path: root/client/src/View/Header.hs
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authorJoris2017-11-08 23:47:26 +0100
committerJoris2017-11-08 23:47:26 +0100
commit27e11b20b06f2f2dbfb56c0998a63169b4b8abc4 (patch)
tree845f54d7fe876c9a3078036975ba85ec21d224a1 /client/src/View/Header.hs
parenta3601b5e6f5a3e41fa31752a2c704ccd3632790e (diff)
Use a better project structure
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src/View/Header.hs')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/View/Header.hs b/client/src/View/Header.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..705e054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/View/Header.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
+module View.Header
+ ( view
+ , HeaderIn(..)
+ , HeaderOut(..)
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
+import Reflex.Dom (MonadWidget, Event)
+import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
+import Prelude hiding (init, error)
+import qualified Common.Message as Message
+import qualified Common.Message.Key as Key
+import Common.Model (InitResult(..), Init(..), User(..))
+import qualified Common.Model as CM
+import Component.Button (ButtonIn(..))
+import qualified Component.Button as Component
+import qualified Icon
+data HeaderIn = HeaderIn
+ { _headerIn_initResult :: InitResult
+ }
+data HeaderOut t = HeaderOut
+ { _headerOut_signOut :: Event t ()
+ }
+view :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => HeaderIn -> m (HeaderOut t)
+view headerIn =
+ R.el "header" $ do
+ R.divClass "title" $
+ R.text $ Message.get Key.App_Title
+ signOut <- nameSignOut $ _headerIn_initResult headerIn
+ return $ HeaderOut
+ { _headerOut_signOut = signOut
+ }
+nameSignOut :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => InitResult -> m (Event t ())
+nameSignOut initResult = case initResult of
+ (InitSuccess init) -> do
+ rec
+ attr <- R.holdDyn
+ (M.singleton "class" "nameSignOut")
+ (fmap (const $ M.fromList [("style", "visibility: hidden"), ("class", "nameSignOut")]) signOut)
+ signOut <- R.elDynAttr "nameSignOut" attr $ do
+ case CM.findUser (_init_currentUser init) (_init_users init) of
+ Just user -> R.divClass "name" $ R.text (_user_name user)
+ Nothing -> R.blank
+ signOutButton
+ return signOut
+ _ ->
+ return R.never
+signOutButton :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => m (Event t ())
+signOutButton = do
+ rec
+ signOut <- Component.button $ ButtonIn
+ { Component._buttonIn_class = "signOut item"
+ , Component._buttonIn_content = Icon.signOut
+ , Component._buttonIn_waiting = waiting
+ }
+ let signOutClic = Component._buttonOut_clic signOut
+ waiting = R.leftmost
+ [ fmap (const True) signOutClic
+ , fmap (const False) signOutSuccess
+ ]
+ signOutSuccess <- askSignOut signOutClic >>= R.debounce (0.5 :: NominalDiffTime)
+ return . fmap (const ()) . R.ffilter (== True) $ signOutSuccess
+ where askSignOut :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => Event t () -> m (Event t Bool)
+ askSignOut signOut =
+ fmap getResult <$> R.performRequestAsync xhrRequest
+ where xhrRequest = fmap (const $ R.postJson "/signOut" ()) signOut
+ getResult = (== 200) . R._xhrResponse_status