path: root/src/View.elm
diff options
authorJoris2016-09-04 15:52:17 +0200
committerJoris2016-09-04 15:53:32 +0200
commit8714c3befcf3f9923cf72e8d992ba6d963c0e6e7 (patch)
treee5ab35a918a95cbfee2f90dc34f3fe57fac42593 /src/View.elm
parentcda08750ac7cdd83e73c1110800bea39928ffed9 (diff)
Upgrade to elm 0.17.1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/View.elm')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/View.elm b/src/View.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..822c2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/View.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+module View exposing
+ ( view
+ )
+import Html exposing (Html)
+import Svg exposing (..)
+import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
+import List
+import Time exposing (Time)
+import Model exposing (Model)
+import Model.Vec2 exposing (Vec2)
+import Model.Player exposing (..)
+import Model.Point exposing (..)
+import Model.Config exposing (..)
+import Model.Round exposing (..)
+import Model.Level exposing (..)
+import Model.Color exposing (htmlOutput)
+import View.Round exposing (roundView)
+view : Model -> Html msg
+view model =
+ let renderPoints config = List.map (renderPoint model.boardSize model.elapsedTime config) (model.cloud.points config)
+ in svg
+ [ width "100%"
+ , height "100%"
+ , Svg.Attributes.style ("background-color: " ++ backgroundColor ++ ";")
+ , viewBox ("0 0 " ++ (toString model.boardSize.x) ++ " " ++ (toString (model.boardSize.y + headerHeight)))
+ ]
+ [ renderBoard model.currentScore
+ , renderPlayer model.boardSize model.player (getPlayerSize model.currentScore)
+ , g [] (renderPoints White)
+ , g [] (renderPoints Black)
+ , renderScore model.boardSize model.elapsedTime model.rounds model.currentScore
+ , hideNewPoints model.boardSize
+ , renderHeader model
+ ]
+headerHeight : Float
+headerHeight = 115
+renderHeader : Model -> Svg msg
+renderHeader model =
+ g
+ []
+ [ rect
+ [ width "100%"
+ , height (toString headerHeight)
+ , fill "#1B203F"
+ ]
+ []
+ , text'
+ [ x "10"
+ , y "45"
+ , fontSize "36"
+ , fill "white"
+ , fontWeight "bold"
+ ]
+ [ text "cAtchVoid" ]
+ , text'
+ [ fill "white"
+ , fontSize "12"
+ , fontStyle "italic"
+ ]
+ [ tspan
+ [ x (toString (model.boardSize.x / 2))
+ , y "75"
+ , textAnchor "middle"
+ ]
+ [ text "Catch the points of your color, avoid the other points." ]
+ , tspan
+ [ x (toString (model.boardSize.x / 2))
+ , y "92"
+ , textAnchor "middle"
+ ]
+ [ text "Use the arrow keys to move and 'e' to change your color." ]
+ ]
+ , ( case maybeBestRound model.rounds of
+ Nothing ->
+ text ""
+ Just bestRound ->
+ text'
+ [ fill "yellow"
+ , x "355"
+ , y "38"
+ , fontSize "13"
+ ]
+ [ tspan
+ [ textAnchor "middle" ]
+ [ text ("Top: " ++ roundView bestRound) ]
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+backgroundColor : String
+backgroundColor = "#1B203F"
+renderBoard : Int -> Svg msg
+renderBoard currentScore =
+ rect
+ [ y (toString headerHeight)
+ , width "100%"
+ , height "100%"
+ , fill (htmlOutput (progressiveColor currentScore))
+ ]
+ []
+renderPlayer : Vec2 -> Player -> Float -> Svg msg
+renderPlayer boardSize player playerSize =
+ renderCircle boardSize player.pos playerSize (playerColor player.config)
+playerColor : Config -> String
+playerColor config =
+ case config of
+ White -> "#F0F0F0"
+ Black -> "#0E1121"
+renderPoint : Vec2 -> Float -> Config -> Point -> Svg msg
+renderPoint boardSize elapsedTime config point =
+ let pos = pointMove point elapsedTime
+ in renderCircle boardSize pos pointSize (playerColor config)
+pointColor : Config -> String
+pointColor config =
+ case config of
+ White -> "white"
+ Black -> "black"
+renderCircle : Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Float -> String -> Svg msg
+renderCircle boardSize pos size color =
+ circle
+ [ cx (toString (pos.x + boardSize.x / 2))
+ , cy (toString (-1 * pos.y + boardSize.y / 2 + headerHeight))
+ , r (toString size)
+ , fill color
+ ]
+ []
+renderScore : Vec2 -> Time -> List Round -> Int -> Svg msg
+renderScore boardSize elapsedTime rounds score =
+ let scorePos =
+ { x = 0.0
+ , y = boardSize.y / 2 - 35
+ }
+ scoreText = "L" ++ (toString << currentLevelNumber <| score) ++ " - " ++ (toString score)
+ in if elapsedTime < 5000
+ then
+ case List.head rounds of
+ Just round ->
+ renderText boardSize scorePos (roundView round)
+ Nothing ->
+ renderText boardSize scorePos scoreText
+ else
+ renderText boardSize scorePos scoreText
+renderText : Vec2 -> Vec2 -> String -> Svg msg
+renderText boardSize pos content =
+ text'
+ [ x (toString (pos.x + boardSize.x / 2))
+ , y (toString (-1 * pos.y + boardSize.y / 2 + headerHeight))
+ , fontFamily "calibri"
+ , fontSize "24"
+ , color "#0E1121"
+ , fontWeight "bold"
+ ]
+ [ tspan
+ [ textAnchor "middle" ]
+ [ text content ]
+ ]
+hideNewPoints : Vec2 -> Svg msg
+hideNewPoints boardSize =
+ let size =
+ (pointAwayDist boardSize) + pointSize - (Basics.max boardSize.x boardSize.y) / 2
+ |> toString
+ in g
+ []
+ [ rect
+ [ x ("-" ++ size)
+ , width size
+ , height "100%"
+ , fill backgroundColor
+ ]
+ []
+ , rect
+ [ x (toString boardSize.x)
+ , width size
+ , height "100%"
+ , fill backgroundColor
+ ]
+ []
+ , rect
+ [ y ("-" ++ size)
+ , width "100%"
+ , height size
+ , fill backgroundColor
+ ]
+ []
+ , rect
+ [ y (toString (boardSize.y + headerHeight))
+ , width "100%"
+ , height size
+ , fill backgroundColor
+ ]
+ []
+ ]