diff options
9 files changed, 77 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/.stylish-haskell.yaml b/.stylish-haskell.yaml
index 034ace0..82305b9 100644
--- a/.stylish-haskell.yaml
+++ b/.stylish-haskell.yaml
@@ -31,3 +31,4 @@ language_extensions:
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- OverloadedStrings
- RecursiveDo
+ - ScopedTypeVariables
diff --git a/ISSUES.md b/ISSUES.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cfc960..0000000
--- a/ISSUES.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# MVP
-## Income
-- Implement server side paging
-## Payment
-- Use income table factorizations
-- Implement server side paging
-## Category view
-- Show the category table
-- Add a category
-- Clone a category
-- Edit a category
-- Remove a category
-## Bugs
-- After modal close, it is still on the DOM, preventing any click
-# Next
-## Bugs
-- Fix page flickering on loading
-## Additional features
-- Remove unused payment category after payment edit on frontend
-- Auto focus on first input when payment modal is open
-- Add icon tooltip
-- HTTP error message
-- Use only one loader
-- Login with email and password
-- Search payments by:
- - category,
- - date.
-- Show statistics.
-- Pages: 1 … 3 4 5 … 10
-## Code
-- Do something with ModalForm and ConfirmDialog
-- remove client warning messages
-- Use BEM style
-- Move the CSS out from the index page
-- Test exceedingPayers
-- try DuplicateRecordFields (https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records/OverloadedRecordFields/DuplicateRecordFields)
-- ajax query parameters
-## DB
-- Add DB indexes
-## Tooling
-- deploy command
-- migration diff (use flyway?).
-- use ghcid
-- set up fast deploy
-- pin nixpkgs
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7f8d8f3..c83a18b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -55,7 +55,3 @@ See [application.conf](application.conf).
- [reflex](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/reflex-
- [reflex-dom](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/reflex-dom-core-0.5/docs/doc-index-All.html)
-## Issues
-See [ISSUES.md](ISSUES.md).
diff --git a/client/src/Component/Pages.hs b/client/src/Component/Pages.hs
index a297222..d54cd3d 100644
--- a/client/src/Component/Pages.hs
+++ b/client/src/Component/Pages.hs
@@ -16,32 +16,26 @@ import qualified View.Icon as Icon
data In t = In
{ _in_total :: Dynamic t Int
, _in_perPage :: Int
+ , _in_page :: Int
data Out t = Out
{ _out_newPage :: Event t Int
- , _out_currentPage :: Dynamic t Int
view :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => In t -> m (Out t)
view input = do
- (newPage, currentPage) <- ReflexUtil.divVisibleIf ((> 0) <$> total) $ pageButtons total perPage
+ newPage <- ReflexUtil.divVisibleIf ((> 0) <$> (_in_total input)) $ pageButtons input
return $ Out
{ _out_newPage = newPage
- , _out_currentPage = currentPage
- where
- total = _in_total input
- perPage = _in_perPage input
:: forall t m. MonadWidget t m
- => Dynamic t Int
- -> Int
- -> m (Event t Int, Dynamic t Int)
-pageButtons total perPage = do
+ => In t
+ -> m (Event t Int)
+pageButtons input = do
R.divClass "pages" $ do
let newPage = R.leftmost
@@ -52,7 +46,7 @@ pageButtons total perPage = do
, lastPageClic
- currentPage <- R.holdDyn 1 newPage
+ currentPage <- R.holdDyn (_in_page input) newPage
firstPageClic <- pageButton noCurrentPage (R.constDyn 1) Icon.doubleLeftBar
@@ -65,9 +59,9 @@ pageButtons total perPage = do
lastPageClic <- pageButton noCurrentPage maxPage Icon.doubleRightBar
- return (newPage, currentPage)
+ return newPage
- where maxPage = R.ffor total (\t -> ceiling $ toRational t / toRational perPage)
+ where maxPage = R.ffor (_in_total input) (\t -> ceiling $ toRational t / toRational (_in_perPage input))
pageEvent = R.switch . R.current . fmap R.leftmost
noCurrentPage = R.constDyn Nothing
diff --git a/client/src/Component/Table.hs b/client/src/Component/Table.hs
index 7103abd..3b9ec24 100644
--- a/client/src/Component/Table.hs
+++ b/client/src/Component/Table.hs
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ module Component.Table
, Out(..)
) where
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
-import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, MonadWidget)
+import Reflex.Dom (Event, MonadWidget)
import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
import qualified Component.Button as Button
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ import qualified View.Icon as Icon
data In m t h r a = In
{ _in_headerLabel :: h -> Text
- , _in_rows :: Dynamic t [r]
+ , _in_rows :: [r]
, _in_cell :: h -> r -> Text
, _in_cloneModal :: r -> Modal.Content t m a
, _in_editModal :: r -> Modal.Content t m a
@@ -44,61 +45,60 @@ view input =
R.divClass "cell" $ R.blank
R.divClass "cell" $ R.blank
- R.simpleList (_in_rows input) $ \r ->
+ flip mapM (_in_rows input) $ \row ->
R.divClass "row" $ do
- flip mapM_ [minBound..] $ \h ->
+ flip mapM_ [minBound..] $ \header ->
R.divClass "cell" $
- R.dynText $
- R.ffor r (_in_cell input h)
+ R.text $
+ _in_cell input header row
- clone <-
+ cloneButton <-
R.divClass "cell button" $
Button._out_clic <$> (Button.view $
Button.defaultIn Icon.clone)
- cloned <-
+ clone <-
Modal.view $ Modal.In
- { Modal._in_show = clone
- , Modal._in_content = \curtainClick ->
- (R.dyn . R.ffor r $ \r2 -> _in_cloneModal input r2 curtainClick)
- >>= ReflexUtil.flattenTuple
+ { Modal._in_show = cloneButton
+ , Modal._in_content = _in_cloneModal input row
- let isOwner = R.ffor r (_in_isOwner input)
+ let isOwner = _in_isOwner input row
- edit <-
+ let visibleIf cond =
+ R.elAttr
+ "div"
+ (if cond then M.empty else M.singleton "style" "display:none")
+ editButton <-
R.divClass "cell button" $
- ReflexUtil.divVisibleIf isOwner $
+ visibleIf isOwner $
Button._out_clic <$> (Button.view $
Button.defaultIn Icon.edit)
- edited <-
+ edit <-
Modal.view $ Modal.In
- { Modal._in_show = edit
- , Modal._in_content = \curtainClick ->
- (R.dyn . R.ffor r $ \r2 -> _in_editModal input r2 curtainClick)
- >>= ReflexUtil.flattenTuple
+ { Modal._in_show = editButton
+ , Modal._in_content = _in_editModal input row
- delete <-
+ deleteButton <-
R.divClass "cell button" $
- ReflexUtil.divVisibleIf isOwner $
+ visibleIf isOwner $
Button._out_clic <$> (Button.view $
Button.defaultIn Icon.delete)
- deleted <-
+ delete <-
Modal.view $ Modal.In
- { Modal._in_show = delete
- , Modal._in_content = \curtainClick ->
- (R.dyn . R.ffor r $ \r2 -> _in_deleteModal input r2 curtainClick)
- >>= ReflexUtil.flattenTuple
+ { Modal._in_show = deleteButton
+ , Modal._in_content = _in_deleteModal input row
- return (cloned, edited, deleted)
+ return (clone, edit, delete)
- let add = R.switch . R.current . fmap (R.leftmost . map (\(a, _, _) -> a)) $ result
- edit = R.switch . R.current . fmap (R.leftmost . map (\(_, a, _) -> a)) $ result
- delete = R.switch . R.current . fmap (R.leftmost . map (\(_, _, a) -> a)) $ result
+ let add = R.leftmost . map (\(a, _, _) -> a) $ result
+ edit = R.leftmost . map (\(_, a, _) -> a) $ result
+ delete = R.leftmost . map (\(_, _, a) -> a) $ result
return $ Out
{ _out_add = add
diff --git a/client/src/Loadable.hs b/client/src/Loadable.hs
index a5c1d41..f57b99c 100644
--- a/client/src/Loadable.hs
+++ b/client/src/Loadable.hs
@@ -45,16 +45,7 @@ fromEvent =
-view :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => (a -> m ()) -> Loadable a -> m ()
-view _ (Loading) = R.divClass "pageSpinner" $ R.divClass "spinner" $ R.blank
-view _ (Error e) = R.text e
-view f (Loaded x) = f x
--- view :: forall t m a b. MonadWidget t m => (a -> m b) -> Loadable a -> m (Maybe b)
--- view _ (Loading) = do
--- R.divClass "pageSpinner" $ R.divClass "spinner" $ R.blank
--- return Nothing
--- view _ (Error e) = do
--- R.text e
--- return Nothing
--- view f (Loaded x) = Just <$> (f x)
+view :: forall t m a b. MonadWidget t m => (a -> m b) -> Loadable a -> m (Maybe b)
+view _ (Loading) = (R.divClass "pageSpinner" $ R.divClass "spinner" $ R.blank) >> return Nothing
+view _ (Error e) = R.text e >> return Nothing
+view f (Loaded x) = Just <$> f x
diff --git a/client/src/Util/Reflex.hs b/client/src/Util/Reflex.hs
index 9f51c5c..aa5cebb 100644
--- a/client/src/Util/Reflex.hs
+++ b/client/src/Util/Reflex.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ flatten e = do
dyn <- R.holdDyn R.never e
return $ R.switchDyn dyn
:: forall t m a b. MonadWidget t m
=> Event t (Event t a, Event t b)
diff --git a/client/src/View/Income/Income.hs b/client/src/View/Income/Income.hs
index c48f325..fedf3d8 100644
--- a/client/src/View/Income/Income.hs
+++ b/client/src/View/Income/Income.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
module View.Income.Income
( init
, view
, In(..)
) where
+import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
+import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Prelude hiding (init)
import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, MonadWidget)
import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
@@ -41,45 +45,38 @@ init = do
view :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => In t -> m ()
view input = do
- -- rec
- -- incomes <- Reducer.reducer
- -- { Reducer._in_newPage = ReflexUtil.flatten (Table._out_newPage <$> table)
- -- , Reducer._in_currentPage = ReflexUtil.flatten (Table._out_currentPage <$> table)
- -- , Reducer._in_addIncome = ReflexUtil.flatten (Table._out_add <$> table)
- -- , Reducer._in_editIncome = ReflexUtil.flatten (Table._out_edit <$> table)
- -- , Reducer._in_deleteIncome = ReflexUtil.flatten (Table._out_delete <$> table)
- -- }
incomes <- Reducer.reducer $ Reducer.In
- { Reducer._in_newPage = Pages._out_newPage pages
- , Reducer._in_currentPage = Pages._out_currentPage pages
- , Reducer._in_addIncome = Table._out_add table
- , Reducer._in_editIncome = Table._out_edit table
- , Reducer._in_deleteIncome = Table._out_delete table
+ { Reducer._in_newPage = newPage
+ , Reducer._in_currentPage = currentPage
+ , Reducer._in_addIncome = addIncome
+ , Reducer._in_editIncome = editIncome
+ , Reducer._in_deleteIncome = deleteIncome
- table <- Table.view $ Table.In
- { Table._in_currentUser = _in_currentUser input
- , Table._in_currency = _in_currency input
- , Table._in_incomes = R.ffor incomes $ \case
- Loaded (IncomesAndCount xs _) -> xs
- _ -> []
- }
+ let eventFromResult :: forall a. ((Table.Out t, Pages.Out t) -> Event t a) -> m (Event t a)
+ eventFromResult op = ReflexUtil.flatten . fmap (Maybe.fromMaybe R.never . fmap op) $ result
- pages <- Pages.view $ Pages.In
- { Pages._in_total = R.ffor incomes $ \case
- Loaded (IncomesAndCount _ n) -> n
- _ -> 0
- , Pages._in_perPage = Reducer.perPage
- }
+ newPage <- eventFromResult $ Pages._out_newPage . snd
+ currentPage <- R.holdDyn 1 newPage
+ addIncome <- eventFromResult $ Table._out_add . fst
+ editIncome <- eventFromResult $ Table._out_edit . fst
+ deleteIncome <- eventFromResult $ Table._out_delete . fst
+ result <- R.dyn . R.ffor ((,) <$> incomes <*> currentPage) $ \(is, p) ->
+ flip Loadable.view is $ \(IncomesAndCount incomes count) -> do
+ table <- Table.view $ Table.In
+ { Table._in_currentUser = _in_currentUser input
+ , Table._in_currency = _in_currency input
+ , Table._in_incomes = incomes
+ }
+ pages <- Pages.view $ Pages.In
+ { Pages._in_total = R.constDyn count
+ , Pages._in_perPage = Reducer.perPage
+ , Pages._in_page = p
+ }
- -- -- table :: Event t (Maybe (Table.Out t))
- -- table <- R.dyn . R.ffor incomes . Loadable.view $ \incomes ->
- -- Table.view $ Table.In
- -- { Table._in_currentUser = _in_currentUser input
- -- , Table._in_currency = _in_currency input
- -- , Table._in_incomes = incomes
- -- }
+ return (table, pages)
return ()
diff --git a/client/src/View/Income/Table.hs b/client/src/View/Income/Table.hs
index 6d69c19..9b2129f 100644
--- a/client/src/View/Income/Table.hs
+++ b/client/src/View/Income/Table.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import qualified View.Income.Form as Form
data In t = In
{ _in_currentUser :: UserId
, _in_currency :: Currency
- , _in_incomes :: Dynamic t [Income]
+ , _in_incomes :: [Income]
data Out t = Out
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ view input = do
table <- Table.view $ Table.In
{ Table._in_headerLabel = headerLabel
- , Table._in_rows = R.ffor (_in_incomes input) $ reverse . L.sortOn _income_date
+ , Table._in_rows = reverse . L.sortOn _income_date $ _in_incomes input
, Table._in_cell = cell [] (_in_currency input)
, Table._in_cloneModal = \income ->
Form.view $ Form.In