path: root/src/client/Model
diff options
authorJoris2017-03-26 21:10:42 +0200
committerJoris2017-03-26 21:10:42 +0200
commit1e47a7754ca38bd1a6c74765d8378caf68ce4619 (patch)
treed0d9238479dc2529a1b558bbbcde346e7e8c2935 /src/client/Model
parentc0ac16a713c4e53cf6af8e72a6d5f6b8ac5d6456 (diff)
Separate client and server watch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/Model')
13 files changed, 694 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Category.elm b/src/client/Model/Category.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b653a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Category.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module Model.Category exposing
+ ( Categories
+ , Category
+ , CategoryId
+ , categoriesDecoder
+ , categoryIdDecoder
+ , empty
+ )
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Utils.Json as Json
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
+type alias Categories = Dict CategoryId Category
+type alias CategoryId = Int
+type alias Category =
+ { name : String
+ , color : String
+ }
+categoriesDecoder : Decoder Categories
+categoriesDecoder =
+ Json.dictDecoder (Decode.field "id" categoryIdDecoder) <|
+ Decode.map2
+ Category
+ (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
+ (Decode.field "color" Decode.string)
+categoryIdDecoder : Decoder CategoryId
+categoryIdDecoder = Decode.int
+empty : Categories
+empty = Dict.empty
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Conf.elm b/src/client/Model/Conf.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..308fa04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Conf.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module Model.Conf exposing
+ ( Conf
+ , confDecoder
+ )
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+type alias Conf =
+ { currency : String
+ }
+confDecoder : Decoder Conf
+confDecoder = Decode.map Conf (Decode.field "currency" Decode.string)
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Date.elm b/src/client/Model/Date.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfba02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Date.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module Model.Date exposing
+ ( timeDecoder
+ , dateDecoder
+ )
+import Date as Date exposing (Date)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Decode.Extra as Decode
+import Time exposing (Time)
+timeDecoder : Decoder Time
+timeDecoder = Decode.map Date.toTime dateDecoder
+dateDecoder : Decoder Date
+dateDecoder = Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (Date.fromString >> Decode.fromResult)
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Income.elm b/src/client/Model/Income.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34578c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Income.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+module Model.Income exposing
+ ( Incomes
+ , Income
+ , IncomeId
+ , incomesDecoder
+ , incomeIdDecoder
+ , incomeDefinedForAll
+ , userCumulativeIncomeSince
+ , cumulativeIncomesSince
+ )
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Utils.Json as Json
+import Time exposing (Time, hour)
+import List exposing (..)
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
+import Model.Date exposing (timeDecoder)
+import Model.User exposing (UserId, userIdDecoder)
+import Utils.Maybe as Maybe
+type alias Incomes = Dict IncomeId Income
+type alias IncomeId = Int
+type alias Income =
+ { userId : UserId
+ , time : Float
+ , amount : Int
+ }
+incomesDecoder : Decoder Incomes
+incomesDecoder =
+ Json.dictDecoder (Decode.field "id" incomeIdDecoder) <|
+ Decode.map3 Income
+ (Decode.field "userId" userIdDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "date" timeDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "amount" Decode.int)
+incomeIdDecoder : Decoder IncomeId
+incomeIdDecoder = Decode.int
+incomeDefinedForAll : List UserId -> Incomes -> Maybe Time
+incomeDefinedForAll userIds incomes =
+ let userIncomes = List.map (\userId -> List.filter ((==) userId << .userId) << Dict.values <| incomes) userIds
+ firstIncomes = map (head << sortBy .time) userIncomes
+ in if all Maybe.isJust firstIncomes
+ then head << reverse << List.sort << map .time << Maybe.cat <| firstIncomes
+ else Nothing
+userCumulativeIncomeSince : Time -> Time -> Incomes -> UserId -> Int
+userCumulativeIncomeSince currentTime since incomes userId =
+ incomes
+ |> Dict.values
+ |> List.filter (\income -> income.userId == userId)
+ |> cumulativeIncomesSince currentTime since
+cumulativeIncomesSince : Time -> Time -> (List Income) -> Int
+cumulativeIncomesSince currentTime since incomes =
+ cumulativeIncome currentTime (getOrderedIncomesSince since incomes)
+getOrderedIncomesSince : Time -> List Income -> List Income
+getOrderedIncomesSince time incomes =
+ let mbStarterIncome = getIncomeAt time incomes
+ orderedIncomesSince = filter (\income -> income.time >= time) incomes
+ in (Maybe.toList mbStarterIncome) ++ orderedIncomesSince
+getIncomeAt : Time -> List Income -> Maybe Income
+getIncomeAt time incomes =
+ case incomes of
+ [x] ->
+ if x.time < time
+ then Just { userId = x.userId, time = time, amount = x.amount }
+ else Nothing
+ x1 :: x2 :: xs ->
+ if x1.time < time && x2.time >= time
+ then Just { userId = x1.userId, time = time, amount = x1.amount }
+ else getIncomeAt time (x2 :: xs)
+ [] ->
+ Nothing
+cumulativeIncome : Time -> List Income -> Int
+cumulativeIncome currentTime incomes =
+ getIncomesWithDuration currentTime (List.sortBy .time incomes)
+ |> map durationIncome
+ |> sum
+getIncomesWithDuration : Time -> List Income -> List (Float, Int)
+getIncomesWithDuration currentTime incomes =
+ case incomes of
+ [] ->
+ []
+ [income] ->
+ [(currentTime - income.time, income.amount)]
+ (income1 :: income2 :: xs) ->
+ (income2.time - income1.time, income1.amount) :: (getIncomesWithDuration currentTime (income2 :: xs))
+durationIncome : (Float, Int) -> Int
+durationIncome (duration, income) =
+ duration * toFloat income / (hour * 24 * 365 / 12)
+ |> truncate
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Init.elm b/src/client/Model/Init.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db7069f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Init.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module Model.Init exposing
+ ( Init
+ , initDecoder
+ )
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Model.Payment exposing (Payments, paymentsDecoder)
+import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId, usersDecoder, userIdDecoder)
+import Model.Income exposing (Incomes, incomesDecoder)
+import Model.Category exposing (Categories, categoriesDecoder)
+import Model.PaymentCategory exposing (PaymentCategories, paymentCategoriesDecoder)
+type alias Init =
+ { users : Users
+ , me : UserId
+ , payments : Payments
+ , incomes : Incomes
+ , categories : Categories
+ , paymentCategories : PaymentCategories
+ }
+initDecoder : Decoder Init
+initDecoder =
+ Decode.map6 Init
+ (Decode.field "users" usersDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "me" userIdDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "payments" paymentsDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "incomes" incomesDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "categories" categoriesDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "paymentCategories" paymentCategoriesDecoder)
diff --git a/src/client/Model/InitResult.elm b/src/client/Model/InitResult.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce0be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/InitResult.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Model.InitResult exposing
+ ( InitResult(..)
+ , initResultDecoder
+ )
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Model.Init exposing (Init, initDecoder)
+type InitResult =
+ InitEmpty
+ | InitSuccess Init
+ | InitError String
+initResultDecoder : Decoder InitResult
+initResultDecoder = (Decode.field "tag" Decode.string) |> Decode.andThen initResultDecoderWithTag
+initResultDecoderWithTag : String -> Decoder InitResult
+initResultDecoderWithTag tag =
+ case tag of
+ "InitEmpty" ->
+ Decode.succeed InitEmpty
+ "InitSuccess" ->
+ Decode.map InitSuccess (Decode.field "contents" initDecoder)
+ "InitError" ->
+ Decode.map InitError (Decode.field "contents" Decode.string)
+ _ ->
+ Decode.fail <| "got " ++ tag ++ " for InitResult"
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Payer.elm b/src/client/Model/Payer.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1663273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Payer.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+module Model.Payer exposing
+ ( Payers
+ , Payer
+ , ExceedingPayer
+ , getOrderedExceedingPayers
+ , useIncomesFrom
+ )
+import Dict exposing (..)
+import List
+import Maybe
+import Time exposing (Time)
+import Date
+import Model.Payment exposing (Payments, totalPayments)
+import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId, userIdDecoder)
+import Model.Income exposing (..)
+import Utils.Dict exposing (mapValues)
+import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust)
+type alias Payers = Dict UserId Payer
+type alias Payer =
+ { preIncomePaymentSum : Int
+ , postIncomePaymentSum : Int
+ , incomes : List Income
+ }
+type alias PostPaymentPayer =
+ { preIncomePaymentSum : Int
+ , cumulativeIncome : Int
+ , ratio : Float
+ }
+type alias ExceedingPayer =
+ { userId : UserId
+ , amount : Int
+ }
+getOrderedExceedingPayers : Time -> Users -> Incomes -> Payments -> List ExceedingPayer
+getOrderedExceedingPayers currentTime users incomes payments =
+ let payers = getPayers currentTime users incomes payments
+ exceedingPayersOnPreIncome =
+ payers
+ |> mapValues .preIncomePaymentSum
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> exceedingPayersFromAmounts
+ mbSince = useIncomesFrom users incomes payments
+ in case mbSince of
+ Just since ->
+ let postPaymentPayers = mapValues (getPostPaymentPayer currentTime since) payers
+ mbMaxRatio =
+ postPaymentPayers
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> List.map (.ratio << Tuple.second)
+ |> List.maximum
+ in case mbMaxRatio of
+ Just maxRatio ->
+ postPaymentPayers
+ |> mapValues (getFinalDiff maxRatio)
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> exceedingPayersFromAmounts
+ Nothing ->
+ exceedingPayersOnPreIncome
+ _ ->
+ exceedingPayersOnPreIncome
+useIncomesFrom : Users -> Incomes -> Payments -> Maybe Time
+useIncomesFrom users incomes payments =
+ let firstPaymentTime =
+ payments
+ |> List.map (Date.toTime << .date)
+ |> List.sort
+ |> List.head
+ mbIncomeTime = incomeDefinedForAll (Dict.keys users) incomes
+ in case (firstPaymentTime, mbIncomeTime) of
+ (Just paymentTime, Just incomeTime) ->
+ Just (max paymentTime incomeTime)
+ _ ->
+ Nothing
+getPayers : Time -> Users -> Incomes -> Payments -> Payers
+getPayers currentTime users incomes payments =
+ let userIds = Dict.keys users
+ incomesDefined = incomeDefinedForAll userIds incomes
+ in userIds
+ |> List.map (\userId ->
+ ( userId
+ , { preIncomePaymentSum =
+ totalPayments
+ (\p -> (Date.toTime p.date) < (Maybe.withDefault currentTime incomesDefined))
+ userId
+ payments
+ , postIncomePaymentSum =
+ totalPayments
+ (\p ->
+ case incomesDefined of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just t -> (Date.toTime p.date) >= t
+ )
+ userId
+ payments
+ , incomes = List.filter ((==) userId << .userId) (Dict.values incomes)
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ |> Dict.fromList
+exceedingPayersFromAmounts : List (UserId, Int) -> List ExceedingPayer
+exceedingPayersFromAmounts userAmounts =
+ let mbMinAmount = List.minimum << List.map Tuple.second <| userAmounts
+ in case mbMinAmount of
+ Nothing ->
+ []
+ Just minAmount ->
+ userAmounts
+ |> List.map (\userAmount ->
+ { userId = Tuple.first userAmount
+ , amount = Tuple.second userAmount - minAmount
+ }
+ )
+ |> List.filter (\payer -> payer.amount > 0)
+getPostPaymentPayer : Time -> Time -> Payer -> PostPaymentPayer
+getPostPaymentPayer currentTime since payer =
+ let cumulativeIncome = cumulativeIncomesSince currentTime since payer.incomes
+ in { preIncomePaymentSum = payer.preIncomePaymentSum
+ , cumulativeIncome = cumulativeIncome
+ , ratio = toFloat payer.postIncomePaymentSum / toFloat cumulativeIncome
+ }
+getFinalDiff : Float -> PostPaymentPayer -> Int
+getFinalDiff maxRatio payer =
+ let postIncomeDiff =
+ -1 * (maxRatio - payer.ratio) * toFloat payer.cumulativeIncome
+ |> truncate
+ in postIncomeDiff + payer.preIncomePaymentSum
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Payment.elm b/src/client/Model/Payment.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61ded8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Payment.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+module Model.Payment exposing
+ ( perPage
+ , Payments
+ , Payment
+ , PaymentId
+ , Frequency(..)
+ , paymentsDecoder
+ , paymentIdDecoder
+ , find
+ , edit
+ , delete
+ , totalPayments
+ , punctual
+ , monthly
+ , groupAndSortByMonth
+ , search
+ , validateFrequency
+ )
+import Date exposing (..)
+import Date.Extra.Core exposing (monthToInt, intToMonth)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Json.Decode.Extra as Decode
+import List
+import Form.Validate as Validate exposing (Validation)
+import Model.Date exposing (dateDecoder)
+import Model.User exposing (UserId, userIdDecoder)
+import Utils.List as List
+import Utils.Search as Search
+perPage : Int
+perPage = 7
+type alias Payments = List Payment
+type alias Payment =
+ { id : PaymentId
+ , name : String
+ , cost : Int
+ , date : Date
+ , userId : UserId
+ , frequency : Frequency
+ }
+type alias PaymentId = Int
+type Frequency = Punctual | Monthly
+paymentsDecoder : Decoder Payments
+paymentsDecoder = Decode.list paymentDecoder
+paymentDecoder : Decoder Payment
+paymentDecoder =
+ Decode.map6 Payment
+ (Decode.field "id" paymentIdDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
+ (Decode.field "cost" Decode.int)
+ (Decode.field "date" dateDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "userId" userIdDecoder)
+ (Decode.field "frequency" frequencyDecoder)
+paymentIdDecoder : Decoder PaymentId
+paymentIdDecoder = Decode.int
+frequencyDecoder : Decoder Frequency
+frequencyDecoder =
+ let frequencyResult input =
+ case input of
+ "Punctual" -> Ok Punctual
+ "Monthly" -> Ok Monthly
+ _ -> Err ("Could not deduce Punctual nor Monthly from " ++ input)
+ in Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (Decode.fromResult << frequencyResult)
+find : PaymentId -> Payments -> Maybe Payment
+find paymentId payments =
+ payments
+ |> List.filter (\p -> p.id == paymentId)
+ |> List.head
+edit : Payment -> Payments -> Payments
+edit payment payments = payment :: delete payment.id payments
+delete : PaymentId -> Payments -> Payments
+delete paymentId = List.filter (((/=) paymentId) << .id)
+totalPayments : (Payment -> Bool) -> UserId -> Payments -> Int
+totalPayments paymentFilter userId payments =
+ payments
+ |> List.filter (\payment ->
+ paymentFilter payment
+ && payment.userId == userId
+ )
+ |> List.map .cost
+ |> List.sum
+punctual : Payments -> Payments
+punctual = List.filter ((==) Punctual << .frequency)
+monthly : Payments -> Payments
+monthly = List.filter ((==) Monthly << .frequency)
+groupAndSortByMonth : Payments -> List ((Month, Int), Payments)
+groupAndSortByMonth payments =
+ payments
+ |> List.groupBy (\payment -> (Date.year payment.date, monthToInt << Date.month <| payment.date))
+ |> List.sortBy Tuple.first
+ |> List.map (\((year, month), payments) -> ((intToMonth month, year), payments))
+ |> List.reverse
+search : String -> Frequency -> Payments -> Payments
+search name frequency payments =
+ payments
+ |> List.filter ((==) frequency << .frequency)
+ |> paymentSort frequency
+ |> List.filter (searchSuccess name)
+paymentSort : Frequency -> Payments -> Payments
+paymentSort frequency =
+ case frequency of
+ Punctual -> List.reverse << List.sortBy (Date.toTime << .date)
+ Monthly -> List.sortBy (String.toLower << .name)
+searchSuccess : String -> Payment -> Bool
+searchSuccess search { name, cost } =
+ let searchSuccessWord word =
+ ( String.contains (Search.format word) (Search.format name)
+ || String.contains word (toString cost)
+ )
+ in List.all searchSuccessWord (String.words search)
+validateFrequency : Validation String Frequency
+validateFrequency =
+ Validate.customValidation Validate.string (\str ->
+ if str == toString Punctual
+ then
+ Ok Punctual
+ else
+ if str == toString Monthly
+ then Ok Monthly
+ else Err (Validate.customError "InvalidFrequency")
+ )
diff --git a/src/client/Model/PaymentCategory.elm b/src/client/Model/PaymentCategory.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87678fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/PaymentCategory.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+module Model.PaymentCategory exposing
+ ( PaymentCategories
+ , paymentCategoriesDecoder
+ , search
+ , isCategoryUnused
+ , set
+ , update
+ )
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId, categoryIdDecoder)
+import Utils.Json as Json
+import Utils.Search as Search
+type alias PaymentCategories = List PaymentCategory
+type alias PaymentCategory =
+ { name : String
+ , category : CategoryId
+ }
+paymentCategoriesDecoder : Decoder PaymentCategories
+paymentCategoriesDecoder =
+ Decode.list <| Decode.map2 PaymentCategory
+ (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
+ (Decode.field "category" categoryIdDecoder)
+search : String -> PaymentCategories -> Maybe CategoryId
+search paymentName paymentCategories =
+ paymentCategories
+ |> List.filter (\pc -> Search.format pc.name == Search.format paymentName)
+ |> List.head
+ |> Maybe.map .category
+isCategoryUnused : CategoryId -> PaymentCategories -> Bool
+isCategoryUnused category paymentCategories =
+ paymentCategories
+ |> List.filter ((==) category << .category)
+ |> List.isEmpty
+set : String -> CategoryId -> PaymentCategories -> PaymentCategories
+set name category paymentCategories = update name name category paymentCategories
+update : String -> String -> CategoryId -> PaymentCategories -> PaymentCategories
+update oldName newName category paymentCategories =
+ { name = newName, category = category } :: List.filter (\pc -> not <| Search.format pc.name == Search.format oldName) paymentCategories
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Size.elm b/src/client/Model/Size.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f40fb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Size.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Model.Size exposing
+ ( Size
+ , sizeDecoder
+ )
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+type alias Size =
+ { width: Int
+ , height: Int
+ }
+sizeDecoder : Decoder Size
+sizeDecoder =
+ Decode.map2 Size
+ (Decode.field "width" Decode.int)
+ (Decode.field "height" Decode.int)
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Translations.elm b/src/client/Model/Translations.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b314e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/Translations.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+module Model.Translations exposing
+ ( translationsDecoder
+ , Translations
+ , Translation
+ , getMessage
+ , getParamMessage
+ )
+import Maybe exposing (withDefault)
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import String
+type alias Translations = List Translation
+translationsDecoder : Decoder Translations
+translationsDecoder = Decode.list translationDecoder
+type alias Translation =
+ { key : String
+ , message : List MessagePart
+ }
+getTranslation : String -> Translations -> Maybe (List MessagePart)
+getTranslation key translations =
+ translations
+ |> List.filter (\translation -> String.toLower translation.key == String.toLower key)
+ |> List.head
+ |> Maybe.map .message
+translationDecoder : Decoder Translation
+translationDecoder =
+ Decode.map2 Translation
+ (Decode.field "key" Decode.string)
+ (Decode.field "message" (Decode.list partDecoder))
+type MessagePart =
+ Order Int
+ | Str String
+partDecoder : Decoder MessagePart
+partDecoder = (Decode.field "tag" Decode.string) |> Decode.andThen partDecoderWithTag
+partDecoderWithTag : String -> Decoder MessagePart
+partDecoderWithTag tag =
+ case tag of
+ "Order" -> Decode.map Order (Decode.field "contents" Decode.int)
+ _ -> Decode.map Str (Decode.field "contents" Decode.string)
+getMessage : Translations -> String -> String
+getMessage = getParamMessage []
+getParamMessage : List String -> Translations -> String -> String
+getParamMessage values translations key =
+ getTranslation key translations
+ |> Maybe.map (\parts -> String.concat (List.map (replacePart values) parts))
+ |> withDefault key
+replacePart : List String -> MessagePart -> String
+replacePart values part =
+ case part of
+ Str str -> str
+ Order n ->
+ values
+ |> List.drop (n - 1)
+ |> List.head
+ |> withDefault ("{" ++ (toString n) ++ "}")
diff --git a/src/client/Model/User.elm b/src/client/Model/User.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6e8147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/User.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+module Model.User exposing
+ ( Users
+ , usersDecoder
+ , User
+ , userDecoder
+ , UserId
+ , userIdDecoder
+ , getUserName
+ )
+import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
+type alias Users = Dict UserId User
+type alias UserId = Int
+type alias User =
+ { name : String
+ , email : String
+ }
+usersDecoder : Decoder Users
+usersDecoder = Decode.map Dict.fromList (Decode.list userWithIdDecoder)
+userWithIdDecoder : Decode.Decoder (UserId, User)
+userWithIdDecoder =
+ Decode.map2 (,)
+ (Decode.field "id" userIdDecoder)
+ userDecoder
+userIdDecoder : Decoder UserId
+userIdDecoder = Decode.int
+userDecoder : Decoder User
+userDecoder =
+ Decode.map2 User
+ (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
+ (Decode.field "email" Decode.string)
+getUserName : Users -> UserId -> Maybe String
+getUserName users userId =
+ Dict.get userId users
+ |> Maybe.map .name
diff --git a/src/client/Model/View.elm b/src/client/Model/View.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61d42a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Model/View.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Model.View exposing
+ ( View(..)
+ )
+import Model.Payment exposing (Payments)
+import SignIn.Model as SignInModel
+import LoggedIn.Model as LoggedInModel
+type View =
+ SignInView SignInModel.Model
+ | LoggedInView LoggedInModel.Model