path: root/src/gui/gui.rs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-02-26Fix linter warningsJoris
2022-02-13Modify synchronizing messageJoris
2022-02-13Synchronize deck only if necessaryJoris
Look at the modification time of the deck, and synchronize if it has been modified after the last deck read.
2022-02-13Properly shuffle card presentation from card insertionJoris
Instead of messing with deck_read, subtracting a random amount of seconds to it, pick a random card instead of the first ready. This permits to remove the dependency to the rand crate.
2022-02-12Show current progress after the deck nameJoris
2022-02-12Say when the next card will be availableJoris
2021-11-19Add initial working versionJoris