path: root/src/client/elm/Model/Income.elm
diff options
authorJoris2016-03-27 17:36:33 +0200
committerJoris2016-03-27 17:59:32 +0200
commit869bab77e93e2a6c776a4b1fc35ef0fd5df22f5f (patch)
tree917a9e871eff1c487da63ea2407234d7e3829dda /src/client/elm/Model/Income.elm
parenta8882071da12cbb5b0bf2f003322e42e181b0c82 (diff)
Compute payers client side rather than server side
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/elm/Model/Income.elm')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/elm/Model/Income.elm b/src/client/elm/Model/Income.elm
index 97a5652..f364a8b 100644
--- a/src/client/elm/Model/Income.elm
+++ b/src/client/elm/Model/Income.elm
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module Model.Income
- ( Income
- , incomeDecoder
+ ( Incomes
+ , Income
+ , IncomeId
+ , incomesDecoder
+ , incomeIdDecoder
, incomeDefinedForAll
, cumulativeIncomesSince
) where
@@ -8,26 +11,46 @@ module Model.Income
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=))
import Time exposing (Time, hour)
import List exposing (..)
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Model.Date exposing (timeDecoder)
-import Model.User exposing (UserId)
+import Model.User exposing (UserId, userIdDecoder)
import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust, catMaybes, maybeToList)
+type alias Incomes = Dict IncomeId Income
+type alias IncomeId = Int
type alias Income =
- { creation : Time
+ { userId : UserId
+ , creation : Time
, amount : Int
+incomesDecoder : Json.Decoder Incomes
+incomesDecoder = Json.map Dict.fromList (Json.list incomeWithIdDecoder)
+incomeWithIdDecoder : Json.Decoder (IncomeId, Income)
+incomeWithIdDecoder =
+ Json.object2 (,)
+ ("id" := incomeIdDecoder)
+ incomeDecoder
+incomeIdDecoder : Json.Decoder IncomeId
+incomeIdDecoder = Json.int
incomeDecoder : Json.Decoder Income
incomeDecoder =
- Json.object2 Income
+ Json.object3 Income
+ ("userId" := userIdDecoder)
("creation" := timeDecoder)
("amount" := Json.int)
-incomeDefinedForAll : List (List Income) -> Maybe Time
-incomeDefinedForAll usersIncomes =
- let firstIncomes = map (head << sortBy .creation) usersIncomes
+incomeDefinedForAll : List UserId -> Incomes -> Maybe Time
+incomeDefinedForAll userIds incomes =
+ let userIncomes = List.map (\userId -> List.filter ((==) userId << .userId) << Dict.values <| incomes) userIds
+ firstIncomes = map (head << sortBy .creation) userIncomes
in if all isJust firstIncomes
then head << reverse << List.sort << map .creation << catMaybes <| firstIncomes
else Nothing
@@ -38,37 +61,39 @@ cumulativeIncomesSince currentTime since incomes =
getOrderedIncomesSince : Time -> List Income -> List Income
getOrderedIncomesSince time incomes =
- let mbStarterIncome = getIncomesAt time incomes
+ let mbStarterIncome = getIncomeAt time incomes
orderedIncomesSince = filter (\income -> income.creation >= time) incomes
in (maybeToList mbStarterIncome) ++ orderedIncomesSince
-getIncomesAt : Time -> List Income -> Maybe Income
-getIncomesAt time incomes =
+getIncomeAt : Time -> List Income -> Maybe Income
+getIncomeAt time incomes =
case incomes of
[x] ->
if x.creation < time
- then Just { creation = time, amount = x.amount }
+ then Just { userId = x.userId, creation = time, amount = x.amount }
else Nothing
x1 :: x2 :: xs ->
if x1.creation < time && x2.creation > time
- then Just { creation = time, amount = x2.amount }
- else getIncomesAt time (x2 :: xs)
+ then Just { userId = x2.userId, creation = time, amount = x2.amount }
+ else getIncomeAt time (x2 :: xs)
[] ->
cumulativeIncome : Time -> List Income -> Int
cumulativeIncome currentTime incomes =
- getIncomesWithDuration (incomes ++ [{ creation = currentTime, amount = 0 }])
+ getIncomesWithDuration currentTime (List.sortBy .creation incomes)
|> map durationIncome
|> sum
-getIncomesWithDuration : List Income -> List (Float, Int)
-getIncomesWithDuration incomes =
+getIncomesWithDuration : Time -> List Income -> List (Float, Int)
+getIncomesWithDuration currentTime incomes =
case incomes of
- (income1 :: income2 :: xs) ->
- (income2.creation - income1.creation, income1.amount) :: (getIncomesWithDuration (income2 :: xs))
- _ ->
+ [] ->
+ [income] ->
+ [(currentTime - income.creation, income.amount)]
+ (income1 :: income2 :: xs) ->
+ (income2.creation - income1.creation, income1.amount) :: (getIncomesWithDuration currentTime (income2 :: xs))
durationIncome : (Float, Int) -> Int
durationIncome (duration, income) =