path: root/src/server/Design/LoggedIn
diff options
authorJoris2015-09-13 11:23:04 +0200
committerJoris2015-09-13 11:23:04 +0200
commita94813019b146d75f7556d10e8d0dfd50586f54d (patch)
treecf1ca605b72e0d2a4045f7aa54369e06d64aa872 /src/server/Design/LoggedIn
parente56aaedad92f8585a70277edce8ed8ad065d681c (diff)
Splitting Global design file into a hierarchy of files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/server/Design/LoggedIn')
4 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Add.hs b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Add.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4de69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Add.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Design.LoggedIn.Add
+ ( addDesign
+ ) where
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import Clay
+import Design.Color as C
+import Design.Helper
+import Design.Constants
+addDesign :: Css
+addDesign =
+ form ? do
+ centeredWithMargin
+ marginBottom blockMarginBottom
+ display flex
+ "justify-content" -: "center"
+ ".name" <> ".cost" ? do
+ position relative
+ display flex
+ marginRight (pct blockPercentMargin)
+ label ? do
+ fontWeight bold
+ display inlineBlock
+ width (px 40)
+ textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
+ backgroundColor C.darkGrey
+ color C.white
+ height (px inputHeight)
+ lineHeight (px inputHeight)
+ fontSize (px 22)
+ verticalAlign middle
+ cursor cursorText
+ borderRadius (px 0) radius radius (px 0)
+ input ? do
+ defaultInput inputHeight
+ borderRadius radius (px 0) (px 0) radius
+ "width" -: "calc(100% - 40px)"
+ "input:focus + label" ? backgroundColor C.grey
+ ".name" ? minWidth (px 150)
+ button # ".frequency" ? do
+ fontSize (pct 90)
+ marginRight (pct blockPercentMargin)
+ (".punctual" <> ".monthly") ? do
+ defaultButton C.lightGrey C.darkGrey (px $ inputHeight `Prelude.div` 2)
+ paddingLeft (px 15)
+ paddingRight (px 15)
+ ".selected" & do
+ backgroundColor C.blue
+ color C.white
+ ".punctual" ? borderRadius radius radius 0 0
+ ".monthly" ? borderRadius 0 0 radius radius
+ button # ".add" ? do
+ defaultButton C.red C.white (px inputHeight)
+ paddingLeft (px 15)
+ paddingRight (px 15)
+ ".name.error" <> ".cost.error" ? do
+ input ? borderColor C.redError
+ label ? backgroundColor C.redError
+ "input:focus + label" ? backgroundColor C.redError
+ ".errorMessage" ? do
+ position absolute
+ color C.redError
+ top (px (inputHeight + 10))
+ left (px 0)
diff --git a/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Expandables.hs b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Expandables.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3807da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Expandables.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Design.LoggedIn.Expandables
+ ( expandablesDesign
+ ) where
+import Clay
+import Design.Color as C
+import Design.Helper
+import Design.Constants
+expandablesDesign :: Css
+expandablesDesign =
+ ".expandables" ? do
+ ".expand" ? do
+ position absolute
+ right blockPadding
+ bottom (px 2)
+ ".monthlyPayments" ? expandBlock C.blue C.white (px inputHeight)
+ ".account" ? do
+ expandBlock C.green C.white (px inputHeight)
+ ".header" |> ".exceedingPayer" ? do
+ lineHeight (px inputHeight)
+ ".userName" ? marginRight (px 10)
+ ".income" ? do
+ backgroundColor C.lightGrey
+ lineHeight rowHeight
+ padding (px 0) (px 20) (px 0) (px 20)
+ ".detail" |> ".header" ? borderRadius radius radius 0 0
diff --git a/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Pages.hs b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Pages.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c42e9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Pages.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Design.LoggedIn.Pages
+ ( pagesDesign
+ ) where
+import Clay
+import Design.Color as C
+import Design.Helper
+import Design.Constants
+pagesDesign :: Css
+pagesDesign =
+ ".pages" ? do
+ padding (px 30) (px 30) (px 30) (px 30)
+ textAlign (alignSide (sideCenter))
+ clearFix
+ ".page" ? do
+ display inlineBlock
+ border solid (px 2) C.darkGrey
+ color C.darkGrey
+ borderRadius radius radius radius radius
+ marginRight (px 10)
+ let h = 50
+ paddingLeft (px 10)
+ paddingRight (px 10)
+ height (px h)
+ lineHeight (px h)
+ textAlign (alignSide (sideCenter))
+ fontWeight bold
+ ":not(.current)" & cursor pointer
+ ".current" & do
+ borderColor C.red
+ color C.red
diff --git a/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Table.hs b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Table.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2876fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/server/Design/LoggedIn/Table.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Design.LoggedIn.Table
+ ( tableDesign
+ ) where
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import Clay
+import qualified Clay.Display as D
+import Design.Color as C
+import Design.Media
+import Design.Constants
+tableDesign :: Css
+tableDesign =
+ ".table" ? do
+ display D.table
+ width (pct 100)
+ textAlign (alignSide (sideCenter))
+ "border-spacing" -: "10 px"
+ ".header" <> ".row" ? display tableRow
+ let headerHeight = (px 70)
+ ".header" ? do
+ fontWeight bold
+ backgroundColor C.blue
+ color C.white
+ fontSize iconFontSize
+ lineHeight headerHeight
+ ".row" ? do
+ fontSize (px 20)
+ cursor pointer
+ lineHeight rowHeight
+ nthChild "odd" & backgroundColor C.lightGrey
+ ".edition" & do
+ backgroundColor C.paymentFocus
+ ".delete" ? visibility visible
+ ".cell" ? do
+ display tableCell
+ ".category" & width (pct 40)
+ ".cost" & do
+ width (pct 17)
+ ".refund" & color C.greenSuccess
+ ".user" & width (pct 20)
+ ".date" & do
+ width (pct 20)
+ smallScreen $ do
+ ".shortDate" ? display inline
+ ".longDate" ? display none
+ largeScreen $ do
+ ".shortDate" ? display none
+ ".longDate" ? display inline
+ ".delete" & do
+ width (pct 3)
+ height rowHeight
+ textAlign (alignSide sideCenter)
+ backgroundColor C.red
+ visibility hidden
+ button ? do
+ width (pct 100)
+ height (pct 100)
+ color C.white