diff options
authorJoris2020-03-03 10:44:35 +0100
committerJoris2020-03-03 10:44:35 +0100
commit5c636f11cdfed82634ee572645d765b704941b68 (patch)
parenta2880850a78fc36e2612215c83cbdeac0c980a5b (diff)
Initialize views from JavaScript
-rw-r--r--src/Model/step.ml (renamed from src/step.ml)0
15 files changed, 419 insertions, 341 deletions
diff --git a/public/index.html b/public/index.html
index 5668682..6cf6562 100644
--- a/public/index.html
+++ b/public/index.html
@@ -11,87 +11,7 @@
- <header class="g-Layout__Header">Tabata timer</header>
<main id="g-Layout__Main">
- <form id="g-Form">
- <label class="g-Form__Label">
- prepare
- <input id="g-Form__Prepare" class="g-Form__Input" type="number" min="0" />
- </label>
- <label class="g-Form__Label">
- tabatas
- <input id="g-Form__Tabatas" class="g-Form__Input" type="number" min="1" />
- </label>
- <label class="g-Form__Label">
- cycles
- <input id="g-Form__Cycles" class="g-Form__Input" type="number" min="1" />
- </label>
- <label class="g-Form__Label">
- work
- <input id="g-Form__Work" class="g-Form__Input" type="number" min="5" />
- </label>
- <label class="g-Form__Label">
- rest
- <input id="g-Form__Rest" class="g-Form__Input" type="number" min="5" />
- </label>
- <div class="g-Form__Duration">
- duration
- <div id="g-Form__DurationValue">8</div>
- </div>
- <button class="g-Form__Start">
- start
- </button>
- </form>
- <section id="g-Timer">
- <button id="g-Timer__Dial">
- <svg class="g-Timer__Arc" viewbox="-100 -100 200 200">
- <path class="g-Timer__ArcTotal" d="M -1.745121688784978e-14 -95 A 95 95 0 1 0 5.8170722959499274e-15 -95"></path>
- <path id="g-Timer__ArcProgress"></path>
- </svg>
- <div id="g-Timer__Step"></div>
- <div id="g-Timer__Duration"></div>
- </button>
- <div class="g-Timer__TabataAndCycle">
- <div class="g-Timer__Tabata">
- <div>Tabata</div>
- <span id="g-Timer__TabataCurrent"></span>
- /
- <span id="g-Timer__TabataTotal"></span>
- </div>
- <div class="g-Timer__Cycle">
- <div>Cycle</div>
- <span id="g-Timer__CycleCurrent"></span>
- /
- <span id="g-Timer__CycleTotal"></span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <button id="g-Timer__Stop">
- stop
- </button>
- </section>
<script src="main.js"></script>
diff --git a/public/main.css b/public/main.css
index 9421a3c..f1efc26 100644
--- a/public/main.css
+++ b/public/main.css
@@ -45,22 +45,35 @@ body {
font-size: 2rem;
-#g-Layout__Main {
- transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
+/* Animation */
+.g-Animation {
+ position: relative;
+ overflow: hidden;
+.g-Animation > * + * {
+ width: 100vw;
+ min-height: 100vh;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 100vh;
+ top: 0;
+ animation: g-Animation__Keyframe 400ms;
-.g-Layout__HideMain {
- opacity: 0;
- padding-left: 2rem;
+@keyframes g-Animation__Keyframe {
+ from { left: 100vh; }
+ to { left: 0; }
/* Config */
-#g-Form {
+.g-Form {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
- margin-top: 5rem;
+ padding-top: 5rem;
+ background-color: white;
.g-Form__Label {
@@ -99,14 +112,16 @@ body {
/* Timer */
-#g-Timer {
+.g-Timer {
+ min-height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
- display: none;
+ background-color: var(--color-header);
+ color: white;
-#g-Timer__Dial {
+.g-Timer__Dial {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
@@ -114,9 +129,10 @@ body {
width: var(--dial-width);
height: var(--dial-width);
cursor: pointer;
- background-color: white;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ color: inherit;
font-size: 3rem;
- margin: 5rem 0;
+ margin: 2rem 0;
position: relative;
border: none;
@@ -135,17 +151,17 @@ body {
stroke-width: 10;
-#g-Timer__ArcProgress {
+.g-Timer__ArcProgress {
stroke: var(--color-timer-arc-progress);
fill: none;
stroke-width: 10;
-#g-Timer__Step {
+.g-Timer__Step {
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
-#g-Timer__Duration:hover {
+.g-Timer__Duration:hover {
background-color: var(--color-timer-hover);
color: initial;
@@ -163,7 +179,7 @@ body {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
-#g-Timer__Stop {
+.g-Timer__Stop {
font-size: 1.5rem;
background-color: var(--color-action);
border: 3px solid var(--color-action-darker);
@@ -172,4 +188,5 @@ body {
width: 10rem;
margin-top: 2rem;
cursor: pointer;
+ text-align: center;
diff --git a/src/Dom/CreateElement.ml b/src/Dom/CreateElement.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8183a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Dom/CreateElement.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(* Element creation *)
+let h tag ?(attributes = [||]) ?(eventListeners = [||]) ?(children = [||]) () :
+ Dom.element =
+ let element =
+ if tag == "svg" || tag == "path" then
+ Document.createElementNS "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" tag
+ else Document.createElement tag
+ in
+ let () =
+ Js.Array.forEach
+ (fun (name, value) -> Element.setAttribute element name value)
+ attributes
+ in
+ let () =
+ Js.Array.forEach
+ (fun (name, eventListener) ->
+ Element.addEventListener element name eventListener)
+ eventListeners
+ in
+ let () =
+ Js.Array.forEach (fun child -> Element.appendChild element child) children
+ in
+ element
+(* Node creation *)
+let text = Document.createTextNode
+let div = h "div"
+let span = h "span"
+let header = h "header"
+let button = h "button"
+let section = h "section"
+let svg = h "svg"
+let path = h "path"
+let form = h "form"
+let label = h "label"
+let input_ = h "input"
+(* Attribute creation *)
+let id v = ("id", v)
+let className v = ("class", v)
+let viewBox v = ("viewBox", v)
+let d v = ("d", v)
+let type_ v = ("type", v)
+let min_ v = ("min", v)
+let value v = ("value", v)
+(* Event listeners *)
+let onClick f = ("click", f)
+let onInput f = ("input", f)
+let onSubmit f = ("submit", f)
diff --git a/src/Dom/Document.ml b/src/Dom/Document.ml
index afd1a84..867e28c 100644
--- a/src/Dom/Document.ml
+++ b/src/Dom/Document.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
-external querySelector : string -> Dom.element option = "querySelector"
+external createElement : string -> Dom.element = "createElement"
[@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "document"]
-let querySelectorUnsafe id = querySelector id |> Js.Option.getExn
+external createElementNS : string -> string -> Dom.element = "createElementNS"
+ [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "document"]
+external querySelector : string -> Dom.element Js.Nullable.t = "querySelector"
+ [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "document"]
+let querySelectorUnsafe id =
+ querySelector id |> Js.Nullable.toOption |> Js.Option.getExn
+external createTextNode : string -> Dom.element = "createTextNode"
+ [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "document"]
diff --git a/src/Dom/Element.ml b/src/Dom/Element.ml
index 4b38fa9..0b6c0bd 100644
--- a/src/Dom/Element.ml
+++ b/src/Dom/Element.ml
@@ -1,14 +1,44 @@
external setValue : Dom.element -> string -> unit = "value" [@@bs.set]
-external setInnerText : Dom.element -> string -> unit = "innerText" [@@bs.set]
+external setTextContent : Dom.element -> string -> unit = "textContent"
+ [@@bs.set]
external setStyle : Dom.element -> string -> unit = "style" [@@bs.set]
external setClassName : Dom.element -> string -> unit = "className" [@@bs.set]
+external setScrollTop : Dom.element -> int -> unit = "scrollTop" [@@bs.set]
external setAttribute : Dom.element -> string -> string -> unit = "setAttribute"
+external setAttributeNS : Dom.element -> string -> string -> string -> unit
+ = "setAttributeNS"
+ [@@bs.send]
external addEventListener : Dom.element -> string -> (Dom.event -> unit) -> unit
= "addEventListener"
+external appendChild : Dom.element -> Dom.element -> unit = "appendChild"
+ [@@bs.send]
+external firstChild : Dom.element -> Dom.element Js.Nullable.t = "firstChild"
+ [@@bs.get]
+external removeChild : Dom.element -> Dom.element -> unit = "removeChild"
+ [@@bs.send]
+let removeFirstChild element =
+ match Js.toOption (firstChild element) with
+ | Some child ->
+ let () = removeChild element child in
+ true
+ | _ -> false
+let rec removeChildren element =
+ if removeFirstChild element then removeChildren element else ()
+let mountOn base element =
+ let () = removeChildren base in
+ appendChild base element
diff --git a/src/Dom/EventTarget.ml b/src/Dom/EventTarget.ml
index 946a518..d1b0c02 100644
--- a/src/Dom/EventTarget.ml
+++ b/src/Dom/EventTarget.ml
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
-external value : Dom.eventTarget -> string option = "value" [@@bs.get]
+external nullableValue : Dom.eventTarget -> string Js.Nullable.t = "value"
+ [@@bs.get]
+let value eventTarget = nullableValue eventTarget |> Js.Nullable.toOption
diff --git a/src/Model/config.ml b/src/Model/config.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e42d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Model/config.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+type config = {
+ prepare : int;
+ tabatas : int;
+ cycles : int;
+ work : int;
+ rest : int;
+let init = { prepare = 10; tabatas = 4; cycles = 8; work = 20; rest = 10 }
+let getDuration { prepare; tabatas; cycles; work; rest } =
+ tabatas * (prepare + (cycles * (work + rest)))
diff --git a/src/step.ml b/src/Model/step.ml
index 02a110e..02a110e 100644
--- a/src/step.ml
+++ b/src/Model/step.ml
diff --git a/src/View/configView.ml b/src/View/configView.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5db6ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/View/configView.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+open CreateElement
+open Config
+let labelledInput labelValue minValue inputValue update writeDuration =
+ label
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Form__Label" |]
+ ~eventListeners:
+ [|
+ onInput (fun e ->
+ match
+ EventTarget.value (Event.target e)
+ |> Option.flatMap Belt.Int.fromString
+ with
+ | Some n ->
+ let () = update n in
+ writeDuration ()
+ | None -> ());
+ |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ text labelValue;
+ input_
+ ~attributes:
+ [|
+ className "g-Form__Input";
+ type_ "number";
+ min_ (Js.Int.toString minValue);
+ value (Js.Int.toString inputValue);
+ |]
+ ();
+ |]
+ ()
+let render initialConfig onStart =
+ let config = ref initialConfig in
+ let duration = text (Duration.prettyPrint (getDuration !config)) in
+ let wd () =
+ Element.setTextContent duration (Duration.prettyPrint (getDuration !config))
+ in
+ div
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ header
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Layout__Header" |]
+ ~children:[| text "Tabata timer" |]
+ ();
+ form
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Form" |]
+ ~eventListeners:
+ [|
+ onSubmit (fun e ->
+ let () = Event.preventDefault e in
+ onStart !config);
+ |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ labelledInput "prepare" 0 !config.prepare
+ (fun n -> config := { !config with prepare = n })
+ wd;
+ labelledInput "tabatas" 1 !config.tabatas
+ (fun n -> config := { !config with tabatas = n })
+ wd;
+ labelledInput "cycles" 1 !config.cycles
+ (fun n -> config := { !config with cycles = n })
+ wd;
+ labelledInput "work" 5 !config.work
+ (fun n -> config := { !config with work = n })
+ wd;
+ labelledInput "rest" 5 !config.rest
+ (fun n -> config := { !config with rest = n })
+ wd;
+ div
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Form__Duration" |]
+ ~children:[| text "duration"; div ~children:[| duration |] () |]
+ ();
+ button
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Form__Start" |]
+ ~children:[| text "start" |]
+ ();
+ |]
+ ();
+ |]
+ ()
diff --git a/src/View/timerView.ml b/src/View/timerView.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2384f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/View/timerView.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+open CreateElement
+let render (config : Config.config) onStop =
+ let duration = Config.getDuration config in
+ (* State *)
+ let interval = ref None in
+ let elapsed = ref 0 in
+ let step = ref (Step.getAt config !elapsed) in
+ let isPlaying = ref true in
+ (* Elements *)
+ let stepElt = text (Step.prettyPrint !step.step) in
+ let durationElt = text (Duration.prettyPrint !step.remaining) in
+ let arcPathElt = path ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__ArcProgress" |] () in
+ let tabataCurrentElt = text (Js.Int.toString !step.tabata) in
+ let cycleCurrentElt = text (Js.Int.toString !step.cycle) in
+ (* Update *)
+ let stop () =
+ let () = Belt.Option.forEach !interval Js.Global.clearInterval in
+ onStop config
+ in
+ let updateDom () =
+ let angle = Js.Int.toFloat !elapsed /. Js.Int.toFloat duration *. 360.0 in
+ let () =
+ Element.setAttribute arcPathElt "d" (Arc.describe 0.0 0.0 95.0 0.0 angle)
+ in
+ let step = Step.getAt config !elapsed in
+ let () = Element.setTextContent stepElt (Step.prettyPrint step.step) in
+ let () =
+ Element.setTextContent durationElt (Duration.prettyPrint step.remaining)
+ in
+ let () =
+ Element.setTextContent tabataCurrentElt (Js.Int.toString step.tabata)
+ in
+ let () =
+ Element.setTextContent cycleCurrentElt (Js.Int.toString step.cycle)
+ in
+ Audio.playFromStep config step
+ in
+ let update () =
+ if !isPlaying then
+ let () = elapsed := !elapsed + 1 in
+ let () = step := Step.getAt config !elapsed in
+ if !elapsed > duration then stop () else updateDom ()
+ else ()
+ in
+ (* Start timer *)
+ let () = interval := Some (Js.Global.setInterval update 1000) in
+ (* View *)
+ section
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer" |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ button
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__Dial" |]
+ ~eventListeners:[| onClick (fun _ -> isPlaying := not !isPlaying) |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ svg
+ ~attributes:
+ [| className "g-Timer__Arc"; viewBox "-100 -100 200 200" |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ path
+ ~attributes:
+ [|
+ className "g-Timer__ArcTotal";
+ d (Arc.describe 0.0 0.0 95.0 0.0 359.999);
+ |]
+ ();
+ arcPathElt;
+ |]
+ ();
+ div
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__Step" |]
+ ~children:[| stepElt |] ();
+ div
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__Duration" |]
+ ~children:[| durationElt |] ();
+ |]
+ ();
+ div
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__TabataAndCycle" |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ div
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__Tabata" |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ div ~children:[| text "Tabata" |] ();
+ span
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__TabataCurrent" |]
+ ~children:[| tabataCurrentElt |] ();
+ text "/";
+ span
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__TabataTotal" |]
+ ~children:[| text (Js.Int.toString config.tabatas) |]
+ ();
+ |]
+ ();
+ div
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__Cycle" |]
+ ~children:
+ [|
+ div ~children:[| text "Cycle" |] ();
+ span
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__CycleCurrent" |]
+ ~children:[| cycleCurrentElt |] ();
+ text "/";
+ span
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__CycleTotal" |]
+ ~children:[| text (Js.Int.toString config.cycles) |]
+ ();
+ |]
+ ();
+ |]
+ ();
+ div
+ ~attributes:[| className "g-Timer__Stop" |]
+ ~children:[| text "stop" |]
+ ~eventListeners:[| onClick (fun _ -> stop ()) |]
+ ();
+ |]
+ ()
diff --git a/src/animation.ml b/src/animation.ml
index 7a598e5..35294dc 100644
--- a/src/animation.ml
+++ b/src/animation.ml
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
-let mainElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Layout__Main"
let isRunning = ref false
-let start ~onHidden ~onEnded =
+let start base ~onStart ~onEnd =
if not !isRunning then
let () = isRunning := true in
- let () = Element.setClassName mainElt "g-Layout__HideMain" in
- let delay = 200 in
+ let () = onStart () in
+ let () = Element.setClassName base "g-Animation" in
+ let delay = 400 in
let _ =
(fun () ->
- let () = onHidden () in
- let () = Element.setClassName mainElt "" in
- let _ =
- Js.Global.setTimeout
- (fun () ->
- let () = onEnded () in
- isRunning := false)
- delay
- in
- ())
+ let () = Element.setClassName base "" in
+ let () = onEnd () in
+ isRunning := false)
else ()
+let replaceChild scrollBase base mkChild =
+ start base
+ ~onStart:(fun _ ->
+ let () = Element.setScrollTop scrollBase 0 in
+ Element.appendChild base (mkChild ()))
+ ~onEnd:(fun _ ->
+ let _ = Element.removeFirstChild base in
+ ())
diff --git a/src/audio.ml b/src/audio.ml
index f7358a7..1446440 100644
--- a/src/audio.ml
+++ b/src/audio.ml
@@ -11,3 +11,24 @@ external setCurrentTime : audio -> int -> unit = "currentTime" [@@bs.set]
let playOrReplay audio =
let () = if currentTime audio > 0 then setCurrentTime audio 0 else () in
play audio
+(* Sounds *)
+let c3 = create "sounds/c3.mp3"
+let c4 = create "sounds/c4.mp3"
+let c5 = create "sounds/c5.mp3"
+(* Play from step *)
+let playFromStep (config: Config.config) (step : Step.state) =
+ match step.step with
+ | Step.Prepare when step.remaining == config.prepare ->
+ playOrReplay c3
+ | Step.Work when step.remaining == config.work ->
+ playOrReplay c5
+ | Step.Rest when step.remaining == config.rest ->
+ playOrReplay c3
+ | Step.End -> playOrReplay c3
+ | _ -> if step.remaining <= 3 then playOrReplay c4 else ()
diff --git a/src/config.ml b/src/config.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index f8e20f9..0000000
--- a/src/config.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-(* Model *)
-type config = {
- prepare : int;
- tabatas : int;
- cycles : int;
- work : int;
- rest : int;
-(* State *)
-let config = ref { prepare = 10; tabatas = 4; cycles = 8; work = 20; rest = 10 }
-let onStart : (unit -> unit) ref = ref (fun () -> ())
-(* Elements *)
-let formElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Form"
-let prepareElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Form__Prepare"
-let tabatasElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Form__Tabatas"
-let cyclesElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Form__Cycles"
-let workElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Form__Work"
-let restElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Form__Rest"
-let durationElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Form__DurationValue"
-(* Duration *)
-let getDuration () =
- let { prepare; tabatas; cycles; work; rest } = !config in
- tabatas * (prepare + (cycles * (work + rest)))
-let writeDuration () =
- let duration = getDuration () in
- Element.setInnerText durationElt (Duration.prettyPrint duration)
-(* Write to DOM *)
-let writeToDom () =
- let () = Element.setValue prepareElt (Js.Int.toString !config.prepare) in
- let () = Element.setValue tabatasElt (Js.Int.toString !config.tabatas) in
- let () = Element.setValue cyclesElt (Js.Int.toString !config.cycles) in
- let () = Element.setValue workElt (Js.Int.toString !config.work) in
- let () = Element.setValue restElt (Js.Int.toString !config.rest) in
- writeDuration ()
-(* Update from DOM *)
-let listenTo inputElt update =
- Element.addEventListener inputElt "input" (fun e ->
- match
- EventTarget.value (Event.target e) |> Option.flatMap Belt.Int.fromString
- with
- | Some n ->
- let () = config := update !config n in
- writeDuration ()
- | None -> ())
-let listenToChanges () =
- let () = listenTo prepareElt (fun config n -> { config with prepare = n }) in
- let () = listenTo tabatasElt (fun config n -> { config with tabatas = n }) in
- let () = listenTo cyclesElt (fun config n -> { config with cycles = n }) in
- let () = listenTo workElt (fun config n -> { config with work = n }) in
- listenTo restElt (fun config n -> { config with rest = n })
-(* Setup *)
-let setup onTimerStart =
- let () = onStart := onTimerStart in
- let () = writeToDom () in
- listenToChanges ()
-(* Start *)
-let startTimer () =
- let () = Element.setStyle formElt "display: none" in
- !onStart ()
-(* Hide / show *)
-let show () = Element.setStyle formElt "display: flex"
-let hide () = Element.setStyle formElt "display: none"
-let () =
- Element.addEventListener formElt "submit" (fun e ->
- let () = Event.preventDefault e in
- !onStart ())
diff --git a/src/main.ml b/src/main.ml
index e399e3b..003880b 100644
--- a/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/main.ml
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
-let onTimerStart () =
- Animation.start
- ~onHidden:(fun () ->
- let () = Config.hide () in
- let () = Timer.init () in
- Timer.show ())
- ~onEnded:Timer.start
-let onTimerStop () =
- Animation.start
- ~onHidden:(fun () ->
- let () = Timer.hide () in
- Config.show ())
- ~onEnded:(fun () -> ())
+type view = Config of Config.config | Timer of Config.config
let () =
- let () = Config.setup onTimerStart in
- Timer.setup onTimerStop
+ let html = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "html" in
+ let main = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "main" in
+ let rec showView v =
+ Animation.replaceChild html main (fun _ ->
+ match v with
+ | Config config ->
+ ConfigView.render config (fun config -> showView (Timer config))
+ | Timer config ->
+ TimerView.render config (fun config -> showView (Config config)))
+ in
+ showView (Config Config.init)
diff --git a/src/timer.ml b/src/timer.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff0b8b..0000000
--- a/src/timer.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-(* Audio *)
-let c3 = Audio.create "sounds/c3.mp3"
-let c4 = Audio.create "sounds/c4.mp3"
-let c5 = Audio.create "sounds/c5.mp3"
-let playAudio (step : Step.state) =
- match step.step with
- | Step.Prepare when step.remaining == !Config.config.prepare ->
- Audio.playOrReplay c3
- | Step.Work when step.remaining == !Config.config.work ->
- Audio.playOrReplay c5
- | Step.Rest when step.remaining == !Config.config.rest ->
- Audio.playOrReplay c3
- | Step.End -> Audio.playOrReplay c3
- | _ -> if step.remaining <= 3 then Audio.playOrReplay c4 else ()
-(* Elements *)
-let timerElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer"
-let dialElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Dial"
-let arcPathElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__ArcProgress"
-let stepElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Step"
-let durationElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Duration"
-let tabataCurrentElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__TabataCurrent"
-let tabataTotalElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__TabataTotal"
-let cycleCurrentElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__CycleCurrent"
-let cycleTotalElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__CycleTotal"
-let stopElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Stop"
-(* State *)
-let interval = ref None
-let duration = ref 0
-let elapsedTime = ref 0
-let onStop : (unit -> unit) ref = ref (fun () -> ())
-let isPlaying = ref false
-(* Actions *)
-let playPause _ = isPlaying := not !isPlaying
-let stop _ =
- let () = Belt.Option.forEach !interval Js.Global.clearInterval in
- !onStop ()
-(* View *)
-let updateDom () =
- let angle =
- Js.Int.toFloat !elapsedTime /. Js.Int.toFloat !duration *. 360.0
- in
- let () =
- Element.setAttribute arcPathElt "d" (Arc.describe 0.0 0.0 95.0 0.0 angle)
- in
- let step = Step.getAt !Config.config !elapsedTime in
- let () = Element.setInnerText stepElt (Step.prettyPrint step.step) in
- let () =
- Element.setInnerText durationElt (Duration.prettyPrint step.remaining)
- in
- let () =
- Element.setInnerText tabataCurrentElt (Js.Int.toString step.tabata)
- in
- let () = playAudio step in
- Element.setInnerText cycleCurrentElt (Js.Int.toString step.cycle)
-(* Update *)
-let update () =
- if !isPlaying then
- let () = elapsedTime := !elapsedTime + 1 in
- if !elapsedTime > !duration then stop () else updateDom ()
- else ()
-(* Init *)
-let init () =
- let () = duration := Config.getDuration () in
- let () = elapsedTime := 0 in
- let () =
- Element.setInnerText tabataTotalElt (Js.Int.toString !Config.config.tabatas)
- in
- Element.setInnerText cycleTotalElt (Js.Int.toString !Config.config.cycles)
-(* Setup and start *)
-let setup onTimerStop = onStop := onTimerStop
-let show () =
- let () = updateDom () in
- Element.setStyle timerElt "display: flex"
-let hide () = Element.setStyle timerElt "display: none"
-let start () =
- let () = interval := Some (Js.Global.setInterval update 1000) in
- isPlaying := true
-let () =
- let () = Element.addEventListener stopElt "click" stop in
- Element.addEventListener dialElt "click" playPause