
- minWidth (px 300)
- position fixed
- top (pct 25)
- left (pct 50)
- "transform" -: "translate(-50%, -25%)"
- zIndex 1
- backgroundColor white
- sym borderRadius (px 5)
- boxShadow . pure . bsColor (rgba 0 0 0 0.5) $ shadowWithBlur (px 0) (px 0) (px 15)
- ".form" ? Form.design
- ".paymentModal" & do
- ".radioGroup" ? ".title" ? display none
- ".selectInput" ? do
- select ? width (pct 100)
- marginBottom (em 1)
- ".deletePaymentModal" <> ".deleteIncomeModal" ? do
- h1 ? marginBottom (em 1.5)
-appearAnimation :: Css
-appearAnimation = do
- animationName "appear"
- animationDuration (sec 0.15)
- animationTimingFunction easeIn
-appearKeyframe :: Css
-appearKeyframe = keyframes
- "appear"
- [ (0, "opacity" -: "0")
- ]
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Tooltip.hs b/server/src/Design/Tooltip.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index eef804e..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Tooltip.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Tooltip
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import Design.Color as Color
-design :: Css
-design = do
- backgroundColor Color.mossGreen
- borderRadius (px 5) (px 5) (px 5) (px 5)
- padding (px 5) (px 5) (px 5) (px 5)
- color Color.white
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/ConfirmDialog.hs b/server/src/Design/View/ConfirmDialog.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 410d4d8..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/ConfirmDialog.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.ConfirmDialog
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-design :: Css
-design = do
- ".confirm" ? do
- ".confirmHeader" ? do
- backgroundColor Color.chestnutRose
- fontSize (px 18)
- color Color.white
- sym padding (px 20)
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- borderRadius (px 5) (px 5) (px 0) (px 0)
- ".confirmContent" ? do
- sym padding (px 20)
- ".buttons" ? do
- display flex
- justifyContent spaceAround
- marginTop (em 1.5)
- ".confirm" ?
- Helper.button Color.chestnutRose Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- ".undo" ?
- Helper.button Color.silver Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- (".confirm" <> ".undo") ?
- width (px 90)
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Header.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Header.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad0455..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Header.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Header
- ( design
- ) where
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-import Clay
-import Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Media as Media
-desktopLineHeight :: Double
-desktopLineHeight = 80
-tabletLineHeight :: Double
-tabletLineHeight = 60
-mobileLineHeight :: Double
-mobileLineHeight = 40
-design :: Css
-design = do
- display flex
- "flex-wrap" -: "wrap"
- position relative
- backgroundColor Color.chestnutRose
- color Color.white
- Media.desktop $ do
- minHeight (px desktopLineHeight)
- lineHeight (px desktopLineHeight)
- marginBottom (em 3)
- Media.tablet $ do
- minHeight (px (tabletLineHeight * 2))
- lineHeight (px tabletLineHeight)
- marginBottom (em 2)
- Media.mobile $ do
- minHeight (px (mobileLineHeight * 2))
- lineHeight (px mobileLineHeight)
- marginBottom (em 1.5)
- ".title" <> ".item" ? do
- Media.tabletDesktop $ sym2 padding (px 0) (px 20)
- Media.mobile $ sym2 padding (px 0) (px 10)
- ".title" ? do
- textAlign (alignSide sideLeft)
- Media.desktop $ do
- fontSize (px 35)
- display inlineBlock
- Media.tablet $ do
- fontSize (px 28)
- display inlineBlock
- width (pct 100)
- Media.mobile $ do
- fontSize (px 22)
- width (pct 100)
- ".item" ? do
- display inlineBlock
- transition "background-color" (ms 50) easeIn (sec 0)
- ".current" & backgroundColor (Color.chestnutRose -. 20)
- Media.mobile $ fontSize (px 13)
- (".item" # hover) <> (".item" # focus) ?
- backgroundColor (Color.chestnutRose +. 10)
- (".item.current" # hover) <> (".item.current" # focus) ?
- backgroundColor (Color.chestnutRose -. 10)
- ".nameSignOut" ? do
- display flex
- position absolute
- top (px 0)
- right (px 0)
- Media.desktop $ height (px desktopLineHeight)
- Media.tablet $ height (px tabletLineHeight)
- Media.mobile $ height (px mobileLineHeight)
- ".name" ? do
- Media.mobile $ display none
- Media.tabletDesktop $ sym2 padding (px 0) (px 20)
- ".signOut" ? do
- display flex
- justifyContent center
- alignItems center
- svg ? do
- Media.tabletDesktop $ width (px 30)
- Media.mobile $ width (px 20)
- "path" ? ("fill" -: "white")
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/NotFound.hs b/server/src/Design/View/NotFound.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 150c6fc..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/NotFound.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.NotFound
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import Prelude hiding (rem)
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-design :: Css
-design = do
- marginLeft (rem 3)
- ".link" ? do
- display block
- marginTop (rem 1)
- color Color.chestnutRose
- textDecoration underline
- hover &
- color (Color.chestnutRose +. 15)
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Pages.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Pages.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1482ef4..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Pages.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Pages
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-import qualified Design.Media as Media
-design :: Css
-design =
- ".pages" ? do
- display flex
- justifyContent center
- Media.desktop $ do
- padding (px 40) (px 30) (px 30) (px 30)
- Media.tablet $ do
- padding (px 30) (px 30) (px 30) (px 30)
- Media.mobile $ do
- padding (px 20) (px 0) (px 20) (px 0)
- lineHeight (px 40)
- svg ? "path" ? ("fill" -: Color.toString Color.dustyGray)
- ".page" ? do
- display inlineBlock
- fontWeight bold
- Media.desktop $ do
- Helper.button Color.white Color.dustyGray (px 50) Constants.focusDarken
- Media.tabletDesktop $ do
- border solid (px 2) Color.dustyGray
- marginRight (px 10)
- Media.tablet $ do
- Helper.button Color.white Color.dustyGray (px 40) Constants.focusDarken
- fontSize (px 15)
- Media.mobile $ do
- Helper.button Color.white Color.dustyGray (px 30) Constants.focusDarken
- fontSize (px 12)
- border solid (px 1) Color.dustyGray
- marginRight (px 5)
- ":not(.current)" & cursor pointer
- ".current" & do
- borderColor Color.chestnutRose
- color Color.chestnutRose
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Payment.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Payment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 94e4f85..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Payment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Payment
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.View.Payment.HeaderForm as HeaderForm
-import qualified Design.View.Payment.HeaderInfos as HeaderInfos
-design :: Css
-design = do
- HeaderForm.design
- HeaderInfos.design
- ".g-Payment__Refund" ? color Color.mossGreen
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/Add.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Payment/Add.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ecae7a..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/Add.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Payment.Add
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-design :: Css
-design = do
- ".addHeader" ? do
- backgroundColor Color.chestnutRose
- fontSize (px 18)
- color Color.white
- sym2 padding (px 20) (px 30)
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- borderRadius (px 5) (px 5) (px 0) (px 0)
- ".addContent" ? do
- sym2 padding (px 20) (px 30)
- ".buttons" ? do
- display flex
- justifyContent spaceAround
- marginTop (em 1.5)
- ".confirm" ?
- Helper.button Color.chestnutRose Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- ".undo" ?
- Helper.button Color.silver Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- (".confirm" <> ".undo") ?
- width (px 90)
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/Form.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Payment/Form.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index aada12b..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/Form.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Payment.Form
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-design :: Css
-design = do
- ".formHeader" ? do
- backgroundColor Color.chestnutRose
- fontSize (px 18)
- color Color.white
- sym2 padding (px 20) (px 30)
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- borderRadius (px 5) (px 5) (px 0) (px 0)
- ".formContent" ? do
- sym2 padding (px 20) (px 30)
- ".buttons" ? do
- display flex
- justifyContent spaceAround
- marginTop (em 1.5)
- ".confirm" ?
- Helper.button Color.chestnutRose Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- ".undo" ?
- Helper.button Color.silver Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- (".confirm" <> ".undo") ?
- width (px 90)
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/HeaderForm.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Payment/HeaderForm.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6081443..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/HeaderForm.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Payment.HeaderForm
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-import qualified Design.Media as Media
-design :: Css
-design = do
- ".g-PaymentHeaderForm" ? do
- marginBottom (em 2)
- marginLeft (pct Constants.blockPercentMargin)
- marginRight (pct Constants.blockPercentMargin)
- display flex
- justifyContent spaceBetween
- alignItems center
- Media.mobile $ flexDirection column
- ".textInput" ? do
- display inlineBlock
- marginBottom (px 0)
- Media.tabletDesktop $ marginRight (px 30)
- Media.mobile $ do
- marginBottom (em 1)
- width (pct 100)
- ".selectInput" ? do
- Media.tabletDesktop $ display inlineBlock
- Media.mobile $ marginBottom (em 2)
- ".addPayment" ? do
- Helper.button Color.chestnutRose Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- Media.mobile $ width (pct 100)
- flexShrink 0
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/HeaderInfos.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Payment/HeaderInfos.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index acb393b..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Payment/HeaderInfos.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Payment.HeaderInfos
- ( design
- ) where
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Media as Media
-design :: Css
-design = do
- ".g-PaymentHeaderInfos" ? do
- Media.desktop $ marginBottom (em 2)
- Media.mobileTablet $ marginBottom (em 1)
- marginLeft (pct Constants.blockPercentMargin)
- marginRight (pct Constants.blockPercentMargin)
- ".g-PaymentHeaderInfos__ExceedingPayers" ? do
- backgroundColor Color.mossGreen
- borderRadius (px 5) (px 5) (px 5) (px 5)
- color Color.white
- lineHeight (px Constants.inputHeight)
- paddingLeft (px 10)
- paddingRight (px 10)
- marginBottom (em 1)
- Media.mobile $ do
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- ".exceedingPayer:not(:last-child)::after" ? content (stringContent ", ")
- ".userName" ? marginRight (px 8)
- ".g-PaymentHeaderInfos__Repartition" ? do
- Media.tabletDesktop $ lineHeight (px Constants.inputHeight)
- Media.mobile $ lineHeight (px 25)
- ".total" <> ".partition" ? do
- Media.mobileTablet $ display block
- Media.mobile $ do
- fontSize (pct 90)
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- ".partition" ? do
- color Color.dustyGray
- Media.desktop $ marginLeft (px 15)
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/SignIn.hs b/server/src/Design/View/SignIn.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c9621..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/SignIn.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.SignIn
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-import Prelude hiding (rem)
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-design :: Css
-design = do
- let inputHeight = 50
- width (px 350)
- sym2 padding (rem 0) (rem 2)
- marginTop (px 100)
- marginLeft auto
- marginRight auto
- button # ".validate" ? do
- Helper.button Color.gothic Color.white (px inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- display flex
- alignItems center
- justifyContent center
- width (pct 100)
- fontSize (em 1.2)
- svg ? "path" ? ("fill" -: "white")
- ".success" <> ".error" ? do
- marginTop (px 40)
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- ".success" ? color Color.mossGreen
- ".error" ? color Color.chestnutRose
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Stat.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Stat.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e4ecad..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Stat.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Stat
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-design :: Css
-design = do
- h1 ? paddingBottom (px 0)
- ".exceedingPayers" ? ".userName" ? marginRight (px 5)
- ".mean" ? marginBottom (em 1.5)
- ".g-Chart" ? do
- width (pct 75)
- sym2 margin (px 0) auto
diff --git a/server/src/Design/View/Table.hs b/server/src/Design/View/Table.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 56bd389..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/View/Table.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-module Design.View.Table
- ( design
- ) where
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-import Clay
-import Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Media as Media
-design :: Css
-design = do
- ".emptyTableMsg" ? do
- margin (em 2) (em 2) (em 2) (em 2)
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- ".table" ? do
- minHeight (px 540)
- ".lines" ? do
- Media.tabletDesktop $ display displayTable
- width (pct 100)
- textAlign (alignSide (sideCenter))
- ".header" <> ".row" ? do
- Media.tabletDesktop $ display tableRow
- ".header" ? do
- Media.desktop $ do
- fontSize (px 18)
- height (px 70)
- Media.tabletDesktop $ do
- backgroundColor Color.gothic
- color Color.white
- Media.tablet $ do
- fontSize (px 16)
- height (px 60)
- Media.mobile $ do
- display none
- ".row" ? do
- nthChild "even" & backgroundColor Color.wildSand
- Media.desktop $ do
- fontSize (px 18)
- height (px 60)
- Media.tablet $ do
- height (px 50)
- Media.mobile $ do
- lineHeight (px 25)
- paddingTop (px 10)
- paddingBottom (px 10)
- ".cell" ? do
- Media.tabletDesktop $ display tableCell
- position relative
- verticalAlign middle
- firstChild & do
- Media.mobile $ do
- fontSize (px 20)
- lineHeight (px 30)
- color Color.gothic
- ".refund" & color Color.mossGreen
- Media.desktop $ do
- ".shortDate" ? display none
- ".longDate" ? display inline
- Media.tablet $ do
- ".shortDate" ? display inline
- ".longDate" ? display none
- Media.mobile $ do
- ".shortDate" ? display none
- ".longDate" ? display inline
- marginBottom (em 0.5)
- ".cell.button" & do
- position relative
- textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
- button ? do
- padding (px 10) (px 10) (px 10) (px 10)
- svg ? do
- "path" ? ("fill" -: Color.toString Color.chestnutRose)
- width (px 18)
- hover & "svg path" ? do
- "fill" -: "rgb(237, 122, 116)"
- Media.tabletDesktop $ width (pct 3)
- Media.mobile $ do
- display inlineBlock
- button ? display flex
diff --git a/server/src/Design/Views.hs b/server/src/Design/Views.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4552796..0000000
--- a/server/src/Design/Views.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-module Design.Views
- ( design
- ) where
-import Clay
-import qualified Design.Color as Color
-import qualified Design.Constants as Constants
-import qualified Design.Helper as Helper
-import qualified Design.Media as Media
-import qualified Design.View.ConfirmDialog as ConfirmDialog
-import qualified Design.View.Header as Header
-import qualified Design.View.NotFound as NotFound
-import qualified Design.View.Pages as Pages
-import qualified Design.View.Payment as Payment
-import qualified Design.View.SignIn as SignIn
-import qualified Design.View.Stat as Stat
-import qualified Design.View.Table as Table
-design :: Css
-design = do
- header ? Header.design
- Payment.design
- ".signIn" ? SignIn.design
- Stat.design
- ".notfound" ? NotFound.design
- Table.design
- Pages.design
- ConfirmDialog.design
- ".withMargin" ? do
- "margin" -: "0 2vw"
- ".titleButton" ? do
- display flex
- marginBottom (em 1)
- Media.tabletDesktop $ do
- justifyContent spaceBetween
- alignItems center
- Media.mobile $ do
- flexDirection column
- "h1" ? marginBottom (em 0.5)
- button ? do
- Helper.button Color.chestnutRose Color.white (px Constants.inputHeight) Constants.focusLighten
- Media.mobile $ do
- width (pct 100)
- marginBottom (px 20)
- ".tag" ? do
- sym borderRadius (px 4)
- sym2 padding (px 2) (px 5)
- boxShadow . pure . bsColor (rgba 0 0 0 0.3) $ shadowWithBlur (px 2) (px 2) (px 5)
- color Color.white
diff --git a/server/src/Job/Daemon.hs b/server/src/Job/Daemon.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d8cd522..0000000
--- a/server/src/Job/Daemon.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-module Job.Daemon
- ( runDaemons
- ) where
-import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, threadDelay)
-import Control.Monad (forever)
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-import Conf (Conf)
-import Job.Frequency (Frequency (..), microSeconds)
-import Job.Kind (Kind (..))
-import Job.Model (actualizeLastCheck, actualizeLastExecution,
- getLastExecution)
-import Job.MonthlyPayment (monthlyPayment)
-import Job.WeeklyReport (weeklyReport)
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import Util.Time (belongToCurrentMonth, belongToCurrentWeek)
-runDaemons :: Conf -> IO ()
-runDaemons conf = do
- _ <- runDaemon MonthlyPayment EveryHour (fmap not . belongToCurrentMonth) monthlyPayment
- _ <- runDaemon WeeklyReport EveryHour (fmap not . belongToCurrentWeek) (weeklyReport conf)
- return ()
-runDaemon :: Kind -> Frequency -> (UTCTime -> IO Bool) -> (Maybe UTCTime -> IO UTCTime) -> IO ThreadId
-runDaemon kind frequency isLastExecutionTooOld runJob =
- forkIO . forever $ do
- mbLastExecution <- Query.run $ do
- actualizeLastCheck kind
- getLastExecution kind
- hasToRun <- case mbLastExecution of
- Just lastExecution -> isLastExecutionTooOld lastExecution
- Nothing -> return True
- if hasToRun
- then runJob mbLastExecution >>= (Query.run . actualizeLastExecution kind)
- else return ()
- threadDelay . microSeconds $ frequency
diff --git a/server/src/Job/Frequency.hs b/server/src/Job/Frequency.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c5bef42..0000000
--- a/server/src/Job/Frequency.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Job.Frequency
- ( Frequency(..)
- , microSeconds
- ) where
-data Frequency =
- EveryHour
- | EveryDay
- deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
-microSeconds :: Frequency -> Int
-microSeconds EveryHour = 1000000 * 60 * 60
-microSeconds EveryDay = (microSeconds EveryHour) * 24
diff --git a/server/src/Job/Kind.hs b/server/src/Job/Kind.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 17997f7..0000000
--- a/server/src/Job/Kind.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module Job.Kind
- ( Kind(..)
- ) where
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (SQLData (SQLText))
-import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (fromField),
- fieldData)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple.Ok (Ok (Errors, Ok))
-import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (toField))
-data Kind =
- MonthlyPayment
- | WeeklyReport
- deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-instance FromField Kind where
- fromField field = case fieldData field of
- SQLText text -> Ok (read (T.unpack text) :: Kind)
- _ -> Errors [error "SQLText field required for job kind"]
-instance ToField Kind where
- toField kind = SQLText . T.pack . show $ kind
diff --git a/server/src/Job/Model.hs b/server/src/Job/Model.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dd6c63..0000000
--- a/server/src/Job/Model.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-module Job.Model
- ( Job(..)
- , getLastExecution
- , actualizeLastExecution
- , actualizeLastCheck
- ) where
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (Only (Only))
-import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQLite
-import Prelude hiding (id)
-import Job.Kind
-import Model.Query (Query (Query))
-data Job = Job
- { id :: String
- , kind :: Kind
- , lastExecution :: Maybe UTCTime
- , lastCheck :: Maybe UTCTime
- } deriving (Show)
-getLastExecution :: Kind -> Query (Maybe UTCTime)
-getLastExecution jobKind =
- Query (\conn -> do
- result <- SQLite.query conn "SELECT last_execution FROM job WHERE kind = ?" (Only jobKind) :: IO [Only UTCTime]
- return $ case result of
- [Only time] -> Just time
- _ -> Nothing
- )
-actualizeLastExecution :: Kind -> UTCTime -> Query ()
-actualizeLastExecution jobKind time =
- Query (\conn -> do
- result <- SQLite.query conn "SELECT 1 FROM job WHERE kind = ?" (Only jobKind) :: IO [Only Int]
- let hasJob = case result of
- [Only _] -> True
- _ -> False
- if hasJob
- then SQLite.execute conn "UPDATE job SET last_execution = ? WHERE kind = ?" (time, jobKind)
- else SQLite.execute conn "INSERT INTO job (kind, last_execution, last_check) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" (jobKind, time, time)
- )
-actualizeLastCheck :: Kind -> Query ()
-actualizeLastCheck jobKind =
- Query (\conn -> do
- now <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.execute conn "UPDATE job SET kind = ? WHERE last_check = ?" (jobKind, now)
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Job/MonthlyPayment.hs b/server/src/Job/MonthlyPayment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index dfbe8b4..0000000
--- a/server/src/Job/MonthlyPayment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module Job.MonthlyPayment
- ( monthlyPayment
- ) where
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
-import Common.Model (Frequency (..), Payment (..))
-import qualified Common.Util.Time as Time
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Persistence.Payment as PaymentPersistence
-monthlyPayment :: Maybe UTCTime -> IO UTCTime
-monthlyPayment _ = do
- monthlyPayments <- Query.run PaymentPersistence.listActiveMonthlyOrderedByName
- now <- getCurrentTime
- actualDay <- Time.timeToDay now
- let punctualPayments = map
- (\p -> p
- { _payment_frequency = Punctual
- , _payment_date = actualDay
- , _payment_createdAt = now
- })
- monthlyPayments
- _ <- Query.run (PaymentPersistence.createMany punctualPayments)
- return now
diff --git a/server/src/Job/WeeklyReport.hs b/server/src/Job/WeeklyReport.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 282f2f1..0000000
--- a/server/src/Job/WeeklyReport.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-module Job.WeeklyReport
- ( weeklyReport
- ) where
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
-import Common.Model (User (..))
-import Conf (Conf)
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Persistence.Income as IncomePersistence
-import qualified Persistence.Payment as PaymentPersistence
-import qualified Persistence.User as UserPersistence
-import qualified SendMail
-import qualified View.Mail.WeeklyReport as WeeklyReport
-weeklyReport :: Conf -> Maybe UTCTime -> IO UTCTime
-weeklyReport conf mbLastExecution = do
- now <- getCurrentTime
- case mbLastExecution of
- Nothing ->
- return ()
- Just lastExecution -> do
- (weekPayments, cumulativeIncome, preIncomeRepartition, postIncomeRepartition, weekIncomes, users) <- Query.run $ do
- users <- UserPersistence.list
- paymentRange <- PaymentPersistence.getRange
- incomeDefinedForAll <- IncomePersistence.definedForAll (_user_id <$> users)
- cumulativeIncome <-
- case (incomeDefinedForAll, paymentRange) of
- (Just incomeStart, Just (paymentStart, _)) ->
- IncomePersistence.getCumulativeIncome (max incomeStart paymentStart) (Clock.utctDay now)
- _ ->
- return M.empty
- weekPayments <- PaymentPersistence.listModifiedPunctualSince lastExecution
- weekIncomes <- IncomePersistence.listModifiedSince lastExecution
- (preIncomeRepartition, postIncomeRepartition) <-
- PaymentPersistence.getPreAndPostPaymentRepartition paymentRange users
- return (weekPayments, cumulativeIncome, preIncomeRepartition, postIncomeRepartition, weekIncomes, users)
- _ <-
- SendMail.sendMail
- conf
- (WeeklyReport.mail conf users weekIncomes weekPayments cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition lastExecution now)
- return ()
- return now
diff --git a/server/src/LoginSession.hs b/server/src/LoginSession.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 86f1329..0000000
--- a/server/src/LoginSession.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-module LoginSession
- ( put
- , get
- , delete
- ) where
-import Cookie (deleteCookie, getCookie,
- setSimpleCookie)
-import qualified Web.ClientSession as CS
-import Web.Scotty (ActionM)
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-import Conf (Conf)
-sessionName :: Text
-sessionName = "SESSION"
-sessionKeyFile :: FilePath
-sessionKeyFile = "sessionKey"
-put :: Conf -> Text -> ActionM ()
-put conf value = do
- encrypted <- liftIO $ encrypt value
- setSimpleCookie conf sessionName encrypted
-encrypt :: Text -> IO Text
-encrypt value = do
- iv <- CS.randomIV
- key <- CS.getKey sessionKeyFile
- return . TE.decodeUtf8 $ CS.encrypt key iv (TE.encodeUtf8 value)
-get :: ActionM (Maybe Text)
-get = do
- maybeEncrypted <- getCookie sessionName
- case maybeEncrypted of
- Just encrypted ->
- liftIO $ decrypt encrypted
- Nothing ->
- return Nothing
-decrypt :: Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
-decrypt encrypted = do
- key <- CS.getKey sessionKeyFile
- let decrypted = TE.decodeUtf8 <$> CS.decrypt key (TE.encodeUtf8 encrypted)
- return decrypted
-delete :: Conf -> ActionM ()
-delete conf = deleteCookie conf sessionName
diff --git a/server/src/Main.hs b/server/src/Main.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 659a0fa..0000000
--- a/server/src/Main.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-module Main
- ( main
- ) where
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status
-import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip (GzipFiles (GzipCompress))
-import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip as W
-import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static
-import qualified Web.Scotty as S
-import qualified Conf
-import qualified Controller.Category as Category
-import qualified Controller.Income as Income
-import qualified Controller.Index as Index
-import qualified Controller.Payment as Payment
-import qualified Controller.Statistics as Statistics
-import qualified Controller.User as User
-import qualified Design.Global as Design
-import Job.Daemon (runDaemons)
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- conf <- Conf.get "application.conf"
- putStrLn . show $ conf
- _ <- runDaemons conf
- S.scotty (Conf.port conf) $ do
- S.middleware $
- W.gzip $ W.def { W.gzipFiles = GzipCompress }
- S.middleware . staticPolicy $
- noDots >-> addBase "public"
- S.get "/css/main.css" $ do
- S.setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css"
- S.text Design.globalDesign
- S.post "/api/signIn" $
- S.jsonData >>= Index.signIn conf
- S.post "/api/signOut" $
- Index.signOut conf
- S.get "/api/users"$
- User.list
- S.get "/api/payments" $ do
- frequency <- S.param "frequency"
- page <- S.param "page"
- perPage <- S.param "perPage"
- search <- S.param "search"
- Payment.list (read frequency) page perPage search
- S.get "/api/payment/category" $ do
- name <- S.param "name"
- Payment.searchCategory name
- S.post "/api/payment" $
- S.jsonData >>= Payment.create
- S.put "/api/payment" $
- S.jsonData >>= Payment.edit
- S.delete "/api/payment/:id" $ do
- paymentId <- S.param "id"
- Payment.delete paymentId
- S.get "/api/incomes" $ do
- page <- S.param "page"
- perPage <- S.param "perPage"
- Income.list page perPage
- S.post "/api/income" $
- S.jsonData >>= Income.create
- S.put "/api/income" $
- S.jsonData >>= Income.edit
- S.delete "/api/income/:id" $ do
- incomeId <- S.param "id"
- Income.delete incomeId
- S.get "/api/allCategories" $ do
- Category.listAll
- S.get "/api/categories" $ do
- page <- S.param "page"
- perPage <- S.param "perPage"
- Category.list page perPage
- S.post "/api/category" $
- S.jsonData >>= Category.create
- S.put "/api/category" $
- S.jsonData >>= Category.edit
- S.delete "/api/category/:id" $ do
- categoryId <- S.param "id"
- Category.delete categoryId
- S.get "/api/statistics" $ do
- Statistics.paymentsAndIncomes
- S.notFound $ do
- S.status Status.ok200
- Index.get conf
diff --git a/server/src/Model/CreateCategory.hs b/server/src/Model/CreateCategory.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index dae061b..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/CreateCategory.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-module Model.CreateCategory
- ( CreateCategory(..)
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-data CreateCategory = CreateCategory
- { _createCategory_name :: Text
- , _createCategory_color :: Text
- } deriving (Show)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/CreateIncome.hs b/server/src/Model/CreateIncome.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 82451d2..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/CreateIncome.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-module Model.CreateIncome
- ( CreateIncome(..)
- ) where
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-data CreateIncome = CreateIncome
- { _createIncome_amount :: Int
- , _createIncome_date :: Day
- } deriving (Show)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/CreatePayment.hs b/server/src/Model/CreatePayment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b25d2a4..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/CreatePayment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module Model.CreatePayment
- ( CreatePayment(..)
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-import Common.Model (CategoryId, Frequency)
-data CreatePayment = CreatePayment
- { _createPayment_name :: Text
- , _createPayment_cost :: Int
- , _createPayment_date :: Day
- , _createPayment_category :: CategoryId
- , _createPayment_frequency :: Frequency
- } deriving (Show)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/EditCategory.hs b/server/src/Model/EditCategory.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ee26ac..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/EditCategory.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Model.EditCategory
- ( EditCategory(..)
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Common.Model (CategoryId)
-data EditCategory = EditCategory
- { _editCategory_id :: CategoryId
- , _editCategory_name :: Text
- , _editCategory_color :: Text
- } deriving (Show)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/EditIncome.hs b/server/src/Model/EditIncome.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ac3d311..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/EditIncome.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Model.EditIncome
- ( EditIncome(..)
- ) where
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-import Common.Model (IncomeId)
-data EditIncome = EditIncome
- { _editIncome_id :: IncomeId
- , _editIncome_amount :: Int
- , _editIncome_date :: Day
- } deriving (Show)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/EditPayment.hs b/server/src/Model/EditPayment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ac4c906..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/EditPayment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module Model.EditPayment
- ( EditPayment(..)
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-import Common.Model (CategoryId, Frequency, PaymentId)
-data EditPayment = EditPayment
- { _editPayment_id :: PaymentId
- , _editPayment_name :: Text
- , _editPayment_cost :: Int
- , _editPayment_date :: Day
- , _editPayment_category :: CategoryId
- , _editPayment_frequency :: Frequency
- } deriving (Show)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/HashedPassword.hs b/server/src/Model/HashedPassword.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c71e372..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/HashedPassword.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-module Model.HashedPassword
- ( hash
- , check
- , HashedPassword(..)
- ) where
-import qualified Crypto.BCrypt as BCrypt
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-import Common.Model.Password (Password (..))
-newtype HashedPassword = HashedPassword Text deriving (Show)
-hash :: Password -> IO (Maybe HashedPassword)
-hash (Password p) = do
- hashed <- BCrypt.hashPasswordUsingPolicy BCrypt.slowerBcryptHashingPolicy (TE.encodeUtf8 p)
- case hashed of
- Nothing ->
- return Nothing
- Just h ->
- return . Just . HashedPassword . TE.decodeUtf8 $ h
-check :: Password -> HashedPassword -> Bool
-check (Password p) (HashedPassword h) =
- BCrypt.validatePassword (TE.encodeUtf8 h) (TE.encodeUtf8 p)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/IncomeResource.hs b/server/src/Model/IncomeResource.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ab5f18..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/IncomeResource.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Model.IncomeResource
- ( IncomeResource(..)
- ) where
-import Common.Model (Income (..))
-import Resource (Resource, resourceCreatedAt, resourceDeletedAt,
- resourceEditedAt)
-newtype IncomeResource = IncomeResource Income
-instance Resource IncomeResource where
- resourceCreatedAt (IncomeResource i) = _income_createdAt i
- resourceEditedAt (IncomeResource i) = _income_editedAt i
- resourceDeletedAt (IncomeResource i) = _income_deletedAt i
diff --git a/server/src/Model/Mail.hs b/server/src/Model/Mail.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 780efcc..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/Mail.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module Model.Mail
- ( Mail(..)
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-data Mail = Mail
- { from :: Text
- , to :: [Text]
- , subject :: Text
- , body :: Text
- } deriving (Eq, Show)
diff --git a/server/src/Model/PaymentResource.hs b/server/src/Model/PaymentResource.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ea978c..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/PaymentResource.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Model.PaymentResource
- ( PaymentResource(..)
- ) where
-import Common.Model (Payment (..))
-import Resource (Resource, resourceCreatedAt, resourceDeletedAt,
- resourceEditedAt)
-newtype PaymentResource = PaymentResource Payment
-instance Resource PaymentResource where
- resourceCreatedAt (PaymentResource p) = _payment_createdAt p
- resourceEditedAt (PaymentResource p) = _payment_editedAt p
- resourceDeletedAt (PaymentResource p) = _payment_deletedAt p
diff --git a/server/src/Model/Query.hs b/server/src/Model/Query.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 22ae95b..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/Query.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-module Model.Query
- ( Query(..)
- , run
- ) where
-import Data.Functor (Functor)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (Connection)
-import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQLite
-data Query a = Query (Connection -> IO a)
-instance Functor Query where
- fmap f (Query call) = Query (fmap f . call)
-instance Applicative Query where
- pure x = Query (const $ return x)
- (Query callF) <*> (Query callX) = Query (\conn -> do
- x <- callX conn
- f <- callF conn
- return (f x))
-instance Monad Query where
- (Query callX) >>= f = Query (\conn -> do
- x <- callX conn
- case f x of Query callY -> callY conn)
-run :: Query a -> IO a
-run (Query call) = do
- conn <- SQLite.open "database"
- result <- call conn
- _ <- SQLite.close conn
- return result
diff --git a/server/src/Model/SignIn.hs b/server/src/Model/SignIn.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a217bae..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/SignIn.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-module Model.SignIn
- ( SignIn(..)
- ) where
-import Common.Model (Email, Password)
-data SignIn = SignIn
- { _signIn_email :: Email
- , _signIn_password :: Password
- } deriving Show
diff --git a/server/src/Model/UUID.hs b/server/src/Model/UUID.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0959a8e..0000000
--- a/server/src/Model/UUID.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-module Model.UUID
- ( generateUUID
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text, pack)
-import Data.UUID (toString)
-import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom)
-generateUUID :: IO Text
-generateUUID = pack . toString <$> nextRandom
diff --git a/server/src/Payer.hs b/server/src/Payer.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8312e..0000000
--- a/server/src/Payer.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-module Payer
- ( getExceedingPayers
- ) where
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Common.Model (ExceedingPayer (..), User (..), UserId)
-data Payer = Payer
- { _payer_userId :: UserId
- , _payer_preIncomePayments :: Int
- , _payer_postIncomePayments :: Int
- , _payer_income :: Int
- }
-data PostPaymentPayer = PostPaymentPayer
- { _postPaymentPayer_userId :: UserId
- , _postPaymentPayer_preIncomePayments :: Int
- , _postPaymentPayer_cumulativeIncome :: Int
- , _postPaymentPayer_ratio :: Float
- }
-getExceedingPayers :: [User] -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> [ExceedingPayer]
-getExceedingPayers users cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition =
- let userIds = map _user_id users
- payers = getPayers userIds cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition
- postPaymentPayers = map getPostPaymentPayer payers
- mbMaxRatio = safeMaximum . map _postPaymentPayer_ratio $ postPaymentPayers
- in case mbMaxRatio of
- Just maxRatio ->
- exceedingPayersFromAmounts
- . map (\p -> (_postPaymentPayer_userId p, getFinalDiff maxRatio p))
- $ postPaymentPayers
- Nothing ->
- exceedingPayersFromAmounts
- . map (\p -> (_payer_userId p, _payer_preIncomePayments p))
- $ payers
-getPayers :: [UserId] -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> [Payer]
-getPayers userIds cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition =
- flip map userIds (\userId -> Payer
- { _payer_userId = userId
- , _payer_preIncomePayments = M.findWithDefault 0 userId preIncomeRepartition
- , _payer_postIncomePayments = M.findWithDefault 0 userId postIncomeRepartition
- , _payer_income = M.findWithDefault 0 userId cumulativeIncome
- }
- )
-exceedingPayersFromAmounts :: [(UserId, Int)] -> [ExceedingPayer]
-exceedingPayersFromAmounts userAmounts =
- case mbMinAmount of
- Nothing ->
- []
- Just minAmount ->
- filter (\payer -> _exceedingPayer_amount payer > 0)
- . map (\userAmount ->
- ExceedingPayer
- { _exceedingPayer_userId = fst userAmount
- , _exceedingPayer_amount = snd userAmount - minAmount
- }
- )
- $ userAmounts
- where mbMinAmount = safeMinimum . map snd $ userAmounts
-getPostPaymentPayer :: Payer -> PostPaymentPayer
-getPostPaymentPayer payer =
- PostPaymentPayer
- { _postPaymentPayer_userId = _payer_userId payer
- , _postPaymentPayer_preIncomePayments = _payer_preIncomePayments payer
- , _postPaymentPayer_cumulativeIncome = _payer_income payer
- , _postPaymentPayer_ratio = (fromIntegral . _payer_postIncomePayments $ payer) / (fromIntegral $ _payer_income payer)
- }
-getFinalDiff :: Float -> PostPaymentPayer -> Int
-getFinalDiff maxRatio payer =
- let postIncomeDiff =
- truncate $ -1.0 * (maxRatio - _postPaymentPayer_ratio payer) * (fromIntegral . _postPaymentPayer_cumulativeIncome $ payer)
- in postIncomeDiff + _postPaymentPayer_preIncomePayments payer
-safeMinimum :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Maybe a
-safeMinimum [] = Nothing
-safeMinimum xs = Just . minimum $ xs
-safeMaximum :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Maybe a
-safeMaximum [] = Nothing
-safeMaximum xs = Just . maximum $ xs
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deleted file mode 100644
index b0a6fca..0000000
--- a/server/src/Persistence/Category.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-module Persistence.Category
- ( count
- , list
- , listAll
- , create
- , edit
- , delete
- ) where
-import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (FromRow (fromRow), NamedParam ((:=)))
-import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQLite
-import Prelude hiding (id)
-import Common.Model (Category (..), CategoryId)
-import Model.Query (Query (Query))
-newtype Row = Row Category
-instance FromRow Row where
- fromRow = Row <$> (Category <$>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field)
-data CountRow = CountRow Int
-instance FromRow CountRow where
- fromRow = CountRow <$> SQLite.field
-count :: Query Int
-count =
- Query (\conn ->
- (Maybe.fromMaybe 0 . fmap (\(CountRow n) -> n) . Maybe.listToMaybe) <$>
- SQLite.query_ conn "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM category WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
- )
-list :: Int -> Int -> Query [Category]
-list page perPage =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row c) -> c) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- "SELECT * FROM category WHERE deleted_at IS NULL ORDER BY name LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset"
- [ ":limit" := perPage
- , ":offset" := (page - 1) * perPage
- ]
- )
-listAll :: Query [Category]
-listAll =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row c) -> c) <$>
- SQLite.query_ conn "SELECT * FROM category WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
- )
-create :: Text -> Text -> Query ()
-create name color =
- Query (\conn -> do
- currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "INSERT INTO category (name, color, created_at) VALUES (:name, :color, :created_at)"
- [ ":name" := name
- , ":color" := color
- , ":created_at" := currentTime
- ]
- )
-edit :: CategoryId -> Text -> Text -> Query Bool
-edit id name color =
- Query (\conn -> do
- mbCategory <- fmap (\(Row c) -> c) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- (SQLite.queryNamed conn "SELECT * FROM category WHERE id = :id" [ ":id" := id ])
- if Maybe.isJust mbCategory
- then do
- currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "UPDATE category SET edited_at = :editedAt, name = :name, color = :color WHERE id = :id"
- [ ":editedAt" := currentTime
- , ":name" := name
- , ":color" := color
- , ":id" := id
- ]
- return True
- else
- return False
- )
-data BoolRow = BoolRow Int
-instance FromRow BoolRow where
- fromRow = BoolRow <$> SQLite.field
-delete :: CategoryId -> Query Bool
-delete id =
- Query (\conn -> do
- mbPayment <- (fmap (\(BoolRow b) -> b) . Maybe.listToMaybe) <$>
- (SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- "SELECT true FROM payment WHERE category = :id AND deleted_at IS NULL"
- [ ":id" := id ])
- if Maybe.isNothing mbPayment
- then do
- currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "UPDATE category SET deleted_at = :deletedAt WHERE id = :id AND deleted_at IS NULL"
- [ ":deletedAt" := currentTime
- , ":id" := id
- ]
- return True
- else
- return False
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Persistence/Frequency.hs b/server/src/Persistence/Frequency.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index edaa844..0000000
--- a/server/src/Persistence/Frequency.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module Persistence.Frequency
- ( FrequencyField(..)
- ) where
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (SQLData (SQLText))
-import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (fromField),
- fieldData)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple.Ok (Ok (Errors, Ok))
-import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (toField))
-import Common.Model (Frequency)
-newtype FrequencyField = FrequencyField Frequency
-instance FromField FrequencyField where
- fromField field =
- case fieldData field of
- SQLText text -> Ok (FrequencyField (read (T.unpack text) :: Frequency))
- _ -> Errors [error "SQLText field required for frequency"]
-instance ToField FrequencyField where
- toField (FrequencyField f) = SQLText . T.pack . show $ f
diff --git a/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs b/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5364c..0000000
--- a/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-module Persistence.Income
- ( listAll
- , count
- , list
- , listModifiedSince
- , create
- , edit
- , delete
- , definedForAll
- , getCumulativeIncome
- ) where
-import qualified Data.List as L
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (FromRow (fromRow), NamedParam ((:=)))
-import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQLite
-import Prelude hiding (id, until)
-import Common.Model (Income (..), IncomeId, PaymentId,
- UserId)
-import Model.Query (Query (Query))
-newtype Row = Row Income
-instance FromRow Row where
- fromRow = Row <$> (Income <$>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field)
-data CountRow = CountRow Int
-instance FromRow CountRow where
- fromRow = CountRow <$> SQLite.field
-listAll :: Query [Income]
-listAll =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row i) -> i) <$>
- SQLite.query_
- conn
- "SELECT * FROM income WHERE deleted_at IS NULL ORDER BY date DESC"
- )
-count :: Query Int
-count =
- Query (\conn ->
- (Maybe.fromMaybe 0 . fmap (\(CountRow n) -> n) . Maybe.listToMaybe) <$>
- SQLite.query_ conn "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM income WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
- )
-list :: Int -> Int -> Query [Income]
-list page perPage =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row i) -> i) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- "SELECT * FROM income WHERE deleted_at IS NULL ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset"
- [ ":limit" := perPage
- , ":offset" := (page - 1) * perPage
- ]
- )
-listModifiedSince :: UTCTime -> Query [Income]
-listModifiedSince since =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row i) -> i) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query . T.intercalate " " $
- [ "SELECT *"
- , "FROM income"
- , "WHERE"
- , "created_at >= :since"
- , "OR edited_at >= :since"
- , "OR deleted_at >= :since"
- ])
- [ ":since" := since ]
- )
-create :: UserId -> Day -> Int -> Query ()
-create userId date amount =
- Query (\conn -> do
- createdAt <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "INSERT INTO income (user_id, date, amount, created_at) VALUES (:userId, :date, :amount, :createdAt)"
- [ ":userId" := userId
- , ":date" := date
- , ":amount" := amount
- , ":createdAt" := createdAt
- ]
- )
-edit :: UserId -> IncomeId -> Day -> Int -> Query Bool
-edit userId id date amount =
- Query (\conn -> do
- income <- fmap (\(Row i) -> i) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed conn "SELECT * FROM income WHERE id = :id" [ ":id" := id ]
- if Maybe.isJust income then
- do
- currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "UPDATE income SET edited_at = :editedAt, date = :date, amount = :amount WHERE id = :id AND user_id = :userId"
- [ ":editedAt" := currentTime
- , ":date" := date
- , ":amount" := amount
- , ":id" := id
- , ":userId" := userId
- ]
- return True
- else
- return False
- )
-delete :: UserId -> PaymentId -> Query ()
-delete userId id =
- Query (\conn ->
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "UPDATE income SET deleted_at = datetime('now') WHERE id = :id AND user_id = :userId"
- [ ":id" := id
- , ":userId" := userId
- ]
- )
-data UserDayRow = UserDayRow (UserId, Day)
-instance FromRow UserDayRow where
- fromRow = do
- user <- SQLite.field
- day <- SQLite.field
- return $ UserDayRow (user, day)
-definedForAll :: [UserId] -> Query (Maybe Day)
-definedForAll users =
- Query (\conn ->
- (fromRows . fmap (\(UserDayRow (user, day)) -> (user, day))) <$>
- SQLite.query_
- conn
- "SELECT user_id, MIN(date) FROM income WHERE deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY user_id;"
- )
- where
- fromRows rows =
- if L.sort users == L.sort (map fst rows) then
- Maybe.listToMaybe . reverse . L.sort . map snd $ rows
- else
- Nothing
-getCumulativeIncome :: Day -> Day -> Query (Map UserId Int)
-getCumulativeIncome start end =
- Query (\conn -> M.fromList <$> SQLite.queryNamed conn (SQLite.Query query) parameters)
- where
- query =
- T.intercalate "\n" $
- [ "SELECT user_id, CAST(ROUND(SUM(count)) AS INTEGER) FROM ("
- , " SELECT"
- , " I1.user_id,"
- , " ((JULIANDAY(MIN(I2.date)) - JULIANDAY(I1.date)) * I1.amount * 12 / 365) AS count"
- , " FROM (" <> (selectBoundedIncomes ">" ":start") <> ") AS I1"
- , " INNER JOIN (" <> (selectBoundedIncomes "<" ":end") <> ") AS I2"
- , " ON I2.date > I1.date AND I2.user_id == I1.user_id"
- , " GROUP BY I1.date, I1.user_id"
- , ") GROUP BY user_id"
- ]
- selectBoundedIncomes op param =
- T.intercalate "\n" $
- [ " SELECT user_id, date, amount FROM ("
- , " SELECT"
- , " i.user_id, " <> param <> " AS date, i.amount"
- , " FROM"
- , " (SELECT id, MAX(date) AS max_date"
- , " FROM income"
- , " WHERE date <= " <> param <> " AND deleted_at IS NULL"
- , " GROUP BY user_id) AS m"
- , " INNER JOIN income AS i"
- , " ON i.id = m.id AND i.date = m.max_date"
- , " ) UNION"
- , " SELECT user_id, date, amount"
- , " FROM income"
- , " WHERE date " <> op <> " " <> param <> " AND deleted_at IS NULL"
- ]
- parameters =
- [ ":start" := start
- , ":end" := end
- ]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 573d57f..0000000
--- a/server/src/Persistence/Payment.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-module Persistence.Payment
- ( count
- , find
- , getRange
- , listAllPunctual
- , listActivePage
- , listModifiedPunctualSince
- , listActiveMonthlyOrderedByName
- , create
- , createMany
- , edit
- , delete
- , searchCategory
- , repartition
- , getPreAndPostPaymentRepartition
- , usedCategories
- ) where
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Calendar
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (FromRow (fromRow),
- NamedParam ((:=)), ToRow)
-import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQLite
-import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (toField))
-import Prelude hiding (id, until)
-import Common.Model (CategoryId, Frequency (..),
- Payment (..), PaymentId,
- User (..), UserId)
-import qualified Common.Util.Text as TextUtil
-import Model.Query (Query (Query))
-import Persistence.Frequency (FrequencyField (..))
-import qualified Persistence.Income as IncomePersistence
-import qualified Persistence.Util as PersistenceUtil
-fields :: Text
-fields = T.intercalate "," $
- [ "id"
- , "user_id"
- , "name"
- , "cost"
- , "date"
- , "category"
- , "frequency"
- , "created_at"
- , "edited_at"
- , "deleted_at"
- ]
-newtype Row = Row Payment
-instance FromRow Row where
- fromRow = Row <$> (Payment <$>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- (fmap (\(FrequencyField f) -> f) $ SQLite.field) <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field)
-newtype InsertRow = InsertRow Payment
-instance ToRow InsertRow where
- toRow (InsertRow p) =
- [ toField (_payment_user p)
- , toField (_payment_name p)
- , toField (_payment_cost p)
- , toField (_payment_date p)
- , toField (_payment_category p)
- , toField (FrequencyField (_payment_frequency p))
- , toField (_payment_createdAt p)
- ]
-data Count = Count Int
-instance FromRow Count where
- fromRow = Count <$> SQLite.field
-count :: Frequency -> Text -> Query Int
-count frequency search =
- Query (\conn ->
- (\[Count n] -> n) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE"
- , "deleted_at IS NULL"
- , "AND frequency = :frequency"
- , "AND (" <> PersistenceUtil.formatKeyForSearch "name" <> " LIKE :search OR cost LIKE :search)"
- ])
- [ ":frequency" := FrequencyField frequency
- , ":search" := "%" <> TextUtil.formatSearch search <> "%"
- ]
- )
-find :: PaymentId -> Query (Maybe Payment)
-find paymentId =
- Query (\conn -> do
- fmap (\(Row p) -> p) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ "SELECT " <> fields <> " FROM payment WHERE id = :id")
- [ "id" := paymentId
- ]
- )
-data RangeRow = RangeRow (Day, Day)
-instance FromRow RangeRow where
- fromRow = (\f t -> RangeRow (f, t)) <$> SQLite.field <*> SQLite.field
-getRange :: Query (Maybe (Day, Day))
-getRange =
- Query (\conn -> do
- fmap (\(RangeRow (f, t)) -> (f, t)) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- [ "SELECT MIN(date), MAX(date)"
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE"
- , "frequency = :frequency"
- , "AND deleted_at IS NULL"
- ])
- [ ":frequency" := FrequencyField Punctual
- ]
- )
-listAllPunctual :: Query [Payment]
-listAllPunctual =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row p) -> p) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- [ "SELECT"
- , fields
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND frequency = :frequency"
- , "ORDER BY date"
- ])
- [ ":frequency" := FrequencyField Punctual
- ]
- )
-listActivePage :: Frequency -> Int -> Int -> Text -> Query [Payment]
-listActivePage frequency page perPage search =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row p) -> p) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- [ "SELECT"
- , fields
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE"
- , "deleted_at IS NULL"
- , "AND frequency = :frequency"
- , "AND (" <> PersistenceUtil.formatKeyForSearch "name" <> " LIKE :search OR cost LIKE :search)"
- , "ORDER BY date DESC"
- , "LIMIT :limit"
- , "OFFSET :offset"
- ]
- )
- [ ":frequency" := FrequencyField frequency
- , ":search" := "%" <> TextUtil.formatSearch search <> "%"
- , ":limit" := perPage
- , ":offset" := (page - 1) * perPage
- ]
- )
-listModifiedPunctualSince :: UTCTime -> Query [Payment]
-listModifiedPunctualSince since =
- Query (\conn ->
- map (\(Row i) -> i) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query . T.intercalate " " $
- [ "SELECT " <> fields
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE"
- , "frequency = :frequency"
- , "AND (created_at >= :since OR edited_at >= :since OR deleted_at >= :since)"
- ])
- [ ":frequency" := FrequencyField Punctual
- , ":since" := since
- ]
- )
-listActiveMonthlyOrderedByName :: Query [Payment]
-listActiveMonthlyOrderedByName =
- Query (\conn -> do
- map (\(Row p) -> p) <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- [ "SELECT"
- , fields
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND frequency = :frequency"
- , "ORDER BY name DESC"
- ])
- [ ":frequency" := FrequencyField Monthly
- ]
- )
-create :: UserId -> Text -> Int -> Day -> CategoryId -> Frequency -> Query ()
-create userId name cost date category frequency =
- Query (\conn -> do
- currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- [ "INSERT INTO payment (user_id, name, cost, date, category, frequency, created_at)"
- , "VALUES (:userId, :name, :cost, :date, :category, :frequency, :currentTime)"
- ])
- [ ":userId" := userId
- , ":name" := name
- , ":cost" := cost
- , ":date" := date
- , ":category" := category
- , ":frequency" := FrequencyField frequency
- , ":currentTime" := currentTime
- ]
- )
-createMany :: [Payment] -> Query ()
-createMany payments =
- Query (\conn ->
- SQLite.executeMany
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate ""
- [ "INSERT INTO payment (user_id, name, cost, date, category, frequency, created_at)"
- , "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
- ])
- (map InsertRow payments)
- )
-edit :: UserId -> PaymentId -> Text -> Int -> Day -> CategoryId -> Frequency -> Query Bool
-edit userId paymentId name cost date category frequency =
- Query (\conn -> do
- payment <- fmap (\(Row p) -> p) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $
- "SELECT " <> fields <> " FROM payment WHERE id = :paymentId and user_id = :userId")
- [ ":paymentId" := paymentId
- , ":userId" := userId
- ]
- if Maybe.isJust payment then
- do
- currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- [ "UPDATE"
- , " payment"
- , "SET"
- , " edited_at = :editedAt,"
- , " name = :name,"
- , " cost = :cost,"
- , " date = :date,"
- , " category = :category,"
- , " frequency = :frequency"
- , "WHERE"
- , " id = :id"
- , " AND user_id = :userId"
- ])
- [ ":editedAt" := currentTime
- , ":name" := name
- , ":cost" := cost
- , ":date" := date
- , ":category" := category
- , ":frequency" := FrequencyField frequency
- , ":id" := paymentId
- , ":userId" := userId
- ]
- return True
- else
- return False
- )
-delete :: UserId -> PaymentId -> Query ()
-delete userId paymentId =
- Query (\conn ->
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "UPDATE payment SET deleted_at = datetime('now') WHERE id = :id AND user_id = :userId"
- [ ":id" := paymentId
- , ":userId" := userId
- ]
- )
-data CategoryIdRow = CategoryIdRow CategoryId
-instance FromRow CategoryIdRow where
- fromRow = CategoryIdRow <$> SQLite.field
-searchCategory :: Text -> Query (Maybe CategoryId)
-searchCategory paymentName =
- Query (\conn ->
- fmap (\(CategoryIdRow d) -> d) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query . T.intercalate " " $
- [ "SELECT category"
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE deleted_at is NULL AND name LIKE :name"
- , "ORDER BY edited_at, created_at"
- , "LIMIT 1"
- ])
- [ ":name" := "%" <> paymentName <> "%"
- ]
- )
-usedCategories :: Query [CategoryId]
-usedCategories =
- Query (\conn -> do
- map (\(CategoryIdRow p) -> p) <$>
- SQLite.query_
- conn
- (SQLite.Query $ T.intercalate " "
- [ "SELECT DISTINCT category"
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
- ])
- )
-data UserCostRow = UserCostRow (UserId, Int)
-instance FromRow UserCostRow where
- fromRow = do
- user <- SQLite.field
- cost <- SQLite.field
- return $ UserCostRow (user, cost)
-repartition :: Frequency -> Text -> Day -> Day -> Query (Map UserId Int)
-repartition frequency search from to =
- Query (\conn ->
- M.fromList . fmap (\(UserCostRow r) -> r) <$> SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- (SQLite.Query . T.intercalate " " $
- [ "SELECT user_id, SUM(cost)"
- , "FROM payment"
- , "WHERE"
- , "deleted_at IS NULL"
- , "AND frequency = :frequency"
- , "AND (" <> PersistenceUtil.formatKeyForSearch "name" <> " LIKE :search OR cost LIKE :search)"
- , "AND date >= :from"
- , "AND date < :to"
- , "GROUP BY user_id"
- ])
- [ ":frequency" := FrequencyField frequency
- , ":search" := "%" <> TextUtil.formatSearch search <> "%"
- , ":from" := from
- , ":to" := to
- ]
- )
-getPreAndPostPaymentRepartition :: Maybe (Day, Day) -> [User] -> Query (Map UserId Int, Map UserId Int)
-getPreAndPostPaymentRepartition paymentRange users = do
- case paymentRange of
- Just (from, to) -> do
- incomeDefinedForAll <- IncomePersistence.definedForAll (_user_id <$> users)
- (,)
- <$> (repartition Punctual "" from (Maybe.fromMaybe (Calendar.addDays 1 to) incomeDefinedForAll))
- <*> (case incomeDefinedForAll of
- Just d -> repartition Punctual "" d (Calendar.addDays 1 to)
- Nothing -> return M.empty)
- Nothing ->
- return (M.empty, M.empty)
diff --git a/server/src/Persistence/User.hs b/server/src/Persistence/User.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 12145ac..0000000
--- a/server/src/Persistence/User.hs
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@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-module Persistence.User
- ( list
- , get
- , checkPassword
- , createSignInToken
- ) where
-import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Database.SQLite.Simple (FromRow (fromRow), NamedParam ((:=)))
-import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQLite
-import Common.Model (Email (..), Password (..), User (..))
-import Model.HashedPassword (HashedPassword (..))
-import qualified Model.HashedPassword as HashedPassword
-import Model.Query (Query (Query))
-import qualified Model.UUID as UUID
-newtype Row = Row User
-instance FromRow Row where
- fromRow = Row <$> (User <$>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field <*>
- SQLite.field)
-list :: Query [User]
-list =
- Query (\conn -> do
- map (\(Row u) -> u) <$>
- SQLite.query_ conn "SELECT id, creation, email, name from user ORDER BY creation DESC"
- )
-get :: Text -> Query (Maybe User)
-get token =
- Query (\conn -> do
- fmap (\(Row u) -> u) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- "SELECT id, creation, email, name FROM user WHERE sign_in_token = :sign_in_token LIMIT 1"
- [ ":sign_in_token" := token ]
- )
-data HashedPasswordRow = HashedPasswordRow HashedPassword
-instance FromRow HashedPasswordRow where
- fromRow = HashedPasswordRow <$> (HashedPassword <$> SQLite.field)
-checkPassword :: Email -> Password -> Query Bool
-checkPassword (Email email) password =
- Query (\conn -> do
- hashedPassword <- fmap (\(HashedPasswordRow p) -> p) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
- SQLite.queryNamed
- conn
- "SELECT password FROM user WHERE email = :email LIMIT 1"
- [ ":email" := email ]
- case hashedPassword of
- Just h ->
- return (HashedPassword.check password h)
- Nothing ->
- return False
- )
-createSignInToken :: Email -> Query Text
-createSignInToken (Email email) =
- Query (\conn -> do
- token <- UUID.generateUUID
- SQLite.executeNamed
- conn
- "UPDATE user SET sign_in_token = :sign_in_token WHERE email = :email"
- [ ":sign_in_token" := token
- , ":email" := email
- ]
- return token
- )
diff --git a/server/src/Persistence/Util.hs b/server/src/Persistence/Util.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b7496c6..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Persistence.Util
- ( formatKeyForSearch
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-formatKeyForSearch :: Text -> Text
-formatKeyForSearch key =
- "replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(lower("
- <> key
- <> "), 'à', 'a'), 'â', 'a'), 'ç', 'c'), 'è', 'e'), 'é', 'e'), 'ê', 'e'), 'ë', 'e'), 'î', 'i'), 'ï', 'i'), 'ô', 'o'), 'ù', 'u'), 'û', 'u'), 'ü', 'u')"
diff --git a/server/src/Resource.hs b/server/src/Resource.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a12a0f2..0000000
--- a/server/src/Resource.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-module Resource
- ( Resource
- , resourceCreatedAt
- , resourceEditedAt
- , resourceDeletedAt
- , Status(..)
- , statuses
- , groupByStatus
- , statusDuring
- ) where
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-class Resource a where
- resourceCreatedAt :: a -> UTCTime
- resourceEditedAt :: a -> Maybe UTCTime
- resourceDeletedAt :: a -> Maybe UTCTime
-data Status =
- Created
- | Edited
- | Deleted
- deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
-statuses :: [Status]
-statuses = [minBound..]
-groupByStatus :: Resource a => UTCTime -> UTCTime -> [a] -> Map Status [a]
-groupByStatus start end resources =
- foldl
- (\m resource ->
- case statusDuring start end resource of
- Just status -> M.insertWith (++) status [resource] m
- Nothing -> m
- )
- M.empty
- resources
-statusDuring :: Resource a => UTCTime -> UTCTime -> a -> Maybe Status
-statusDuring start end resource
- | created && not deleted = Just Created
- | not created && edited && not deleted = Just Edited
- | not created && deleted = Just Deleted
- | otherwise = Nothing
- where
- created = belongs (resourceCreatedAt resource) start end
- edited = fromMaybe False (fmap (\t -> belongs t start end) $ resourceEditedAt resource)
- deleted = fromMaybe False (fmap (\t -> belongs t start end) $ resourceDeletedAt resource)
-belongs :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool
-belongs time start end = time >= start && time < end
diff --git a/server/src/Secure.hs b/server/src/Secure.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a30941f..0000000
--- a/server/src/Secure.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-module Secure
- ( loggedAction
- ) where
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as HTTP
-import Web.Scotty
-import Common.Model (User)
-import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
-import qualified LoginSession
-import qualified Model.Query as Query
-import qualified Persistence.User as UserPersistence
-loggedAction :: (User -> ActionM ()) -> ActionM ()
-loggedAction action = do
- maybeToken <- LoginSession.get
- case maybeToken of
- Just token -> do
- maybeUser <- liftIO . Query.run . UserPersistence.get $ token
- case maybeUser of
- Just user ->
- action user
- Nothing -> do
- status HTTP.forbidden403
- html . TL.fromStrict . Msg.get $ Msg.Secure_Unauthorized
- Nothing -> do
- status HTTP.forbidden403
- html . TL.fromStrict . Msg.get $ Msg.Secure_Forbidden
diff --git a/server/src/SendMail.hs b/server/src/SendMail.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 13d4072..0000000
--- a/server/src/SendMail.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-module SendMail
- ( sendMail
- ) where
-import Control.Arrow (left)
-import Control.Exception (SomeException, try)
-import Data.Either (isLeft)
-import qualified Network.Mail.Mime as M
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
-import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (fromText, toLazyText)
-import Conf (Conf)
-import qualified Conf
-import Model.Mail (Mail (..))
-sendMail :: Conf -> Mail -> IO (Either Text ())
-sendMail conf mail =
- if Conf.devMode conf
- then
- do
- T.putStrLn . mockMailMessage $ mail
- return (Right ())
- else
- do
- result <- left (T.pack . show) <$> (try (M.renderSendMail . getMimeMail $ mail) :: IO (Either SomeException ()))
- if isLeft result
- then putStrLn ("Error sending the following email:" ++ (show mail) ++ "\n" ++ (show result))
- else return ()
- return result
-mockMailMessage :: Mail -> Text
-mockMailMessage mail = T.concat $
- [ "[MOCK MAIL] "
- , subject mail
- , " (from: "
- , from mail
- , ") (to: "
- , T.intercalate ", " $ to mail
- , ")"
- , "\n"
- , body mail
- , "\n"
- ]
-getMimeMail :: Mail -> M.Mail
-getMimeMail (Mail mailFrom mailTo mailSubject mailPlainBody) =
- let fromMail = M.emptyMail (address mailFrom)
- in fromMail
- { M.mailTo = map address mailTo
- , M.mailParts = [ [ M.plainPart . strictToLazy $ mailPlainBody ] ]
- , M.mailHeaders = [("Subject", mailSubject)]
- }
-address :: Text -> M.Address
-address addressEmail =
- M.Address
- { M.addressName = Nothing
- , M.addressEmail = addressEmail
- }
-strictToLazy :: Text -> LT.Text
-strictToLazy = toLazyText . fromText
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deleted file mode 100644
index e463aac..0000000
--- a/server/src/Statistics.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-module Statistics
- ( paymentsAndIncomes
- ) where
-import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
-import qualified Data.List as L
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
-import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Calendar
-import Common.Model (Income (..), MonthStats (..), Payment (..),
- Stats)
-paymentsAndIncomes :: [Payment] -> [Income] -> Stats
-paymentsAndIncomes payments incomes =
- map toMonthStat . M.toList $ foldl
- (\m p -> M.alter (alter p) (startOfMonth $ _payment_date p) m)
- M.empty
- payments
- where
- toMonthStat (start, paymentsByCategory) =
- MonthStats start paymentsByCategory (incomesAt start)
- incomesAt day =
- M.map (incomeAt day) lastToFirstIncomesByUser
- incomeAt day lastToFirstIncome =
- Maybe.maybe 0 _income_amount
- . Maybe.listToMaybe
- . dropWhile (\i -> _income_date i > day)
- $ lastToFirstIncome
- lastToFirstIncomesByUser =
- M.map (reverse . L.sortOn _income_date)
- . groupBy _income_userId
- $ incomes
- initMonthStats =
- M.fromList
- . map (\category -> (category, 0))
- . L.nub
- $ map _payment_category payments
- alter p Nothing = Just (addPayment p initMonthStats)
- alter p (Just monthStats) = Just (addPayment p monthStats)
- addPayment p monthStats = M.adjust ((+) (_payment_cost p)) (_payment_category p) monthStats
- startOfMonth day =
- let (y, m, _) = Calendar.toGregorian day
- in Calendar.fromGregorian y m 1
-groupBy :: Ord k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> Map k [a]
-groupBy key =
- M.fromListWith (++) . map (key &&& pure)
diff --git a/server/src/Util/Time.hs b/server/src/Util/Time.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a29fcc..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-module Util.Time
- ( belongToCurrentMonth
- , belongToCurrentWeek
- ) where
-import Data.Time.Calendar (toGregorian)
-import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate (toWeekDate)
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
-import qualified Common.Util.Time as Time
-belongToCurrentMonth :: UTCTime -> IO Bool
-belongToCurrentMonth time = do
- (timeYear, timeMonth, _) <- toGregorian <$> Time.timeToDay time
- (actualYear, actualMonth, _) <- toGregorian <$> (getCurrentTime >>= Time.timeToDay)
- return (actualYear == timeYear && actualMonth == timeMonth)
-belongToCurrentWeek :: UTCTime -> IO Bool
-belongToCurrentWeek time = do
- (timeYear, timeWeek, _) <- toWeekDate <$> Time.timeToDay time
- (actualYear, actualWeek, _) <- toWeekDate <$> (getCurrentTime >>= Time.timeToDay)
- return (actualYear == timeYear && actualWeek == timeWeek)
diff --git a/server/src/Validation/Category.hs b/server/src/Validation/Category.hs
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index 12f2117..0000000
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@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-module Validation.Category
- ( createCategory
- , editCategory
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Validation (Validation)
-import qualified Data.Validation as V
-import Common.Model (CreateCategoryForm (..),
- EditCategoryForm (..))
-import qualified Common.Validation.Category as CategoryValidation
-import Model.CreateCategory (CreateCategory (..))
-import Model.EditCategory (EditCategory (..))
-createCategory :: CreateCategoryForm -> Validation Text CreateCategory
-createCategory form =
- CreateCategory
- <$> CategoryValidation.name (_createCategoryForm_name form)
- <*> CategoryValidation.color (_createCategoryForm_color form)
-editCategory :: EditCategoryForm -> Validation Text EditCategory
-editCategory form =
- EditCategory
- <$> V.Success (_editCategoryForm_id form)
- <*> CategoryValidation.name (_editCategoryForm_name form)
- <*> CategoryValidation.color (_editCategoryForm_color form)
diff --git a/server/src/Validation/Income.hs b/server/src/Validation/Income.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e034d1..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-module Validation.Income
- ( createIncome
- , editIncome
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Validation (Validation)
-import qualified Data.Validation as V
-import Common.Model (CreateIncomeForm (..),
- EditIncomeForm (..))
-import qualified Common.Validation.Income as IncomeValidation
-import Model.CreateIncome (CreateIncome (..))
-import Model.EditIncome (EditIncome (..))
-createIncome :: CreateIncomeForm -> Validation Text CreateIncome
-createIncome form =
- CreateIncome
- <$> IncomeValidation.amount (_createIncomeForm_amount form)
- <*> IncomeValidation.date (_createIncomeForm_date form)
-editIncome :: EditIncomeForm -> Validation Text EditIncome
-editIncome form =
- EditIncome
- <$> V.Success (_editIncomeForm_id form)
- <*> IncomeValidation.amount (_editIncomeForm_amount form)
- <*> IncomeValidation.date (_editIncomeForm_date form)
diff --git a/server/src/Validation/Payment.hs b/server/src/Validation/Payment.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 20e370e..0000000
--- a/server/src/Validation/Payment.hs
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-module Validation.Payment
- ( createPayment
- , editPayment
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Validation (Validation)
-import qualified Data.Validation as V
-import Common.Model (CategoryId, CreatePaymentForm (..),
- EditPaymentForm (..))
-import qualified Common.Validation.Payment as PaymentValidation
-import Model.CreatePayment (CreatePayment (..))
-import Model.EditPayment (EditPayment (..))
-createPayment :: [CategoryId] -> CreatePaymentForm -> Validation Text CreatePayment
-createPayment categories form =
- CreatePayment
- <$> PaymentValidation.name (_createPaymentForm_name form)
- <*> PaymentValidation.cost (_createPaymentForm_cost form)
- <*> PaymentValidation.date (_createPaymentForm_date form)
- <*> PaymentValidation.category categories (_createPaymentForm_category form)
- <*> V.Success (_createPaymentForm_frequency form)
-editPayment :: [CategoryId] -> EditPaymentForm -> Validation Text EditPayment
-editPayment categories form =
- EditPayment
- <$> V.Success (_editPaymentForm_id form)
- <*> PaymentValidation.name (_editPaymentForm_name form)
- <*> PaymentValidation.cost (_editPaymentForm_cost form)
- <*> PaymentValidation.date (_editPaymentForm_date form)
- <*> PaymentValidation.category categories (_editPaymentForm_category form)
- <*> V.Success (_editPaymentForm_frequency form)
diff --git a/server/src/Validation/SignIn.hs b/server/src/Validation/SignIn.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index dc86122..0000000
--- a/server/src/Validation/SignIn.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module Validation.SignIn
- ( signIn
- ) where
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Validation (Validation)
-import Common.Model (SignInForm (..))
-import qualified Common.Validation.SignIn as SignInValidation
-import Model.SignIn (SignIn (..))
-signIn :: SignInForm -> Validation Text SignIn
-signIn form =
- SignIn
- <$> SignInValidation.email (_signInForm_email form)
- <*> SignInValidation.password (_signInForm_password form)
diff --git a/server/src/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs b/server/src/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs
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index 3fe224f..0000000
--- a/server/src/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-module View.Mail.WeeklyReport
- ( mail
- ) where
-import Data.List (sortOn)
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-import Common.Model (ExceedingPayer (..), Income (..),
- Payment (..), User (..), UserId)
-import qualified Common.Model as CM
-import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
-import qualified Common.View.Format as Format
-import Conf (Conf)
-import qualified Conf as Conf
-import Model.IncomeResource (IncomeResource (..))
-import Model.Mail (Mail (Mail))
-import qualified Model.Mail as M
-import Model.PaymentResource (PaymentResource (..))
-import qualified Payer as Payer
-import Resource (Status (..), groupByStatus, statuses)
-mail :: Conf -> [User] -> [Income] -> [Payment] -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Mail
-mail conf users weekIncomes weekPayments cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition start end =
- Mail
- { M.from = Conf.noReplyMail conf
- , M.to = map _user_email users
- , M.subject = T.concat
- [ Msg.get Msg.App_Title
- , " − "
- , Msg.get Msg.WeeklyReport_Title
- ]
- , M.body = body conf users weekIncomes weekPayments cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition start end
- }
-body :: Conf -> [User] -> [Income] -> [Payment] -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Text
-body conf users weekIncomes weekPayments cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition start end =
- T.intercalate "\n" $
- [ exceedingPayers conf users cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition
- , operations conf users paymentsGroupedByStatus incomesGroupedByStatus
- ]
- where
- paymentsGroupedByStatus = groupByStatus start end . map PaymentResource $ weekPayments
- incomesGroupedByStatus = groupByStatus start end . map IncomeResource $ weekIncomes
-exceedingPayers :: Conf -> [User] -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> Map UserId Int -> Text
-exceedingPayers conf users cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition =
- T.intercalate "\n" . map formatPayer $ payers
- where
- payers = Payer.getExceedingPayers users cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition
- formatPayer p = T.concat
- [ " * "
- , fromMaybe "" $ _user_name <$> CM.findUser (_exceedingPayer_userId p) users
- , " + "
- , Format.price (Conf.currency conf) $ _exceedingPayer_amount p
- , "\n"
- ]
-operations :: Conf -> [User] -> Map Status [PaymentResource] -> Map Status [IncomeResource] -> Text
-operations conf users paymentsByStatus incomesByStatus =
- if M.null paymentsByStatus && M.null incomesByStatus
- then
- Msg.get Msg.WeeklyReport_Empty
- else
- T.intercalate "\n" . catMaybes . concat $
- [ map (\s -> paymentSection s conf users <$> M.lookup s paymentsByStatus) statuses
- , map (\s -> incomeSection s conf users <$> M.lookup s incomesByStatus) statuses
- ]
-paymentSection :: Status -> Conf -> [User] -> [PaymentResource] -> Text
-paymentSection status conf users payments =
- section sectionTitle sectionItems
- where count = length payments
- sectionTitle = Msg.get $ case status of
- Created -> if count > 1 then Msg.WeeklyReport_PaymentsCreated count else Msg.WeeklyReport_PaymentCreated count
- Edited -> if count > 1 then Msg.WeeklyReport_PaymentsEdited count else Msg.WeeklyReport_PaymentEdited count
- Deleted -> if count > 1 then Msg.WeeklyReport_PaymentsDeleted count else Msg.WeeklyReport_PaymentDeleted count
- sectionItems = map (payedFor status conf users) . sortOn _payment_date . map (\(PaymentResource p) -> p) $ payments
-payedFor :: Status -> Conf -> [User] -> Payment -> Text
-payedFor status conf users payment =
- case status of
- Deleted -> Msg.get (Msg.WeeklyReport_PayedForNot name amount for at)
- _ -> Msg.get (Msg.WeeklyReport_PayedFor name amount for at)
- where name = formatUserName (_payment_user payment) users
- amount = Format.price (Conf.currency conf) . _payment_cost $ payment
- for = _payment_name payment
- at = Format.longDay $ _payment_date payment
-incomeSection :: Status -> Conf -> [User] -> [IncomeResource] -> Text
-incomeSection status conf users incomes =
- section sectionTitle sectionItems
- where count = length incomes
- sectionTitle = Msg.get $ case status of
- Created -> if count > 1 then Msg.WeeklyReport_IncomesCreated count else Msg.WeeklyReport_IncomeCreated count
- Edited -> if count > 1 then Msg.WeeklyReport_IncomesEdited count else Msg.WeeklyReport_IncomeEdited count
- Deleted -> if count > 1 then Msg.WeeklyReport_IncomesDeleted count else Msg.WeeklyReport_IncomeDeleted count
- sectionItems = map (isPayedFrom status conf users) . sortOn _income_date . map (\(IncomeResource i) -> i) $ incomes
-isPayedFrom :: Status -> Conf -> [User] -> Income -> Text
-isPayedFrom status conf users income =
- case status of
- Deleted -> Msg.get (Msg.WeeklyReport_PayedFromNot name amount for)
- _ -> Msg.get (Msg.WeeklyReport_PayedFrom name amount for)
- where name = formatUserName (_income_userId income) users
- amount = Format.price (Conf.currency conf) . _income_amount $ income
- for = Format.longDay $ _income_date income
-formatUserName :: UserId -> [User] -> Text
-formatUserName userId = fromMaybe "−" . fmap _user_name . CM.findUser userId
-section :: Text -> [Text] -> Text
-section title items =
- T.concat
- [ title
- , "\n\n"
- , T.unlines . map (" * " <>) $ items
- ]
diff --git a/server/src/View/Page.hs b/server/src/View/Page.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ae7a266..0000000
--- a/server/src/View/Page.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-module View.Page
- ( page
- ) where
-import Data.Aeson (encode)
-import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Json
-import Data.Text.Internal.Lazy (Text)
-import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
-import Prelude hiding (init)
-import Text.Blaze.Html
-import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml)
-import Text.Blaze.Html5
-import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
-import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes
-import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
-import Common.Model (Init)
-import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
-page :: Maybe Init -> Text
-page init =
- renderHtml . docTypeHtml $ do
- H.head $ do
- meta ! charset "UTF-8"
- meta ! name "viewport" ! content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"
- H.title (toHtml $ Msg.get Msg.App_Title)
- script ! src "/javascript/main.js" $ ""
- script ! src "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.3/Chart.bundle.js" $ ""
- jsonScript "init" init
- link ! rel "stylesheet" ! type_ "text/css" ! href "/css/reset.css"
- link ! rel "stylesheet" ! type_ "text/css" ! href "/css/main.css"
- link ! rel "icon" ! type_ "image/png" ! href "/images/icon.png"
- H.body $ do
- H.div ! A.class_ "spinner" $ ""
-jsonScript :: Json.ToJSON a => Text -> a -> Html
-jsonScript scriptId json =
- script
- ! A.id (toValue scriptId)
- ! type_ "application/json"
- $ toHtml . decodeUtf8 . encode $ json