path: root/src/client/LoggedIn
diff options
authorJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
committerJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
commit960fa7cb7ae4c57d01306f78cd349f3a8337d0ab (patch)
tree5077cc720525fb025e4dba65a9a8b631862cbcc8 /src/client/LoggedIn
parent14bdbc8c937f5d0b35c61350dba28cb41c3737cd (diff)
parent6a04e640955051616c3ad0874605830c448f2d75 (diff)
Merge branch 'with-ghcjs' into 'master'
Use Haskell on the frontend See merge request guyonvarch/shared-cost!2
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/LoggedIn')
21 files changed, 0 insertions, 1372 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Category/Table.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Category/Table.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9405e57..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Category/Table.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Category.Table exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Dict exposing (..)
-import Date exposing (Date)
-import String exposing (append)
-import FontAwesome
-import View.Color as Color
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Dialog
-import Dialog.AddCategory.Model as AddCategory
-import Dialog.AddCategory.View as AddCategory
-import Tooltip
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import View.Date as Date
-import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
-import Model.User exposing (getUserName)
-import Model.Category as Category exposing (CategoryId, Category)
-import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-view : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-view loggedData =
- let categories =
- loggedData.categories
- |> Dict.toList
- |> List.sortBy (.name << Tuple.second)
- in div
- [ class "table" ]
- [ div
- [ class "lines" ]
- ( headerLine loggedData :: List.map (paymentLine loggedData) categories)
- , if List.isEmpty (Dict.toList loggedData.categories)
- then
- div
- [ class "emptyTableMsg" ]
- [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "NoCategories" ]
- else
- text ""
- ]
-headerLine : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-headerLine loggedData =
- div
- [ class "header" ]
- [ div [ class "cell name" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Name" ]
- , div [ class "cell category" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Color" ]
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- ]
-paymentLine : LoggedData -> (CategoryId, Category) -> Html Msg
-paymentLine loggedData (categoryId, category) =
- div
- [ class "row" ]
- [ div
- [ class "cell category" ]
- [ text category.name ]
- , div
- [ class "cell category" ]
- [ span
- [ class "tag"
- , style [("background-color", category.color)]
- ]
- [ text category.color ]
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ let currentDate = Date.fromTime loggedData.currentTime
- in AddCategory.button
- loggedData
- (AddCategory.initialClone loggedData.translations category)
- "CloneCategory"
- (FontAwesome.clone Color.chestnutRose 18)
- (Just (getMessage loggedData.translations "Clone"))
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ AddCategory.button
- loggedData
- (AddCategory.initialEdit loggedData.translations categoryId category)
- "EditCategory"
- (FontAwesome.pencil Color.chestnutRose 18)
- (Just (getMessage loggedData.translations "Edit"))
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ if PaymentCategory.isCategoryUnused categoryId loggedData.paymentCategories
- then
- let dialogConfig =
- { className = "deleteCategoryDialog"
- , title = getMessage loggedData.translations "ConfirmCategoryDelete"
- , body = always <| text ""
- , confirm = getMessage loggedData.translations "Confirm"
- , confirmMsg = always <| Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.UpdateAndClose <| Msg.DeleteCategory categoryId
- , undo = getMessage loggedData.translations "Undo"
- }
- in button
- ( Tooltip.show Msg.Tooltip (getMessage loggedData.translations "Delete")
- ++ [ onClick (Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.Open dialogConfig) ]
- )
- [ FontAwesome.trash Color.chestnutRose 18 ]
- else
- span
- ( Tooltip.show Msg.Tooltip (getMessage loggedData.translations "UsedCategory") )
- [ FontAwesome.trash Color.silver 18 ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Category/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Category/View.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index bba51b7..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Category/View.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Category.View exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import Dialog.AddCategory.Model as AddCategory
-import Dialog.AddCategory.View as AddCategory
-import LoggedIn.Category.Table as Table
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage, getParamMessage)
-view : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-view loggedData =
- div
- [ class "categories" ]
- [ div
- [ class "titleButton withMargin" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Categories" ]
- , AddCategory.button
- loggedData
- (AddCategory.initialAdd loggedData.translations)
- "AddCategory"
- (text (getMessage loggedData.translations "AddCategory"))
- Nothing
- ]
- , Table.view loggedData
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Header/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Header/View.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 14d90d7..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Header/View.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.Header.View exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import String
-import Dict
-import Date
-import Form exposing (Form)
-import View.Form as Form
-import View.Events exposing (onSubmitPrevDefault)
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as HomeMsg
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
-import Model.Translations exposing (getParamMessage)
-import Model.Conf exposing (Conf)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payments)
-import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-import Dialog.AddPayment.Model as AddPayment
-import Dialog.AddPayment.View as AddPayment
-import LoggedIn.Home.View.ExceedingPayers as ExceedingPayers
-import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
-import View.Plural exposing (plural)
-view : LoggedData -> Home.Model -> Payments -> Frequency -> Html Msg
-view loggedData { search } payments frequency =
- let currentDate = Date.fromTime loggedData.currentTime
- in Html.div
- [ class "header" ]
- [ div
- [ class "payerAndAdd" ]
- [ ExceedingPayers.view loggedData
- , AddPayment.button
- loggedData
- (AddPayment.initialAdd loggedData.translations currentDate frequency)
- "AddPayment"
- (text (getMessage loggedData.translations "AddPayment"))
- Nothing
- ]
- , Html.div
- [ class "searchLine" ]
- [ searchForm loggedData search ]
- , infos loggedData payments
- ]
-searchForm : LoggedData -> Form String Home.Search -> Html Msg
-searchForm loggedData search =
- Html.map (Msg.UpdateLoggedIn << LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg << HomeMsg.SearchMsg) <|
- Html.form
- [ onSubmitPrevDefault Form.NoOp ]
- [ Form.textInput loggedData.translations search "search" "name"
- , if List.isEmpty (Payment.monthly loggedData.payments)
- then text ""
- else Form.radioInputs loggedData.translations search "search" "frequency" [ toString Punctual, toString Monthly ]
- ]
-infos : LoggedData -> Payments -> Html Msg
-infos loggedData payments =
- let paymentsCount = List.length payments
- in if paymentsCount == 0
- then text ""
- else
- let count = plural loggedData.translations (List.length payments) "Payment" "Payments"
- sum = paymentsSum loggedData.conf payments
- in div
- [ class "infos" ]
- [ span
- [ class "total" ]
- [ text <| getParamMessage [ count, sum ] loggedData.translations "Worth" ]
- , span
- [ class "partition" ]
- [ text <| paymentsPartition loggedData payments ]
- ]
-paymentsPartition : LoggedData -> Payments -> String
-paymentsPartition loggedData payments =
- String.join
- ", "
- ( loggedData.users
- |> Dict.toList
- |> List.map (Tuple.mapFirst (\userId -> Payment.totalPayments (always True) userId payments))
- |> List.filter (\(sum, _) -> sum > 0)
- |> List.sortBy Tuple.first
- |> List.reverse
- |> List.map (\(sum, user) ->
- getParamMessage [ user.name, Format.price loggedData.conf sum ] loggedData.translations "By"
- )
- )
-paymentsSum : Conf -> Payments -> String
-paymentsSum conf payments =
- payments
- |> List.map .cost
- |> List.sum
- |> Format.price conf
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Model.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Model.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index e5381f6..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Model.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.Model exposing
- ( Model
- , Search
- , init
- , searchInitial
- , validation
- )
-import Form exposing (Form)
-import Form.Field as Field exposing (Field)
-import Form.Validate as Validate exposing (Validation)
-import Model.Frequency as Frequency
-import Model.Payer exposing (Payers)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (PaymentId, Payments)
-import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
-import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId)
-type alias Model =
- { punctualPage : Int
- , monthlyPage : Int
- , search : Form String Search
- }
-type alias Search =
- { name : Maybe String
- , frequency : Frequency
- }
-init : Model
-init =
- { punctualPage = 1
- , monthlyPage = 1
- , search = Form.initial (searchInitial Punctual) validation
- }
-searchInitial : Frequency -> List (String, Field)
-searchInitial frequency = [ ("frequency", Field.string (toString frequency)) ]
-validation : Validation String Search
-validation =
- Validate.map2 Search
- (Validate.field "name" (Validate.maybe Validate.string))
- (Validate.field "frequency" Frequency.validate)
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Msg.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Msg.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f15ad..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Msg.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.Msg exposing
- ( Msg(..)
- )
-import Form exposing (Form)
-import Model.Payment exposing (PaymentId)
-import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency)
-type Msg =
- NoOp
- | UpdatePage Int
- | SearchMsg Form.Msg
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Update.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Update.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c2c7e..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/Update.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.Update exposing
- ( update
- )
-import Form exposing (Form)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as Home
-import Model.Frequency as Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
-update : LoggedData -> Home.Msg -> Home.Model -> (Home.Model, Cmd Home.Msg)
-update loggedData msg model =
- case msg of
- Home.NoOp ->
- ( model
- , Cmd.none
- )
- Home.UpdatePage page ->
- ( updatePage page model
- , Cmd.none
- )
- Home.SearchMsg formMsg ->
- let newModel =
- case formMsg of
- Form.Input "name" _ _ -> updatePage 1 model
- _ -> model
- in ( { model | search = Form.update Home.validation formMsg model.search }
- , Cmd.none
- )
-updatePage : Int -> Home.Model -> Home.Model
-updatePage page model =
- let frequency =
- Form.getFieldAsString "frequency" model.search
- |> .value
- |> Maybe.andThen Frequency.fromString
- in case frequency of
- Just Punctual -> { model | punctualPage = page }
- Just Monthly -> { model | monthlyPage = page }
- Nothing -> model
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index fba3f7c..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.View exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Date
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Form
-import Utils.Form as Form
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Header.View as Header
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as HomeMsg
-import LoggedIn.Home.View.Paging as Paging
-import LoggedIn.Home.View.Table as Table
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import Model.Payment as Payment
-import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-view : LoggedData -> Home.Model -> Html Msg
-view loggedData home =
- let (name, frequency) =
- case Form.getOutput home.search of
- Just data -> (Maybe.withDefault "" data.name, data.frequency)
- Nothing -> ("", Punctual)
- payments = Payment.search name frequency loggedData.payments
- page =
- case frequency of
- Punctual -> home.punctualPage
- Monthly -> home.monthlyPage
- in div
- [ class "home" ]
- [ Header.view loggedData home payments frequency
- , Table.view loggedData home payments frequency page
- , Paging.view
- page
- (List.length payments)
- Msg.NoOp
- (Msg.UpdateLoggedIn << LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg << HomeMsg.UpdatePage)
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/ExceedingPayers.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/ExceedingPayers.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f2439c..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/ExceedingPayers.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.View.ExceedingPayers exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
-import Model exposing (Model)
-import Model.User exposing (getUserName)
-import Model.Payment as Payment
-import Model.Payer exposing (..)
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-view : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-view loggedData =
- let payments = Payment.punctual loggedData.payments
- exceedingPayers = getOrderedExceedingPayers loggedData.currentTime loggedData.users loggedData.incomes payments
- in div
- [ class "exceedingPayers" ]
- ( if List.isEmpty exceedingPayers
- then [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "PaymentsAreBalanced" ]
- else (List.map (exceedingPayer loggedData) exceedingPayers)
- )
-exceedingPayer : LoggedData -> ExceedingPayer -> Html Msg
-exceedingPayer loggedData payer =
- span
- [ class "exceedingPayer" ]
- [ span
- [ class "userName" ]
- [ payer.userId
- |> getUserName loggedData.users
- |> Maybe.withDefault "−"
- |> text
- ]
- , span
- [ class "amount" ]
- [ text ("+ " ++ (Format.price loggedData.conf payer.amount)) ]
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/Paging.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/Paging.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index dffe061..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/Paging.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.View.Paging exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Color exposing (Color)
-import FontAwesome
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payments, perPage)
-showedPages : Int
-showedPages = 5
-view : Int -> Int -> msg -> (Int -> msg) -> Html msg
-view currentPage payments noOp pageMsg =
- let maxPage = ceiling (toFloat payments / toFloat perPage)
- pages = truncatePages currentPage (List.range 1 maxPage)
- in if maxPage <= 1
- then
- text ""
- else
- div
- [ class "pages" ]
- ( [ firstPage currentPage pageMsg
- , previousPage currentPage noOp pageMsg
- ]
- ++ ( List.map (paymentsPage currentPage noOp pageMsg) pages)
- ++ [ nextPage currentPage maxPage noOp pageMsg
- , lastPage currentPage maxPage pageMsg
- ]
- )
-truncatePages : Int -> List Int -> List Int
-truncatePages currentPage pages =
- let totalPages = List.length pages
- showedLeftPages = ceiling ((toFloat showedPages - 1) / 2)
- showedRightPages = floor ((toFloat showedPages - 1) / 2)
- truncatedPages =
- if currentPage <= showedLeftPages then
- (List.range 1 showedPages)
- else if currentPage > totalPages - showedRightPages then
- (List.range (totalPages - showedPages + 1) totalPages)
- else
- (List.range (currentPage - showedLeftPages) (currentPage + showedRightPages))
- in List.filter (flip List.member pages) truncatedPages
-firstPage : Int -> (Int -> msg) -> Html msg
-firstPage currentPage pageMsg =
- button
- [ classList
- [ ("page", True)
- , ("disable", currentPage <= 1)
- ]
- , onClick (pageMsg 1)
- ]
- [ FontAwesome.fast_backward grey 13 ]
-previousPage : Int -> msg -> (Int -> msg) -> Html msg
-previousPage currentPage noOp pageMsg =
- button
- [ class "page"
- , onClick <|
- if currentPage > 1
- then (pageMsg <| currentPage - 1)
- else noOp
- ]
- [ FontAwesome.backward grey 13 ]
-nextPage : Int -> Int -> msg -> (Int -> msg) -> Html msg
-nextPage currentPage maxPage noOp pageMsg =
- button
- [ class "page"
- , onClick <|
- if currentPage < maxPage
- then (pageMsg <| currentPage + 1)
- else noOp
- ]
- [ FontAwesome.forward grey 13 ]
-lastPage : Int -> Int -> (Int -> msg) -> Html msg
-lastPage currentPage maxPage pageMsg =
- button
- [ class "page"
- , onClick (pageMsg maxPage)
- ]
- [ FontAwesome.fast_forward grey 13 ]
-paymentsPage : Int -> msg -> (Int -> msg) -> Int -> Html msg
-paymentsPage currentPage noOp pageMsg page =
- let onCurrentPage = page == currentPage
- in button
- [ classList
- [ ("page", True)
- , ("current", onCurrentPage)
- ]
- , onClick <|
- if onCurrentPage
- then noOp
- else pageMsg page
- ]
- [ text (toString page) ]
-grey : Color
-grey = Color.greyscale 0.35
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/Table.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/Table.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index f94bb19..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Home/View/Table.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.View.Table exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Date exposing (Date)
-import Dict exposing (..)
-import String exposing (append)
-import FontAwesome
-import View.Color as Color
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Dialog
-import Dialog.AddPayment.Model as AddPayment
-import Dialog.AddPayment.View as AddPayment
-import Tooltip
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
-import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
-import View.Date as Date
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (..)
-import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
-import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-import Model.User exposing (getUserName)
-view : LoggedData -> Home.Model -> Payments -> Frequency -> Int -> Html Msg
-view loggedData homeModel payments frequency page =
- let visiblePayments =
- payments
- |> List.drop ((page - 1) * perPage)
- |> List.take perPage
- in div
- [ class "table" ]
- [ div
- [ class "lines" ]
- ( headerLine loggedData frequency :: List.map (paymentLine loggedData homeModel frequency) visiblePayments )
- , if List.isEmpty visiblePayments
- then
- div
- [ class "emptyTableMsg" ]
- [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "NoPayment" ]
- else
- text ""
- ]
-headerLine : LoggedData -> Frequency -> Html Msg
-headerLine loggedData frequency =
- div
- [ class "header" ]
- [ div [ class "cell category" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Name" ]
- , div [ class "cell cost" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Cost" ]
- , div [ class "cell user" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Payer" ]
- , div [ class "cell user" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "PaymentCategory" ]
- , case frequency of
- Punctual -> div [ class "cell date" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Date" ]
- Monthly -> text ""
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- ]
-paymentLine : LoggedData -> Home.Model -> Frequency -> Payment -> Html Msg
-paymentLine loggedData homeModel frequency payment =
- div
- [ class "row" ]
- [ div [ class "cell name" ] [ text payment.name ]
- , div
- [ classList
- [ ("cell cost", True)
- , ("refund", payment.cost < 0)
- ]
- ]
- [ text (Format.price loggedData.conf payment.cost) ]
- , div
- [ class "cell user" ]
- [ payment.userId
- |> getUserName loggedData.users
- |> Maybe.withDefault "−"
- |> text
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell category" ]
- ( let mbCategory =
- PaymentCategory.search payment.name loggedData.paymentCategories
- |> Maybe.andThen (\category -> Dict.get category loggedData.categories)
- in case mbCategory of
- Just category ->
- [ span
- [ class "tag"
- , style [("background-color", category.color)]
- ]
- [ text category.name ]
- ]
- Nothing ->
- []
- )
- , case frequency of
- Punctual ->
- div
- [ class "cell date" ]
- [ span
- [ class "shortDate" ]
- [ text (Date.shortView payment.date loggedData.translations) ]
- , span
- [ class "longDate" ]
- [ text (Date.longView payment.date loggedData.translations) ]
- ]
- Monthly ->
- text ""
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ let currentDate = Date.fromTime loggedData.currentTime
- category = PaymentCategory.search payment.name loggedData.paymentCategories
- in AddPayment.button
- loggedData
- (AddPayment.initialClone loggedData.translations currentDate category payment)
- "ClonePayment"
- (FontAwesome.clone Color.chestnutRose 18)
- (Just (getMessage loggedData.translations "Clone"))
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ if loggedData.me /= payment.userId
- then
- text ""
- else
- let category = PaymentCategory.search payment.name loggedData.paymentCategories
- in AddPayment.button
- loggedData
- (AddPayment.initialEdit loggedData.translations category payment)
- "EditPayment"
- (FontAwesome.pencil Color.chestnutRose 18)
- (Just (getMessage loggedData.translations "Edit"))
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ if loggedData.me /= payment.userId
- then
- text ""
- else
- let dialogConfig =
- { className = "deletePaymentDialog"
- , title = getMessage loggedData.translations "ConfirmPaymentDelete"
- , body = always <| text ""
- , confirm = getMessage loggedData.translations "Confirm"
- , confirmMsg = always <| Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.UpdateAndClose <| Msg.DeletePayment payment.id
- , undo = getMessage loggedData.translations "Undo"
- }
- in button
- ( Tooltip.show Msg.Tooltip (getMessage loggedData.translations "Delete")
- ++ [ onClick (Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.Open dialogConfig) ]
- )
- [ FontAwesome.trash Color.chestnutRose 18 ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Income/Table.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Income/Table.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index f10a552..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Income/Table.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Income.Table exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Dict exposing (..)
-import Date exposing (Date)
-import String exposing (append)
-import FontAwesome
-import View.Color as Color
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Dialog
-import Dialog.AddIncome.Model as AddIncome
-import Dialog.AddIncome.View as AddIncome
-import Tooltip
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import View.Date as Date
-import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
-import Model.User exposing (getUserName)
-import Model.Income as Income exposing (..)
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-view : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-view loggedData =
- let incomes =
- loggedData.incomes
- |> Dict.toList
- |> List.sortBy (.time << Tuple.second)
- |> List.reverse
- in div
- [ class "table" ]
- [ div
- [ class "lines" ]
- ( headerLine loggedData :: List.map (paymentLine loggedData) incomes)
- , if List.isEmpty (Dict.toList loggedData.incomes)
- then
- div
- [ class "emptyTableMsg" ]
- [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "NoIncome" ]
- else
- text ""
- ]
-headerLine : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-headerLine loggedData =
- div
- [ class "header" ]
- [ div [ class "cell name" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Name" ]
- , div [ class "cell income" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Income" ]
- , div [ class "cell date" ] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "Date" ]
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- , div [ class "cell" ] []
- ]
-paymentLine : LoggedData -> (IncomeId, Income) -> Html Msg
-paymentLine loggedData (incomeId, income) =
- div
- [ class "row" ]
- [ div
- [ class "cell name" ]
- [ income.userId
- |> getUserName loggedData.users
- |> Maybe.withDefault "−"
- |> text
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell income" ]
- [ text (Format.price loggedData.conf income.amount) ]
- , div
- [ class "cell date" ]
- [ text (Date.longView (Date.fromTime income.time) loggedData.translations) ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ let currentDate = Date.fromTime loggedData.currentTime
- in AddIncome.button
- loggedData
- (AddIncome.initialClone loggedData.translations currentDate income)
- "CloneIncome"
- (FontAwesome.clone Color.chestnutRose 18)
- (Just (getMessage loggedData.translations "Clone"))
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ if loggedData.me /= income.userId
- then
- text ""
- else
- AddIncome.button
- loggedData
- (AddIncome.initialEdit loggedData.translations incomeId income)
- "EditIncome"
- (FontAwesome.pencil Color.chestnutRose 18)
- (Just (getMessage loggedData.translations "Edit"))
- ]
- , div
- [ class "cell button" ]
- [ if loggedData.me /= income.userId
- then
- text ""
- else
- let dialogConfig =
- { className = "deleteIncomeDialog"
- , title = getMessage loggedData.translations "ConfirmIncomeDelete"
- , body = always <| text ""
- , confirm = getMessage loggedData.translations "Confirm"
- , confirmMsg = always <| Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.UpdateAndClose <| Msg.DeleteIncome incomeId
- , undo = getMessage loggedData.translations "Undo"
- }
- in button
- ( Tooltip.show Msg.Tooltip (getMessage loggedData.translations "Delete")
- ++ [ onClick (Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.Open dialogConfig) ]
- )
- [ FontAwesome.trash Color.chestnutRose 18 ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Income/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Income/View.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 85b0dc3..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Income/View.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Income.View exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Dict
-import Date
-import Time exposing (Time)
-import Task
-import FontAwesome
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Form exposing (Form)
-import View.Form as Form
-import View.Events exposing (onSubmitPrevDefault)
-import Dialog
-import Dialog.AddIncome.Model as AddIncome
-import Dialog.AddIncome.View as AddIncome
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import Model.Income exposing (IncomeId, Income, userCumulativeIncomeSince)
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage, getParamMessage)
-import Model.Payer exposing (useIncomesFrom)
-import Model.User exposing (UserId, User)
-import Model.View as View
-import View.Date as Date
-import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
-import View.Color as Color
-import LoggedIn.Income.Table as Table
-view : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-view loggedData =
- div
- [ class "income" ]
- [ div
- [ class "withMargin" ]
- [ case useIncomesFrom loggedData.users loggedData.incomes loggedData.payments of
- Just since -> cumulativeIncomesView loggedData since
- Nothing -> text ""
- , div
- [ class "titleButton" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text <| getMessage loggedData.translations "MonthlyNetIncomes" ]
- , AddIncome.button
- loggedData
- (AddIncome.initialAdd loggedData.translations (Date.fromTime loggedData.currentTime))
- "AddIncome"
- (text (getMessage loggedData.translations "AddIncome"))
- Nothing
- ]
- ]
- , Table.view loggedData
- ]
-cumulativeIncomesView : LoggedData -> Time -> Html Msg
-cumulativeIncomesView loggedData since =
- let longDate = Date.longView (Date.fromTime since) loggedData.translations
- in div
- []
- [ h1 [] [ text <| getParamMessage [longDate] loggedData.translations "CumulativeIncomesSince" ]
- , ul
- []
- ( Dict.toList loggedData.users
- |> List.map (\(userId, user) ->
- (user.name, userCumulativeIncomeSince loggedData.currentTime since loggedData.incomes userId)
- )
- |> List.sortBy Tuple.second
- |> List.map (\(userName, cumulativeIncome) ->
- li
- []
- [ text userName
- , text " − "
- , text <| Format.price loggedData.conf cumulativeIncome
- ]
- )
- )
- ]
-incomeView : LoggedData -> (IncomeId, Income) -> Html Msg
-incomeView loggedData (incomeId, income) =
- li
- []
- [ text <| Date.shortView (Date.fromTime income.time) loggedData.translations
- , text " − "
- , text <| Format.price loggedData.conf income.amount
- , let dialogConfig =
- { className = "deleteIncomeDialog"
- , title = getMessage loggedData.translations "ConfirmIncomeDelete"
- , body = always <| text ""
- , confirm = getMessage loggedData.translations "Confirm"
- , confirmMsg = always <| Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.UpdateAndClose <| Msg.DeleteIncome incomeId
- , undo = getMessage loggedData.translations "Undo"
- }
- in button
- [ onClick (Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.Open dialogConfig) ]
- [ FontAwesome.trash Color.chestnutRose 14 ]
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Model.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Model.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index f4fad94..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Model.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Model exposing
- ( Model
- , init
- )
-import Time exposing (Time)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
-import Model.Category exposing (Categories)
-import Model.Income exposing (Incomes)
-import Model.Init exposing (..)
-import Model.Payment exposing (Payments)
-import Model.PaymentCategory exposing (PaymentCategories)
-import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId)
-type alias Model =
- { home : Home.Model
- , stat : Stat.Model
- , users : Users
- , me : UserId
- , payments : Payments
- , incomes : Incomes
- , categories : Categories
- , paymentCategories : PaymentCategories
- }
-init : Time -> Init -> Model
-init time { users, me, payments, incomes, categories, paymentCategories } =
- { home = Home.init
- , stat = Stat.init time paymentCategories payments
- , users = users
- , me = me
- , payments = payments
- , incomes = incomes
- , categories = categories
- , paymentCategories = paymentCategories
- }
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Msg.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Msg.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b3bce..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Msg.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Msg exposing
- ( Msg(..)
- )
-import Date exposing (Date)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as Home
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Msg as Stat
-import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId)
-import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency)
-import Model.Income exposing (IncomeId)
-import Model.Payment exposing (PaymentId)
-type Msg =
- NoOp
- | HomeMsg Home.Msg
- | StatMsg Stat.Msg
- | ValidateCreatePayment PaymentId String Int Date CategoryId Frequency
- | ValidateEditPayment PaymentId String Int Date CategoryId Frequency
- | ValidateDeletePayment PaymentId
- | ValidateCreateIncome IncomeId Int Date
- | ValidateEditIncome IncomeId Int Date
- | ValidateDeleteIncome IncomeId
- | ValidateCreateCategory CategoryId String String
- | ValidateEditCategory CategoryId String String
- | ValidateDeleteCategory CategoryId
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Model.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Model.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc66f2..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Model.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Stat.Model exposing
- ( Model
- , init
- , getPaymentsByMonthByCategory
- )
-import Date exposing (Month)
-import List.Extra as List
-import Time exposing (Time)
-import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId)
-import Model.Conf exposing (Conf)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payments)
-import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory exposing (PaymentCategories)
-type alias Model =
- { paymentsByMonthByCategory : List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int))
- }
-init : Time -> PaymentCategories -> Payments -> Model
-init currentTime paymentCategories payments =
- { paymentsByMonthByCategory = getPaymentsByMonthByCategory currentTime paymentCategories payments
- }
-getPaymentsByMonthByCategory : Time -> PaymentCategories -> Payments -> List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int))
-getPaymentsByMonthByCategory currentTime paymentCategories payments =
- Payment.punctual payments
- |> Payment.groupAndSortByMonth
- |> List.map (\(m, payments) ->
- ( m
- , PaymentCategory.groupPaymentsByCategory paymentCategories payments
- |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (List.sum << List.map .cost))
- )
- )
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Msg.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Msg.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index d517544..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Msg.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Stat.Msg exposing
- ( Msg(..)
- )
-type Msg =
- NoOp
- | UpdateChart
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Update.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Update.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2415733..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Update.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Stat.Update exposing
- ( update
- )
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Msg as Stat
-update : LoggedData -> Stat.Msg -> Stat.Model -> (Stat.Model, Cmd Stat.Msg)
-update loggedData msg model =
- case msg of
- Stat.NoOp ->
- ( model
- , Cmd.none
- )
- Stat.UpdateChart ->
- let { currentTime, paymentCategories, payments } = loggedData
- in ( { model
- | paymentsByMonthByCategory = Stat.getPaymentsByMonthByCategory currentTime paymentCategories payments
- }
- , Cmd.none
- )
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/View.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index e389c67..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/View.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Stat.View exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Date exposing (Month)
-import Dict
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import List.Extra as List
-import Time exposing (Time)
-import Chart.Api as Chart
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
-import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
-import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId, Categories)
-import Model.Conf exposing (Conf)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payments)
-import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory exposing (PaymentCategories)
-import Model.Translations exposing (Translations, getMessage, getParamMessage)
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import Utils.List as List
-import View.Date as Date
-import View.Plural exposing (plural)
-view : LoggedData -> Stat.Model -> Html Msg
-view loggedData { paymentsByMonthByCategory } =
- div
- [ class "stat withMargin" ]
- [ renderChart loggedData paymentsByMonthByCategory ]
-renderChart : LoggedData -> List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int)) -> Html msg
-renderChart { currentTime, paymentCategories, categories, conf, translations } paymentsByMonthByCategory =
- let monthPaymentMean = getMonthPaymentMean currentTime paymentsByMonthByCategory
- title = getParamMessage [ Format.price conf monthPaymentMean ] translations "ByMonthsAndMean"
- keys =
- paymentsByMonthByCategory
- |> List.map (\((month, year), _) -> Date.shortMonthAndYear month year translations)
- series =
- categories
- |> Dict.toList
- |> List.map (\(categoryId, category) ->
- { values =
- List.map
- (\(_, paymentsByCategory) ->
- paymentsByCategory
- |> List.find (\(c, _) -> c == categoryId)
- |> Maybe.map (toFloat << Tuple.second)
- |> Maybe.withDefault 0
- )
- paymentsByMonthByCategory
- , color = category.color
- , label = category.name
- }
- )
- totalSerie =
- { values =
- List.transpose (List.map .values series)
- |> List.map List.sum
- , color = "black"
- , label = getMessage translations "Total"
- }
- in Chart.from keys (series ++ [totalSerie])
- |> Chart.withSize { x = 2000, y = 900 }
- |> Chart.withTitle title
- |> Chart.withOrdinate 10 (Format.price conf << truncate)
- |> Chart.toHtml
-getMonthPaymentMean : Time -> List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int)) -> Int
-getMonthPaymentMean currentTime paymentsByMonthByCategory =
- paymentsByMonthByCategory
- |> List.filter (\((month, year), _) ->
- let currentDate = Date.fromTime currentTime
- in not (Date.month currentDate == month && Date.year currentDate == year)
- )
- |> List.map (List.sum << List.map Tuple.second << Tuple.second)
- |> List.mean
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Update.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Update.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d5f7d..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Update.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Update exposing
- ( update
- )
-import Date exposing (Date)
-import Dict
-import Form
-import Http exposing (Error(..))
-import Platform.Cmd exposing (Cmd)
-import String
-import Task
-import LoggedData
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as Home
-import LoggedIn.Home.Update as Home
-import LoggedIn.Model as LoggedInModel
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedIn
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Msg as Stat
-import LoggedIn.Stat.Update as Stat
-import Model exposing (Model)
-import Model.Category exposing (Category)
-import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
-import Model.Income as Income exposing (Income)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payment)
-import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory
-import Server
-import Utils.Cmd exposing ((:>))
-update : Model -> LoggedIn.Msg -> LoggedInModel.Model -> (LoggedInModel.Model, Cmd LoggedIn.Msg)
-update model msg loggedIn =
- let loggedData = LoggedData.build model.currentTime model.translations model.conf loggedIn
- in case msg of
- LoggedIn.NoOp ->
- ( loggedIn
- , Cmd.none
- )
- LoggedIn.HomeMsg homeMsg ->
- case Home.update loggedData homeMsg loggedIn.home of
- (home, effects) ->
- ( { loggedIn | home = home }
- , Cmd.map LoggedIn.HomeMsg effects
- )
- LoggedIn.StatMsg statMsg ->
- case Stat.update loggedData statMsg loggedIn.stat of
- (stat, effects) ->
- ( { loggedIn | stat = stat }
- , Cmd.map LoggedIn.StatMsg effects
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateCreatePayment paymentId name cost date category frequency ->
- update model (LoggedIn.HomeMsg <| Home.SearchMsg (Form.Reset (Home.searchInitial frequency))) loggedIn
- :> update model (LoggedIn.HomeMsg <| Home.UpdatePage 1)
- :> (\loggedIn ->
- let newPayment = Payment paymentId name cost date loggedIn.me frequency
- in ( { loggedIn
- | payments = newPayment :: loggedIn.payments
- , paymentCategories = PaymentCategory.save name category loggedIn.paymentCategories
- }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateEditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency ->
- let updatedPayment = Payment paymentId name cost date loggedIn.me frequency
- mbOldPayment = Payment.find paymentId loggedIn.payments
- in ( { loggedIn
- | payments = Payment.edit updatedPayment loggedIn.payments
- , paymentCategories =
- case mbOldPayment of
- Just oldPayment ->
- PaymentCategory.save name category loggedIn.paymentCategories
- Nothing ->
- loggedData.paymentCategories
- }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateDeletePayment paymentId ->
- let payments = Payment.delete paymentId loggedIn.payments
- frequency =
- case Form.getOutput loggedIn.home.search of
- Just data -> data.frequency
- Nothing -> Punctual
- switchToPunctual =
- ( frequency == Monthly
- && List.isEmpty (Payment.monthly payments)
- )
- in if switchToPunctual
- then
- update model (LoggedIn.HomeMsg <| Home.SearchMsg (Form.Reset (Home.searchInitial Punctual))) loggedIn
- :> (\loggedIn ->
- ( { loggedIn | payments = payments }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- )
- else
- ( { loggedIn | payments = payments }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateCreateIncome incomeId amount date ->
- let newIncome = { userId = loggedIn.me, amount = amount, time = Date.toTime date }
- in ( { loggedIn | incomes = Dict.insert incomeId newIncome loggedIn.incomes }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateEditIncome incomeId amount date ->
- let updateIncome _ = Just <| Income loggedIn.me (Date.toTime date) amount
- in ( { loggedIn | incomes = Dict.update incomeId updateIncome loggedIn.incomes }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateDeleteIncome incomeId ->
- ( { loggedIn | incomes = Dict.remove incomeId loggedIn.incomes }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateCreateCategory categoryId name color ->
- let newCategory = { name = name, color = color }
- in ( { loggedIn | categories = Dict.insert categoryId newCategory loggedIn.categories }
- , Cmd.none
- )
- LoggedIn.ValidateEditCategory categoryId name color ->
- let updateCategory _ = Just <| Category name color
- in ( { loggedIn | categories = Dict.update categoryId updateCategory loggedIn.categories } , Cmd.none)
- LoggedIn.ValidateDeleteCategory categoryId ->
- ( { loggedIn | categories = Dict.remove categoryId loggedIn.categories }
- , Cmd.none
- )
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/View.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4936c6e..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/View.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.View exposing
- ( view
- )
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Page
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import Model exposing (Model)
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-import LoggedData
-import LoggedIn.Model as LoggedInModel
-import LoggedIn.Home.View as Home
-import LoggedIn.Income.View as Income
-import LoggedIn.Category.View as Categories
-import LoggedIn.Stat.View as Stat
-view : Model -> LoggedInModel.Model -> Html Msg
-view model loggedIn =
- div
- [ class "loggedIn" ]
- [ let loggedData = LoggedData.build model.currentTime model.translations model.conf loggedIn
- in case model.page of
- Page.Home -> Home.view loggedData loggedIn.home
- Page.Income -> Income.view loggedData
- Page.Categories -> Categories.view loggedData
- Page.Statistics -> Stat.view loggedData loggedIn.stat
- Page.NotFound -> div [] [ text (getMessage model.translations "PageNotFound") ]
- ]
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/View/Format.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/View/Format.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index f41e2cd..0000000
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/View/Format.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.View.Format exposing
- ( price
- )
-import String exposing (..)
-import Model.Conf exposing (Conf)
-price : Conf -> Int -> String
-price conf amount =
- ( number amount
- ++ " "
- ++ conf.currency
- )
-number : Int -> String
-number n =
- abs n
- |> toString
- |> toList
- |> List.reverse
- |> group 3
- |> List.intersperse [' ']
- |> List.concat
- |> List.reverse
- |> fromList
- |> append (if n < 0 then "-" else "")
-group : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
-group n xs =
- if List.length xs <= n
- then
- [xs]
- else
- let take = List.take n xs
- drop = List.drop n xs
- in take :: (group n drop)