path: root/client/src/Component/Input.hs
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authorJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
committerJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
commit960fa7cb7ae4c57d01306f78cd349f3a8337d0ab (patch)
tree5077cc720525fb025e4dba65a9a8b631862cbcc8 /client/src/Component/Input.hs
parent14bdbc8c937f5d0b35c61350dba28cb41c3737cd (diff)
parent6a04e640955051616c3ad0874605830c448f2d75 (diff)
Merge branch 'with-ghcjs' into 'master'
Use Haskell on the frontend See merge request guyonvarch/shared-cost!2
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src/Component/Input.hs')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Component/Input.hs b/client/src/Component/Input.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcff377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Component/Input.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+module Component.Input
+ ( In(..)
+ , Out(..)
+ , view
+ , defaultIn
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
+import Data.Validation (Validation (Failure, Success))
+import qualified Data.Validation as V
+import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, MonadWidget, Reflex,
+ (&), (.~))
+import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
+import qualified Common.Util.Validation as ValidationUtil
+import qualified Component.Button as Button
+import qualified View.Icon as Icon
+data In a = In
+ { _in_hasResetButton :: Bool
+ , _in_label :: Text
+ , _in_initialValue :: Text
+ , _in_inputType :: Text
+ , _in_validation :: Text -> Validation Text a
+ }
+defaultIn :: In Text
+defaultIn = In
+ { _in_hasResetButton = True
+ , _in_label = ""
+ , _in_initialValue = ""
+ , _in_inputType = "text"
+ , _in_validation = V.Success
+ }
+data Out t a = Out
+ { _out_raw :: Dynamic t Text
+ , _out_value :: Dynamic t (Validation Text a)
+ , _out_enter :: Event t ()
+ }
+ :: forall t m a b. MonadWidget t m
+ => In a
+ -> Event t Text -- reset
+ -> Event t b -- validate
+ -> m (Out t a)
+view input reset validate = do
+ rec
+ let resetValue = R.leftmost
+ [ reset
+ , fmap (const "") resetClic
+ ]
+ inputAttr = R.ffor value (\v ->
+ if T.null v && _in_inputType input /= "date" && _in_inputType input /= "color"
+ then M.empty
+ else M.singleton "class" "filled")
+ value = R._textInput_value textInput
+ containerAttr = R.ffor inputError (\e ->
+ M.singleton "class" $ T.intercalate " "
+ [ "textInput"
+ , if Maybe.isJust e then "error" else ""
+ ])
+ let valueWithValidation = R.ffor value (\v -> (v, _in_validation input $ v))
+ inputError <- getInputError valueWithValidation validate
+ (textInput, resetClic) <- R.elDynAttr "div" containerAttr $ do
+ textInput <- R.el "label" $ do
+ textInput <- R.textInput $ R.def
+ & R.attributes .~ inputAttr
+ & R.setValue .~ resetValue
+ & R.textInputConfig_initialValue .~ (_in_initialValue input)
+ & R.textInputConfig_inputType .~ (_in_inputType input)
+ R.divClass "label" $
+ R.text (_in_label input)
+ return textInput
+ resetClic <-
+ if _in_hasResetButton input
+ then
+ Button._out_clic <$> (Button.view $
+ (Button.defaultIn Icon.cross)
+ { Button._in_class = R.constDyn "reset"
+ , Button._in_tabIndex = Just (-1)
+ })
+ else
+ return R.never
+ R.divClass "errorMessage" $
+ R.dynText . fmap (Maybe.fromMaybe "") $ inputError
+ return (textInput, resetClic)
+ let enter = fmap (const ()) $ R.ffilter ((==) 13) . R._textInput_keypress $ textInput
+ return $ Out
+ { _out_raw = value
+ , _out_value = fmap snd valueWithValidation
+ , _out_enter = enter
+ }
+ :: forall t m a b c. MonadWidget t m
+ => Dynamic t (Text, Validation Text a)
+ -> Event t c
+ -> m (Dynamic t (Maybe Text))
+getInputError validatedValue validate = do
+ let errorDynamic = fmap (\(t, v) -> (t, validationError v)) validatedValue
+ errorEvent = R.updated errorDynamic
+ delayedError <- R.debounce (1 :: NominalDiffTime) errorEvent
+ fmap (fmap fst) $ R.foldDyn
+ (\event (err, hasBeenResetted) ->
+ case event of
+ ModifiedEvent t ->
+ (Nothing, T.null t)
+ ValidateEvent e ->
+ (e, False)
+ DelayEvent e ->
+ if hasBeenResetted then
+ (Nothing, False)
+ else
+ (e, False)
+ )
+ (Nothing, False)
+ (R.leftmost
+ [ fmap (\(t, _) -> ModifiedEvent t) errorEvent
+ , fmap (\(_, e) -> DelayEvent e) delayedError
+ , R.attachWith (\(_, e) _ -> ValidateEvent e) (R.current errorDynamic) validate
+ ])
+validationError :: (Validation Text a) -> Maybe Text
+validationError (Failure e) = Just e
+validationError _ = Nothing
+data InputEvent
+ = ModifiedEvent Text
+ | DelayEvent (Maybe Text)
+ | ValidateEvent (Maybe Text)