path: root/src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Income/View/Table.elm
diff options
authorJoris2016-08-08 20:58:17 +0200
committerJoris2016-08-08 20:58:17 +0200
commit8816cf758119a6a2073e561c8df297a833630986 (patch)
tree20e63f3c0de15945b818a6d7a78359f9134b5e82 /src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Income/View/Table.elm
parentb54d8e45fc8784d8fa6eaa03f58536b7a19cf70b (diff)
Show incomes in a table and update like payments are updated
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Income/View/Table.elm')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Income/View/Table.elm b/src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Income/View/Table.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf82772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Income/View/Table.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+module LoggedIn.Income.View.Table exposing
+ ( view
+ )
+import Dict exposing (..)
+import Date exposing (Date)
+import String exposing (append)
+import FontAwesome
+import View.Color as Color
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Dialog
+import Dialog.AddIncome.Model as AddIncome
+import Dialog.AddIncome.View as AddIncome
+import Tooltip
+import Msg exposing (Msg)
+import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
+import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
+import LoggedIn.Income.Model as Income
+import View.Date as Date
+import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
+import Model.User exposing (getUserName)
+import Model.Income as Income exposing (..)
+import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
+view : LoggedData -> Income.Model -> Html Msg
+view loggedData incomeModel =
+ let incomes =
+ loggedData.incomes
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> List.sortBy (.time << snd)
+ |> List.reverse
+ in div
+ [ class "table" ]
+ [ div
+ [ class "lines" ]
+ ( headerLine loggedData :: List.map (paymentLine loggedData incomeModel) incomes)
+ , if List.isEmpty (Dict.toList loggedData.incomes)
+ then
+ div
+ [ class "emptyTableMsg" ]
+ [ text <| getMessage "NoPayment" loggedData.translations ]
+ else
+ text ""
+ ]
+headerLine : LoggedData -> Html Msg
+headerLine loggedData =
+ div
+ [ class "header" ]
+ [ div [ class "cell name" ] [ text <| getMessage "Name" loggedData.translations ]
+ , div [ class "cell income" ] [ text <| getMessage "Income" loggedData.translations ]
+ , div [ class "cell date" ] [ text <| getMessage "Date" loggedData.translations ]
+ , div [ class "cell" ] []
+ , div [ class "cell" ] []
+ , div [ class "cell" ] []
+ ]
+paymentLine : LoggedData -> Income.Model -> (IncomeId, Income) -> Html Msg
+paymentLine loggedData incomeModel (incomeId, income) =
+ div
+ [ class "row" ]
+ [ div
+ [ class "cell name" ]
+ [ income.userId
+ |> getUserName loggedData.users
+ |> Maybe.withDefault "−"
+ |> text
+ ]
+ , div
+ [ class "cell income" ]
+ [ text (Format.price loggedData.conf income.amount) ]
+ , div
+ [ class "cell date" ]
+ [ text (Date.longView (Date.fromTime income.time) loggedData.translations) ]
+ , div
+ [ class "cell button" ]
+ [ let currentDate = Date.fromTime loggedData.currentTime
+ in AddIncome.button
+ ""
+ loggedData
+ (AddIncome.initialClone loggedData.translations currentDate income)
+ "CloneIncome"
+ (FontAwesome.clone Color.chestnutRose 18)
+ (Just (getMessage "Clone" loggedData.translations))
+ ]
+ , div
+ [ class "cell button" ]
+ [ if loggedData.me /= income.userId
+ then
+ text ""
+ else
+ AddIncome.button
+ ""
+ loggedData
+ (AddIncome.initialEdit loggedData.translations incomeId income)
+ "EditIncome"
+ (FontAwesome.pencil Color.chestnutRose 18)
+ (Just (getMessage "Edit" loggedData.translations))
+ ]
+ , div
+ [ class "cell button" ]
+ [ if loggedData.me /= income.userId
+ then
+ text ""
+ else
+ let dialogConfig =
+ { className = "deleteIncomeDialog"
+ , title = getMessage "ConfirmIncomeDelete" loggedData.translations
+ , body = always <| text ""
+ , confirm = getMessage "Confirm" loggedData.translations
+ , confirmMsg = always <| Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.UpdateAndClose <| Msg.UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.DeleteIncome incomeId
+ , undo = getMessage "Undo" loggedData.translations
+ }
+ in button
+ ( Tooltip.show Msg.Tooltip (getMessage "Delete" loggedData.translations)
+ ++ [ onClick (Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.Open dialogConfig) ]
+ )
+ [ FontAwesome.trash Color.chestnutRose 18 ]
+ ]
+ ]