path: root/client/src/View/Payment/Form.hs
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authorJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
committerJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
commit960fa7cb7ae4c57d01306f78cd349f3a8337d0ab (patch)
tree5077cc720525fb025e4dba65a9a8b631862cbcc8 /client/src/View/Payment/Form.hs
parent14bdbc8c937f5d0b35c61350dba28cb41c3737cd (diff)
parent6a04e640955051616c3ad0874605830c448f2d75 (diff)
Merge branch 'with-ghcjs' into 'master'
Use Haskell on the frontend See merge request guyonvarch/shared-cost!2
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src/View/Payment/Form.hs')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/View/Payment/Form.hs b/client/src/View/Payment/Form.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c31fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/View/Payment/Form.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+module View.Payment.Form
+ ( view
+ , In(..)
+ , Operation(..)
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (join)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Data.Aeson (Value)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
+import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
+import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Calendar
+import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
+import Data.Validation (Validation)
+import qualified Data.Validation as V
+import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, MonadWidget)
+import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
+import qualified Text.Read as T
+import Common.Model (Category (..), CategoryId,
+ CreatePaymentForm (..),
+ EditPaymentForm (..),
+ Frequency (..), Payment (..))
+import qualified Common.Msg as Msg
+import qualified Common.Util.Time as TimeUtil
+import qualified Common.Validation.Payment as PaymentValidation
+import qualified Component.Input as Input
+import qualified Component.Modal as Modal
+import qualified Component.ModalForm as ModalForm
+import qualified Component.Select as Select
+import qualified Util.Ajax as Ajax
+import qualified Util.Either as EitherUtil
+import qualified Util.Validation as ValidationUtil
+data In t = In
+ { _in_categories :: [Category]
+ , _in_operation :: Operation t
+ , _in_frequency :: Frequency
+ }
+data Operation t
+ = New
+ | Clone Payment
+ | Edit Payment
+view :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => In t -> Modal.Content t m
+view input cancel = do
+ rec
+ let reset = R.leftmost
+ [ "" <$ ModalForm._out_cancel modalForm
+ , "" <$ ModalForm._out_validate modalForm
+ , "" <$ cancel
+ ]
+ modalForm <- ModalForm.view $ ModalForm.In
+ { ModalForm._in_headerLabel = headerLabel
+ , ModalForm._in_ajax = ajax "/api/payment"
+ , ModalForm._in_form = form reset (ModalForm._out_confirm modalForm)
+ }
+ return (ModalForm._out_hide modalForm, ModalForm._out_validate modalForm)
+ where
+ form
+ :: Event t String
+ -> Event t ()
+ -> m (Dynamic t (Validation (NonEmpty Text) Value))
+ form reset confirm = do
+ name <- Input.view
+ (Input.defaultIn
+ { Input._in_label = Msg.get Msg.Payment_Name
+ , Input._in_initialValue = name
+ , Input._in_validation = PaymentValidation.name
+ })
+ (name <$ reset)
+ confirm
+ cost <- Input._out_raw <$> (Input.view
+ (Input.defaultIn
+ { Input._in_label = Msg.get Msg.Payment_Cost
+ , Input._in_initialValue = cost
+ , Input._in_validation = PaymentValidation.cost
+ })
+ (cost <$ reset)
+ confirm)
+ currentDate <- date
+ date <-
+ case frequency of
+ Punctual -> do
+ Input._out_raw <$> (Input.view
+ (Input.defaultIn
+ { Input._in_label = Msg.get Msg.Payment_Date
+ , Input._in_initialValue = currentDate
+ , Input._in_inputType = "date"
+ , Input._in_hasResetButton = False
+ , Input._in_validation = PaymentValidation.date
+ })
+ (currentDate <$ reset)
+ confirm)
+ Monthly ->
+ return . R.constDyn $ currentDate
+ setCategory <-
+ R.debounce (1 :: NominalDiffTime) (R.updated $ Input._out_raw name)
+ >>= (return . R.ffilter (\name -> T.length name >= 3))
+ >>= (Ajax.get . (fmap ("/api/payment/category?name=" <>)))
+ >>= (return . R.mapMaybe (join . EitherUtil.eitherToMaybe))
+ category <- Select._out_value <$> (Select.view $ Select.In
+ { Select._in_label = Msg.get Msg.Payment_Category
+ , Select._in_initialValue = category
+ , Select._in_value = setCategory
+ , Select._in_values = R.constDyn categories
+ , Select._in_reset = category <$ reset
+ , Select._in_isValid = PaymentValidation.category (map _category_id $ _in_categories input)
+ , Select._in_validate = confirm
+ })
+ return $ do
+ n <- Input._out_value name
+ c <- cost
+ d <- date
+ cat <- category
+ return (mkPayload
+ <$> ValidationUtil.nelError n
+ <*> V.Success c
+ <*> V.Success d
+ <*> ValidationUtil.nelError cat
+ <*> V.Success frequency)
+ frequencies =
+ M.fromList
+ [ (Punctual, Msg.get Msg.Payment_PunctualMale)
+ , (Monthly, Msg.get Msg.Payment_MonthlyMale)
+ ]
+ categories = M.fromList . flip map (_in_categories input) $ \c ->
+ (_category_id c, _category_name c)
+ category =
+ case op of
+ New -> -1
+ Clone p -> _payment_category p
+ Edit p -> _payment_category p
+ op = _in_operation input
+ name =
+ case op of
+ New -> ""
+ Clone p -> _payment_name p
+ Edit p -> _payment_name p
+ cost =
+ case op of
+ New -> ""
+ Clone p -> T.pack . show . _payment_cost $ p
+ Edit p -> T.pack . show . _payment_cost $ p
+ date = do
+ currentDay <- liftIO $ Clock.getCurrentTime >>= TimeUtil.timeToDay
+ return . T.pack . Calendar.showGregorian $
+ case op of
+ New -> currentDay
+ Clone p -> currentDay
+ Edit p -> _payment_date p
+ frequency =
+ case op of
+ New -> _in_frequency input
+ Clone p -> _payment_frequency p
+ Edit p -> _payment_frequency p
+ headerLabel =
+ case op of
+ New -> Msg.get Msg.Payment_Add
+ Clone _ -> Msg.get Msg.Payment_CloneLong
+ Edit _ -> Msg.get Msg.Payment_EditLong
+ ajax =
+ case op of
+ Edit _ -> Ajax.put
+ _ -> Ajax.post
+ mkPayload =
+ case op of
+ Edit p -> \a b c d e -> Aeson.toJSON $ EditPaymentForm (_payment_id p) a b c d e
+ _ -> \a b c d e -> Aeson.toJSON $ CreatePaymentForm a b c d e