path: root/src/client
diff options
authorJoris2017-04-02 17:51:12 +0200
committerJoris2017-04-02 21:07:08 +0200
commit5c110716cfda6e616a795edd12f2012b132dca9f (patch)
tree71c3d04780302edf0648bec1cd914757cdbb2883 /src/client
parent64ff4707fdcd81c27c6be9903c3c82bc543ef016 (diff)
Add a chart on payments by month by categories
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client')
25 files changed, 583 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/Chart/Api.elm b/src/client/Chart/Api.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..693f362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Chart/Api.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module Chart.Api exposing
+ ( from
+ , withSize
+ , withTitle
+ , withOrdinate
+ , toHtml
+ )
+import Html exposing (Html)
+import Svg exposing (..)
+import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Chart.Model as Chart exposing (Chart, Serie, Vec2, View)
+import Chart.View as Chart
+from : List String -> List Serie -> Chart
+from keys series =
+ { keys = keys
+ , series = series
+ , size = { x = 600, y = 400 }
+ , title = ""
+ , scaleColor = "#DDDDDD"
+ , formatOrdinate = toString
+ , ordinateLines = 5
+ }
+withSize : Vec2 -> Chart -> Chart
+withSize size chart = { chart | size = size }
+withTitle : String -> Chart -> Chart
+withTitle title chart = { chart | title = title }
+withOrdinate : Int -> (Float -> String) -> Chart -> Chart
+withOrdinate lines format chart =
+ { chart
+ | formatOrdinate = format
+ , ordinateLines = lines
+ }
+toHtml : Chart -> Html msg
+toHtml chart = Chart.view chart
diff --git a/src/client/Chart/Model.elm b/src/client/Chart/Model.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c176f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Chart/Model.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module Chart.Model exposing
+ ( Chart
+ , Serie
+ , maxScale
+ , Vec2
+ , View
+ , mkView
+ , bounds
+ )
+import List.Extra as List
+type alias Chart =
+ { keys : List String
+ , series : List Serie
+ , size : Vec2
+ , title : String
+ , scaleColor : String
+ , formatOrdinate : Float -> String
+ , ordinateLines : Int
+ }
+type alias Serie =
+ { values : List Float
+ , color : String
+ , label : String
+ }
+maxScale : Chart -> Float
+maxScale { keys, series } =
+ List.range 0 (List.length keys - 1)
+ |> List.map (\i ->
+ series
+ |> List.map (truncate << Maybe.withDefault 0 << List.getAt i << .values)
+ |> List.maximum
+ |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ )
+ |> List.maximum
+ |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ |> upperBound
+upperBound : Int -> Float
+upperBound n = toFloat (upperBoundInt 0 n)
+upperBoundInt : Int -> Int -> Int
+upperBoundInt count n =
+ if n < 10
+ then
+ (n + 1) * (10 ^ count)
+ else
+ upperBoundInt (count + 1) (n // 10)
+type alias Vec2 =
+ { x : Float
+ , y : Float
+ }
+type alias View =
+ { fx : Float -> Float
+ , fy : Float -> Float
+ }
+mkView : Vec2 -> Vec2 -> View
+mkView p1 p2 =
+ { fx = \x -> p1.x + x * (p2.x - p1.x)
+ , fy = \y -> p1.y + y * (p2.y - p1.y)
+ }
+bounds : View -> (Vec2, Vec2)
+bounds { fx, fy } =
+ ( { x = fx 0, y = fy 0 }
+ , { x = fx 1, y = fy 1 }
+ )
diff --git a/src/client/Chart/View.elm b/src/client/Chart/View.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8b4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/Chart/View.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+module Chart.View exposing
+ ( view
+ )
+import Html exposing (Html)
+import List.Extra as List
+import Svg exposing (..)
+import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Chart.Model as Chart exposing (Chart, Serie, Vec2, View)
+import Utils.List as List
+view : Chart -> Html msg
+view chart =
+ let { size, title, series } = chart
+ titleHeight = 100
+ captionHeight = 50
+ in svg
+ [ width << toString <| size.x
+ , height << toString <| size.y
+ , viewBox ("0 0 " ++ (toString size.x) ++ " " ++ (toString size.y))
+ ]
+ ( [ renderTitle (Chart.mkView { x = 0, y = 0 } { x = size.x, y = titleHeight }) title ]
+ ++ renderSeriesAndScales (Chart.mkView { x = 50, y = titleHeight } { x = size.x, y = size.y - captionHeight }) chart
+ ++ renderCaptions (Chart.mkView { x = 0, y = size.y - captionHeight } { x = size.x, y = size.y }) series
+ )
+renderTitle : View -> String -> Svg msg
+renderTitle view title =
+ text_
+ [ x << toString <| view.fx 0.5
+ , y << toString <| view.fy 0.5
+ , textAnchor "middle"
+ , dominantBaseline "middle"
+ , fontSize "20"
+ ]
+ [ text title ]
+renderSeriesAndScales : View -> Chart -> List (Svg msg)
+renderSeriesAndScales view chart =
+ let { keys, series, scaleColor, formatOrdinate } = chart
+ (p1, p2) = Chart.bounds view
+ ordinateWidth = 100
+ abscissaHeight = 60
+ maxScale = Chart.maxScale chart
+ in ( renderOrdinates (Chart.mkView { x = p1.x, y = p1.y } { x = p1.x + ordinateWidth, y = p2.y - abscissaHeight }) formatOrdinate maxScale
+ ++ renderAbscissas (Chart.mkView { x = p1.x + ordinateWidth, y = p2.y - abscissaHeight } { x = p2.x, y = p2.y }) keys scaleColor
+ ++ renderSeries (Chart.mkView { x = p1.x + ordinateWidth, y = p1.y } { x = p2.x, y = p2.y - abscissaHeight }) series maxScale scaleColor
+ )
+renderOrdinates : View -> (Float -> String) -> Float -> List (Svg msg)
+renderOrdinates view formatOrdinate maxScale =
+ ordinates
+ |> List.map (\l ->
+ text_
+ [ x << toString <| view.fx 0.5
+ , y << toString <| view.fy l
+ , textAnchor "middle"
+ , dominantBaseline "middle"
+ ]
+ [ text << formatOrdinate <| (1 - l) * maxScale ]
+ )
+renderAbscissas : View -> List String -> String -> List (Svg msg)
+renderAbscissas view keys scaleColor =
+ let count = List.length keys
+ in ( abscissasXPositions keys
+ |> List.map (\(xPos, key) ->
+ [ text_
+ [ x << toString <| view.fx xPos
+ , y << toString <| view.fy 0.5
+ , textAnchor "middle"
+ , dominantBaseline "middle"
+ ]
+ [ text key ]
+ , line
+ [ x1 << toString <| view.fx xPos
+ , y1 << toString <| view.fy 0
+ , x2 << toString <| view.fx xPos
+ , y2 << toString <| view.fy 0.2
+ , stroke scaleColor
+ ]
+ []
+ ]
+ )
+ |> List.concat
+ )
+renderSeries : View -> List Serie -> Float -> String -> List (Svg msg)
+renderSeries view series maxScale scaleColor =
+ ( renderHorizontalLines view series scaleColor
+ ++ renderPoints view series maxScale
+ )
+renderHorizontalLines : View -> List Serie -> String -> List (Svg msg)
+renderHorizontalLines view series scaleColor =
+ ordinates
+ |> List.map (\l ->
+ line
+ [ x1 << toString <| view.fx 0
+ , y1 << toString <| view.fy l
+ , x2 << toString <| view.fx 1
+ , y2 << toString <| view.fy l
+ , stroke scaleColor
+ ]
+ []
+ )
+renderPoints : View -> List Serie -> Float -> List (Svg msg)
+renderPoints view series maxScale =
+ series
+ |> List.map (\serie ->
+ let points =
+ abscissasXPositions serie.values
+ |> List.map (\(xPos, value) -> { x = xPos, y = 1 - value / maxScale })
+ in [ renderLines view serie.color points
+ , List.map (renderPoint view serie.color) points
+ ]
+ |> List.concat
+ )
+ |> List.concat
+renderLines : View -> String -> List Vec2 -> List (Svg msg)
+renderLines view color points =
+ List.links points
+ |> List.map (\(p1, p2) ->
+ line
+ [ x1 << toString <| view.fx p1.x
+ , y1 << toString <| view.fy p1.y
+ , x2 << toString <| view.fx p2.x
+ , y2 << toString <| view.fy p2.y
+ , stroke color
+ ]
+ []
+ )
+renderPoint : View -> String -> Vec2 -> Svg msg
+renderPoint view color pos =
+ circle
+ [ cx << toString <| view.fx pos.x
+ , cy << toString <| view.fy pos.y
+ , r "4"
+ , fill color
+ ]
+ []
+abscissasXPositions : List a -> List (Float, a)
+abscissasXPositions xs =
+ let count = List.length xs
+ in xs
+ |> List.zip (List.range 1 (count + 1))
+ |> List.map (\(i, x) -> (toFloat i / (toFloat count + 1), x))
+ordinates : List Float
+ordinates =
+ let count = 10
+ in List.range 0 (count - 1)
+ |> List.map (\l -> toFloat l / (toFloat count - 1))
+renderCaptions : View -> List Serie -> List (Svg msg)
+renderCaptions view series =
+ let count = List.length series
+ in series
+ |> List.zip (List.range 1 (List.length series))
+ |> List.map (\(i, serie) ->
+ renderCaption { x = view.fx (toFloat i / (toFloat count + 1)), y = view.fy 0.5 } serie
+ )
+ |> List.concat
+renderCaption : Vec2 -> Serie -> List (Svg msg)
+renderCaption point { label, color } =
+ [ text_
+ [ x << toString <| point.x
+ , y << toString <| point.y
+ , textAnchor "middle"
+ , dominantBaseline "middle"
+ , fill color
+ , fontSize "18"
+ ]
+ [ text label ]
+ ]
diff --git a/src/client/Dialog/AddPayment/Model.elm b/src/client/Dialog/AddPayment/Model.elm
index 8a94bc7..07e7cbb 100644
--- a/src/client/Dialog/AddPayment/Model.elm
+++ b/src/client/Dialog/AddPayment/Model.elm
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payment, PaymentId)
import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency)
import Model.Translations exposing (Translations)
-import Utils.Maybe as Maybe
type alias Model =
{ id : Maybe PaymentId
, name : String
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedData.elm b/src/client/LoggedData.elm
index 9bb0a7f..e048247 100644
--- a/src/client/LoggedData.elm
+++ b/src/client/LoggedData.elm
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ type alias LoggedData =
, paymentCategories : PaymentCategories
-build : Model -> LoggedInModel.Model -> LoggedData
-build model loggedIn =
- { currentTime = model.currentTime
- , translations = model.translations
- , conf = model.conf
+build : Time -> Translations -> Conf -> LoggedInModel.Model -> LoggedData
+build currentTime translations conf loggedIn =
+ { currentTime = currentTime
+ , translations = translations
+ , conf = conf
, users = loggedIn.users
, me = loggedIn.me
, payments = loggedIn.payments
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Model.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Model.elm
index 6c858a6..f4fad94 100644
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Model.elm
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/Model.elm
@@ -5,17 +5,18 @@ module LoggedIn.Model exposing
import Time exposing (Time)
+import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
+import Model.Category exposing (Categories)
+import Model.Income exposing (Incomes)
import Model.Init exposing (..)
import Model.Payment exposing (Payments)
-import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId)
-import Model.Income exposing (Incomes)
-import Model.Category exposing (Categories)
import Model.PaymentCategory exposing (PaymentCategories)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
+import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId)
type alias Model =
{ home : Home.Model
+ , stat : Stat.Model
, users : Users
, me : UserId
, payments : Payments
@@ -24,13 +25,14 @@ type alias Model =
, paymentCategories : PaymentCategories
-init : Init -> Model
-init initData =
+init : Time -> Init -> Model
+init time { users, me, payments, incomes, categories, paymentCategories } =
{ home = Home.init
- , users = initData.users
- , me = initData.me
- , payments = initData.payments
- , incomes = initData.incomes
- , categories = initData.categories
- , paymentCategories = initData.paymentCategories
+ , stat = Stat.init time paymentCategories payments
+ , users = users
+ , me = me
+ , payments = payments
+ , incomes = incomes
+ , categories = categories
+ , paymentCategories = paymentCategories
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Msg.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Msg.elm
index d00e2cb..d9b3bce 100644
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Msg.elm
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/Msg.elm
@@ -4,16 +4,17 @@ module LoggedIn.Msg exposing
import Date exposing (Date)
-import Model.Payment exposing (PaymentId)
+import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as Home
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Msg as Stat
+import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId)
import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency)
import Model.Income exposing (IncomeId)
-import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as Home
+import Model.Payment exposing (PaymentId)
type Msg =
| HomeMsg Home.Msg
+ | StatMsg Stat.Msg
| ValidateCreatePayment PaymentId String Int Date CategoryId Frequency
| ValidateEditPayment PaymentId String Int Date CategoryId Frequency
| ValidateDeletePayment PaymentId
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Model.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Model.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc66f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Model.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module LoggedIn.Stat.Model exposing
+ ( Model
+ , init
+ , getPaymentsByMonthByCategory
+ )
+import Date exposing (Month)
+import List.Extra as List
+import Time exposing (Time)
+import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId)
+import Model.Conf exposing (Conf)
+import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payments)
+import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory exposing (PaymentCategories)
+type alias Model =
+ { paymentsByMonthByCategory : List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int))
+ }
+init : Time -> PaymentCategories -> Payments -> Model
+init currentTime paymentCategories payments =
+ { paymentsByMonthByCategory = getPaymentsByMonthByCategory currentTime paymentCategories payments
+ }
+getPaymentsByMonthByCategory : Time -> PaymentCategories -> Payments -> List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int))
+getPaymentsByMonthByCategory currentTime paymentCategories payments =
+ Payment.punctual payments
+ |> Payment.groupAndSortByMonth
+ |> List.map (\(m, payments) ->
+ ( m
+ , PaymentCategory.groupPaymentsByCategory paymentCategories payments
+ |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (List.sum << List.map .cost))
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Msg.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Msg.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d517544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Msg.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module LoggedIn.Stat.Msg exposing
+ ( Msg(..)
+ )
+type Msg =
+ NoOp
+ | UpdateChart
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Update.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Update.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2415733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/Update.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module LoggedIn.Stat.Update exposing
+ ( update
+ )
+import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Msg as Stat
+update : LoggedData -> Stat.Msg -> Stat.Model -> (Stat.Model, Cmd Stat.Msg)
+update loggedData msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Stat.NoOp ->
+ ( model
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
+ Stat.UpdateChart ->
+ let { currentTime, paymentCategories, payments } = loggedData
+ in ( { model
+ | paymentsByMonthByCategory = Stat.getPaymentsByMonthByCategory currentTime paymentCategories payments
+ }
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/View.elm
index f57316a..e389c67 100644
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/View.elm
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/Stat/View.elm
@@ -3,60 +3,75 @@ module LoggedIn.Stat.View exposing
import Date exposing (Month)
+import Dict
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import List.Extra as List
+import Time exposing (Time)
+import Chart.Api as Chart
import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payments)
-import Model.Conf exposing (Conf)
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage, getParamMessage)
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
import LoggedIn.View.Format as Format
+import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId, Categories)
+import Model.Conf exposing (Conf)
+import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payments)
+import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory exposing (PaymentCategories)
+import Model.Translations exposing (Translations, getMessage, getParamMessage)
+import Msg exposing (Msg)
+import Utils.List as List
import View.Date as Date
import View.Plural exposing (plural)
-import Utils.List as List
+view : LoggedData -> Stat.Model -> Html Msg
+view loggedData { paymentsByMonthByCategory } =
+ div
+ [ class "stat withMargin" ]
+ [ renderChart loggedData paymentsByMonthByCategory ]
-view : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-view loggedData =
- let paymentsByMonth = Payment.groupAndSortByMonth (Payment.punctual loggedData.payments)
- monthPaymentMean = getMonthPaymentMean loggedData paymentsByMonth
- in div
- [ class "stat withMargin" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text (getParamMessage [ Format.price loggedData.conf monthPaymentMean ] loggedData.translations "ByMonthsAndMean") ]
- , ul
- []
- ( List.map (monthDetail loggedData) paymentsByMonth)
- ]
+renderChart : LoggedData -> List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int)) -> Html msg
+renderChart { currentTime, paymentCategories, categories, conf, translations } paymentsByMonthByCategory =
+ let monthPaymentMean = getMonthPaymentMean currentTime paymentsByMonthByCategory
+ title = getParamMessage [ Format.price conf monthPaymentMean ] translations "ByMonthsAndMean"
+ keys =
+ paymentsByMonthByCategory
+ |> List.map (\((month, year), _) -> Date.shortMonthAndYear month year translations)
+ series =
+ categories
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> List.map (\(categoryId, category) ->
+ { values =
+ List.map
+ (\(_, paymentsByCategory) ->
+ paymentsByCategory
+ |> List.find (\(c, _) -> c == categoryId)
+ |> Maybe.map (toFloat << Tuple.second)
+ |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ )
+ paymentsByMonthByCategory
+ , color = category.color
+ , label = category.name
+ }
+ )
+ totalSerie =
+ { values =
+ List.transpose (List.map .values series)
+ |> List.map List.sum
+ , color = "black"
+ , label = getMessage translations "Total"
+ }
+ in Chart.from keys (series ++ [totalSerie])
+ |> Chart.withSize { x = 2000, y = 900 }
+ |> Chart.withTitle title
+ |> Chart.withOrdinate 10 (Format.price conf << truncate)
+ |> Chart.toHtml
-getMonthPaymentMean : LoggedData -> List ((Month, Int), Payments) -> Int
-getMonthPaymentMean loggedData paymentsByMonth =
- paymentsByMonth
+getMonthPaymentMean : Time -> List ((Month, Int), List (CategoryId, Int)) -> Int
+getMonthPaymentMean currentTime paymentsByMonthByCategory =
+ paymentsByMonthByCategory
|> List.filter (\((month, year), _) ->
- let currentDate = Date.fromTime loggedData.currentTime
+ let currentDate = Date.fromTime currentTime
in not (Date.month currentDate == month && Date.year currentDate == year)
- |> List.map (List.sum << List.map .cost << Tuple.second)
+ |> List.map (List.sum << List.map Tuple.second << Tuple.second)
|> List.mean
-monthDetail : LoggedData -> ((Month, Int), Payments) -> Html Msg
-monthDetail loggedData ((month, year), payments) =
- li
- []
- [ text (Date.monthView loggedData.translations month)
- , text " "
- , text (toString year)
- , text " − "
- , text (paymentsSum loggedData.conf payments)
- ]
-paymentsSum : Conf -> Payments -> String
-paymentsSum conf payments =
- payments
- |> List.map .cost
- |> List.sum
- |> Format.price conf
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/Update.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/Update.elm
index 753b1d3..a1d5f7d 100644
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/Update.elm
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/Update.elm
@@ -2,55 +2,60 @@ module LoggedIn.Update exposing
( update
+import Date exposing (Date)
import Dict
-import String
-import Task
+import Form
import Http exposing (Error(..))
-import Date exposing (Date)
import Platform.Cmd exposing (Cmd)
+import String
+import Task
-import Form
+import LoggedData
+import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
+import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as Home
+import LoggedIn.Home.Update as Home
+import LoggedIn.Model as LoggedInModel
+import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedIn
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Model as Stat
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Msg as Stat
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Update as Stat
import Model exposing (Model)
-import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payment)
+import Model.Category exposing (Category)
import Model.Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
import Model.Income as Income exposing (Income)
-import Model.Category exposing (Category)
+import Model.Payment as Payment exposing (Payment)
import Model.PaymentCategory as PaymentCategory
import Server
-import LoggedData
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import LoggedIn.Model as LoggedInModel
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as Home
-import LoggedIn.Home.Update as Home
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as Home
import Utils.Cmd exposing ((:>))
-update : Model -> LoggedInMsg.Msg -> LoggedInModel.Model -> (LoggedInModel.Model, Cmd LoggedInMsg.Msg)
+update : Model -> LoggedIn.Msg -> LoggedInModel.Model -> (LoggedInModel.Model, Cmd LoggedIn.Msg)
update model msg loggedIn =
- let loggedData = LoggedData.build model loggedIn
+ let loggedData = LoggedData.build model.currentTime model.translations model.conf loggedIn
in case msg of
- LoggedInMsg.NoOp ->
+ LoggedIn.NoOp ->
( loggedIn
, Cmd.none
- LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg homeMsg ->
+ LoggedIn.HomeMsg homeMsg ->
case Home.update loggedData homeMsg loggedIn.home of
(home, effects) ->
( { loggedIn | home = home }
- , Cmd.map LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg effects
+ , Cmd.map LoggedIn.HomeMsg effects
+ )
+ LoggedIn.StatMsg statMsg ->
+ case Stat.update loggedData statMsg loggedIn.stat of
+ (stat, effects) ->
+ ( { loggedIn | stat = stat }
+ , Cmd.map LoggedIn.StatMsg effects
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateCreatePayment paymentId name cost date category frequency ->
- update model (LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg <| Home.SearchMsg (Form.Reset (Home.searchInitial frequency))) loggedIn
- :> update model (LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg <| Home.UpdatePage 1)
+ LoggedIn.ValidateCreatePayment paymentId name cost date category frequency ->
+ update model (LoggedIn.HomeMsg <| Home.SearchMsg (Form.Reset (Home.searchInitial frequency))) loggedIn
+ :> update model (LoggedIn.HomeMsg <| Home.UpdatePage 1)
:> (\loggedIn ->
let newPayment = Payment paymentId name cost date loggedIn.me frequency
in ( { loggedIn
@@ -61,7 +66,7 @@ update model msg loggedIn =
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateEditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateEditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency ->
let updatedPayment = Payment paymentId name cost date loggedIn.me frequency
mbOldPayment = Payment.find paymentId loggedIn.payments
in ( { loggedIn
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ update model msg loggedIn =
, Cmd.none
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateDeletePayment paymentId ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateDeletePayment paymentId ->
let payments = Payment.delete paymentId loggedIn.payments
frequency =
case Form.getOutput loggedIn.home.search of
@@ -88,7 +93,7 @@ update model msg loggedIn =
in if switchToPunctual
- update model (LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg <| Home.SearchMsg (Form.Reset (Home.searchInitial Punctual))) loggedIn
+ update model (LoggedIn.HomeMsg <| Home.SearchMsg (Form.Reset (Home.searchInitial Punctual))) loggedIn
:> (\loggedIn ->
( { loggedIn | payments = payments }
, Cmd.none
@@ -99,34 +104,34 @@ update model msg loggedIn =
, Cmd.none
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateCreateIncome incomeId amount date ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateCreateIncome incomeId amount date ->
let newIncome = { userId = loggedIn.me, amount = amount, time = Date.toTime date }
in ( { loggedIn | incomes = Dict.insert incomeId newIncome loggedIn.incomes }
, Cmd.none
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateEditIncome incomeId amount date ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateEditIncome incomeId amount date ->
let updateIncome _ = Just <| Income loggedIn.me (Date.toTime date) amount
in ( { loggedIn | incomes = Dict.update incomeId updateIncome loggedIn.incomes }
, Cmd.none
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateDeleteIncome incomeId ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateDeleteIncome incomeId ->
( { loggedIn | incomes = Dict.remove incomeId loggedIn.incomes }
, Cmd.none
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateCreateCategory categoryId name color ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateCreateCategory categoryId name color ->
let newCategory = { name = name, color = color }
in ( { loggedIn | categories = Dict.insert categoryId newCategory loggedIn.categories }
, Cmd.none
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateEditCategory categoryId name color ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateEditCategory categoryId name color ->
let updateCategory _ = Just <| Category name color
in ( { loggedIn | categories = Dict.update categoryId updateCategory loggedIn.categories } , Cmd.none)
- LoggedInMsg.ValidateDeleteCategory categoryId ->
+ LoggedIn.ValidateDeleteCategory categoryId ->
( { loggedIn | categories = Dict.remove categoryId loggedIn.categories }
, Cmd.none
diff --git a/src/client/LoggedIn/View.elm b/src/client/LoggedIn/View.elm
index ddc85d5..4936c6e 100644
--- a/src/client/LoggedIn/View.elm
+++ b/src/client/LoggedIn/View.elm
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ view : Model -> LoggedInModel.Model -> Html Msg
view model loggedIn =
[ class "loggedIn" ]
- [ let loggedData = LoggedData.build model loggedIn
+ [ let loggedData = LoggedData.build model.currentTime model.translations model.conf loggedIn
in case model.page of
Page.Home -> Home.view loggedData loggedIn.home
Page.Income -> Income.view loggedData
Page.Categories -> Categories.view loggedData
- Page.Statistics -> Stat.view loggedData
+ Page.Statistics -> Stat.view loggedData loggedIn.stat
Page.NotFound -> div [] [ text (getMessage model.translations "PageNotFound") ]
diff --git a/src/client/Main.elm b/src/client/Main.elm
index 9674b66..7981a1c 100644
--- a/src/client/Main.elm
+++ b/src/client/Main.elm
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ main =
, update = update
, subscriptions = (\model ->
- [ Time.every 1000 Msg.UpdateTime
+ [ Time.every 60000 Msg.UpdateTime
, Sub.map Msg.Tooltip Tooltip.subscription
diff --git a/src/client/Model.elm b/src/client/Model.elm
index 5167e42..7f62416 100644
--- a/src/client/Model.elm
+++ b/src/client/Model.elm
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ import Dialog.Msg as DialogMsg
import Tooltip
-import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust)
type alias Model =
{ view : View
, currentTime : Time
@@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ init payload location =
InitEmpty ->
SignInView (SignInModel.init Nothing)
InitSuccess init ->
- LoggedInView (LoggedInModel.init init)
+ LoggedInView (LoggedInModel.init time init)
InitError error ->
SignInView (SignInModel.init (Just error))
, currentTime = time
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Income.elm b/src/client/Model/Income.elm
index 34578c6..aa5f05f 100644
--- a/src/client/Model/Income.elm
+++ b/src/client/Model/Income.elm
@@ -9,17 +9,16 @@ module Model.Income exposing
, cumulativeIncomesSince
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
-import Utils.Json as Json
-import Time exposing (Time, hour)
import List exposing (..)
-import Dict exposing (Dict)
+import Maybe.Extra as Maybe
+import Time exposing (Time, hour)
+import Utils.Json as Json
import Model.Date exposing (timeDecoder)
import Model.User exposing (UserId, userIdDecoder)
-import Utils.Maybe as Maybe
type alias Incomes = Dict IncomeId Income
type alias IncomeId = Int
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ incomeDefinedForAll userIds incomes =
let userIncomes = List.map (\userId -> List.filter ((==) userId << .userId) << Dict.values <| incomes) userIds
firstIncomes = map (head << sortBy .time) userIncomes
in if all Maybe.isJust firstIncomes
- then head << reverse << List.sort << map .time << Maybe.cat <| firstIncomes
+ then head << reverse << List.sort << map .time << Maybe.values <| firstIncomes
else Nothing
userCumulativeIncomeSince : Time -> Time -> Incomes -> UserId -> Int
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Payer.elm b/src/client/Model/Payer.elm
index 1663273..4d9190e 100644
--- a/src/client/Model/Payer.elm
+++ b/src/client/Model/Payer.elm
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Model.User exposing (Users, UserId, userIdDecoder)
import Model.Income exposing (..)
import Utils.Dict exposing (mapValues)
-import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust)
type alias Payers = Dict UserId Payer
diff --git a/src/client/Model/Payment.elm b/src/client/Model/Payment.elm
index 2412ab9..204f9f5 100644
--- a/src/client/Model/Payment.elm
+++ b/src/client/Model/Payment.elm
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ import Date.Extra.Core exposing (monthToInt, intToMonth)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Json.Decode.Extra as Decode
import List
+import List.Extra as List
import Form.Validate as Validate exposing (Validation)
-import Model.Frequency as Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
import Model.Date exposing (dateDecoder)
+import Model.Frequency as Frequency exposing (Frequency(..))
import Model.User exposing (UserId, userIdDecoder)
import Utils.List as List
import Utils.Search as Search
@@ -63,8 +64,7 @@ paymentIdDecoder = Decode.int
find : PaymentId -> Payments -> Maybe Payment
find paymentId payments =
- |> List.filter (\p -> p.id == paymentId)
- |> List.head
+ |> List.find (\p -> p.id == paymentId)
edit : Payment -> Payments -> Payments
edit payment payments = payment :: delete payment.id payments
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ groupAndSortByMonth payments =
|> List.groupBy (\payment -> (Date.year payment.date, monthToInt << Date.month <| payment.date))
|> List.sortBy Tuple.first
|> List.map (\((year, month), payments) -> ((intToMonth month, year), payments))
- |> List.reverse
search : String -> Frequency -> Payments -> Payments
search name frequency payments =
diff --git a/src/client/Model/PaymentCategory.elm b/src/client/Model/PaymentCategory.elm
index bb6c152..a4fceb1 100644
--- a/src/client/Model/PaymentCategory.elm
+++ b/src/client/Model/PaymentCategory.elm
@@ -2,15 +2,20 @@ module Model.PaymentCategory exposing
( PaymentCategories
, paymentCategoriesDecoder
, search
+ , groupPaymentsByCategory
, isCategoryUnused
, save
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
+import List.Extra as List
+import Maybe.Extra as Maybe
import Model.Category exposing (CategoryId, categoryIdDecoder)
+import Model.Payment exposing (Payments)
import Utils.Json as Json
+import Utils.List as List
import Utils.Search as Search
type alias PaymentCategories = List PaymentCategory
@@ -26,18 +31,30 @@ paymentCategoriesDecoder =
(Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
(Decode.field "category" categoryIdDecoder)
+groupPaymentsByCategory : PaymentCategories -> Payments -> List (CategoryId, Payments)
+groupPaymentsByCategory paymentCategories payments =
+ payments
+ |> List.groupBy (\payment ->
+ search payment.name paymentCategories
+ |> Maybe.withDefault -1
+ )
+ |> List.filterMap (\(category, payments) ->
+ case category of
+ -1 -> Nothing
+ _ -> Just (category, payments)
+ )
search : String -> PaymentCategories -> Maybe CategoryId
search paymentName paymentCategories =
- |> List.filter (\pc -> Search.format pc.name == Search.format paymentName)
- |> List.head
+ |> List.find (\pc -> Search.format pc.name == Search.format paymentName)
|> Maybe.map .category
isCategoryUnused : CategoryId -> PaymentCategories -> Bool
isCategoryUnused category paymentCategories =
- |> List.filter ((==) category << .category)
- |> List.isEmpty
+ |> List.find ((==) category << .category)
+ |> Maybe.isNothing
save : String -> CategoryId -> PaymentCategories -> PaymentCategories
save name category paymentCategories =
diff --git a/src/client/Update.elm b/src/client/Update.elm
index 7006d5a..4284b65 100644
--- a/src/client/Update.elm
+++ b/src/client/Update.elm
@@ -2,35 +2,28 @@ module Update exposing
( update
-import Task
-import Platform.Cmd exposing (Cmd)
import Navigation exposing (Location)
+import Platform.Cmd exposing (Cmd)
+import Task
-import Page exposing (Page)
-import Server
-import Msg exposing (..)
+import Dialog
+import Dialog.Update as DialogUpdate
+import LoggedIn.Model as LoggedIn
+import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedIn
+import LoggedIn.Stat.Msg as Stat
+import LoggedIn.Update as LoggedIn
import Model exposing (Model)
import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
import Model.View as V
-import LoggedIn.Model as LoggedInModel
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import LoggedIn.Update as LoggedInUpdate
+import Msg exposing (..)
+import Page exposing (Page(..))
+import Server
import SignIn.Model as SignInModel
import SignIn.Msg as SignInMsg
import SignIn.Update as SignInUpdate
-import Dialog
-import Dialog.Update as DialogUpdate
import Tooltip
-import Utils.Http exposing (errorKey)
import Utils.Cmd exposing ((:>))
+import Utils.Http exposing (errorKey)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
@@ -40,7 +33,14 @@ update msg model =
(model, Cmd.none)
UpdatePage page ->
- ({ model | page = page }, Cmd.none)
+ ( { model | page = page }
+ , if page == Statistics
+ then
+ let msg = UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.StatMsg <| Stat.UpdateChart
+ in Task.perform (\_ -> msg) (Task.succeed ())
+ else
+ Cmd.none
+ )
SignIn email ->
( applySignIn model (SignInMsg.WaitingServer)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ update msg model =
GoLoggedInView init ->
- ( { model | view = V.LoggedInView (LoggedInModel.init init) }
+ ( { model | view = V.LoggedInView (LoggedIn.init model.currentTime init) }
, Cmd.none
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ update msg model =
CreatePayment name cost date category frequency ->
( model
, Server.createPayment name cost date category frequency (\result -> case result of
- Ok paymentId -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateCreatePayment paymentId name cost date category frequency
+ Ok paymentId -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateCreatePayment paymentId name cost date category frequency
Err _ -> Error "CreatePaymentError"
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ update msg model =
EditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency ->
( model
, Server.editPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency (\result -> case result of
- Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateEditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency
+ Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateEditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency
Err _ -> Error "EditPaymentError"
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ update msg model =
DeletePayment paymentId ->
( model
, Server.deletePayment paymentId (\result -> case result of
- Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateDeletePayment paymentId
+ Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateDeletePayment paymentId
Err _ -> Error "DeletePaymentError"
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ update msg model =
CreateIncome amount date ->
( model
, Server.createIncome amount date (\result -> case result of
- Ok incomeId -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateCreateIncome incomeId amount date
+ Ok incomeId -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateCreateIncome incomeId amount date
Err _ -> Error "CreateIncomeError"
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ update msg model =
EditIncome incomeId amount date ->
( model
, Server.editIncome incomeId amount date (\result -> case result of
- Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateEditIncome incomeId amount date
+ Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateEditIncome incomeId amount date
Err _ -> Error "EditIncomeError"
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ update msg model =
DeleteIncome incomeId ->
( model
, Server.deleteIncome incomeId (\result -> case result of
- Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateDeleteIncome incomeId
+ Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateDeleteIncome incomeId
Err _ -> Error "DeleteIncomeError"
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ update msg model =
CreateCategory name color ->
( model
, Server.createCategory name color (\result -> case result of
- Ok categoryId -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateCreateCategory categoryId name color
+ Ok categoryId -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateCreateCategory categoryId name color
Err _ -> Error "CreateCategoryError"
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ update msg model =
EditCategory categoryId name color ->
( model
, Server.editCategory categoryId name color (\result -> case result of
- Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateEditCategory categoryId name color
+ Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateEditCategory categoryId name color
Err _ -> Error "EditCategoryError"
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ update msg model =
DeleteCategory categoryId ->
( model
, Server.deleteCategory categoryId (\result -> case result of
- Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.ValidateDeleteCategory categoryId
+ Ok _ -> UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedIn.ValidateDeleteCategory categoryId
Err _ -> Error "DeleteCategoryError"
@@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ applySignIn model signInMsg =
_ ->
-applyLoggedIn : Model -> LoggedInMsg.Msg -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+applyLoggedIn : Model -> LoggedIn.Msg -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
applyLoggedIn model loggedInMsg =
case model.view of
V.LoggedInView loggedInView ->
- let (view, cmd) = LoggedInUpdate.update model loggedInMsg loggedInView
+ let (view, cmd) = LoggedIn.update model loggedInMsg loggedInView
in ( { model | view = V.LoggedInView view }
, Cmd.map UpdateLoggedIn cmd
diff --git a/src/client/Utils/List.elm b/src/client/Utils/List.elm
index cc57d9f..8e26e85 100644
--- a/src/client/Utils/List.elm
+++ b/src/client/Utils/List.elm
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
module Utils.List exposing
( groupBy
, mean
+ , links
import Dict
+import Maybe.Extra as Maybe
groupBy : (a -> comparable) -> List a -> List (comparable, List a)
groupBy f xs =
@@ -15,3 +17,20 @@ groupBy f xs =
mean : List Int -> Int
mean xs = (List.sum xs) // (List.length xs)
+links : List a -> List (a, a)
+links xs =
+ let reversed = List.reverse xs
+ in List.foldr
+ (\x acc ->
+ case Maybe.map Tuple.first (List.head acc) of
+ Just y ->
+ (x, y) :: acc
+ _ ->
+ acc
+ )
+ (case reversed of
+ x :: y :: _ -> [(y, x)]
+ _ -> []
+ )
+ (List.reverse << List.drop 2 <| reversed)
diff --git a/src/client/Utils/Maybe.elm b/src/client/Utils/Maybe.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 46456e1..0000000
--- a/src/client/Utils/Maybe.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module Utils.Maybe exposing
- ( isJust
- , cat
- , toList
- , orElse
- )
-isJust : Maybe a -> Bool
-isJust maybe =
- case maybe of
- Just _ -> True
- Nothing -> False
-cat : List (Maybe a) -> List a
-cat =
- List.foldr
- (\mb xs ->
- case mb of
- Just x -> x :: xs
- Nothing -> xs
- )
- []
-toList : Maybe a -> List a
-toList mb =
- case mb of
- Just a -> [a]
- Nothing -> []
-orElse : Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
-orElse mb1 mb2 =
- case mb1 of
- Just x -> Just x
- Nothing -> mb2
diff --git a/src/client/View.elm b/src/client/View.elm
index 66c498a..deee272 100644
--- a/src/client/View.elm
+++ b/src/client/View.elm
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ import View.Errors as Errors
import SignIn.View as SignInView
import LoggedIn.View as LoggedInView
-import Utils.Maybe as Maybe
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
diff --git a/src/client/View/Date.elm b/src/client/View/Date.elm
index 35806ba..6df971b 100644
--- a/src/client/View/Date.elm
+++ b/src/client/View/Date.elm
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module View.Date exposing
- ( shortView
+ ( shortMonthAndYear
+ , shortView
, longView
, monthView
@@ -10,6 +11,14 @@ import String
import Model.Translations exposing (..)
+shortMonthAndYear : Month -> Int -> Translations -> String
+shortMonthAndYear month year translations =
+ let params =
+ [ String.pad 2 '0' (toString (Date.monthToInt month))
+ , toString year
+ ]
+ in getParamMessage params translations "ShortMonthAndYear"
shortView : Date -> Translations -> String
shortView date translations =
let params =
diff --git a/src/client/View/Form.elm b/src/client/View/Form.elm
index 7a4965d..977ca0a 100644
--- a/src/client/View/Form.elm
+++ b/src/client/View/Form.elm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module View.Form exposing
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Maybe.Extra as Maybe
import FontAwesome
import View.Color as Color
@@ -24,8 +25,6 @@ import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
import Model.Translations as Translations exposing (Translations)
-import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust)
textInput : Translations -> Form String a -> String -> String -> Html Form.Msg
textInput translations form formName fieldName =
let field = Form.getFieldAsString fieldName form
@@ -33,13 +32,13 @@ textInput translations form formName fieldName =
in div
[ classList
[ ("textInput", True)
- , ("error", isJust field.liveError)
+ , ("error", Maybe.isJust field.liveError)
[ Input.textInput
[ id fieldId
- , classList [ ("filled", isJust field.value) ]
+ , classList [ ("filled", Maybe.isJust field.value) ]
, value (Maybe.withDefault "" field.value)
, label
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ colorInput translations form formName fieldName =
in div
[ classList
[ ("colorInput", True)
- , ("error", isJust field.liveError)
+ , ("error", Maybe.isJust field.liveError)
[ label
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ radioInputs translations form formName radioName fieldNames =
in div
[ classList
[ ("radioGroup", True)
- , ("error", isJust field.liveError)
+ , ("error", Maybe.isJust field.liveError)
[ div
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ selectInput translations form formName selectName options =
in div
[ classList
[ ("selectInput", True)
- , ("error", isJust field.liveError)
+ , ("error", Maybe.isJust field.liveError)
[ label