path: root/src/Birthdate.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Birthdate.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/Birthdate.hs b/src/Birthdate.hs
index 2ef1bcb..4c6e398 100644
--- a/src/Birthdate.hs
+++ b/src/Birthdate.hs
@@ -4,17 +4,13 @@ module Birthdate
( Birthdate(..)
, fullname
, age
- , readBirthdates
, filterBirthday
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
-import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
-import Date (Date(Date), sameDayAndMonth, yearsGap)
+import Date (Date, sameDayAndMonth, yearsGap)
data Birthdate = Birthdate
{ date :: Date
@@ -28,49 +24,5 @@ fullname d = T.concat [firstname d, " ", lastname d]
age :: Date -> Birthdate -> Int
age currentDate birthdate = yearsGap currentDate (date birthdate)
-readBirthdates :: FilePath -> IO (Either Text [Birthdate])
-readBirthdates path = do
- eitherBirthdates <- map parseBirthdate . zip [1..] . T.lines <$> T.readFile path
- return $
- case partitionEithers eitherBirthdates of
- ([], birthdates) ->
- Right birthdates
- (errors, _) ->
- Left $ T.intercalate "\n" errors
-parseBirthdate :: (Int, Text) -> Either Text Birthdate
-parseBirthdate (line, text) =
- case map T.strip $ T.splitOn "," text of
- [date, lastname, firstname] ->
- case map T.decimal $ T.splitOn "/" date of
- [Right (day, ""), Right (month, ""), Right (year, "")] ->
- Right Birthdate
- { date = Date year month day
- , lastname = lastname
- , firstname = firstname
- }
- _ ->
- Left $ T.concat
- [ lineOutput line
- , " birthdate: "
- , date
- , ". (Required: year/month/day)"
- ]
- _ ->
- Left $ T.concat
- [ lineOutput line
- , " line: "
- , text
- , ". (Required: date, lastname, firstname)"
- ]
-lineOutput :: Int -> Text
-lineOutput line =
- T.concat
- [ "[L"
- , T.pack . show $ line
- , "]"
- ]
filterBirthday :: Date -> [Birthdate] -> [Birthdate]
filterBirthday d = filter (sameDayAndMonth d . date)