path: root/src/gui/tags/form/widget.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/tags/form/widget.py')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/tags/form/widget.py b/src/gui/tags/form/widget.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92a5db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/tags/form/widget.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
+from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Any
+from model.tag import Tag, ValidTagForm
+from model import difficulty, priority
+import gui.icon
+import gui.tags.form.state
+import gui.color
+def widget(
+ parent: QtWidgets.QWidget,
+ action_title: str,
+ tag: Tag,
+ on_validated,
+ on_cancel):
+ widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(parent)
+ layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(widget)
+ widget.setLayout(layout)
+ grid = QtWidgets.QWidget(widget)
+ layout.addWidget(grid)
+ grid_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(grid)
+ grid.setLayout(grid_layout)
+ init_name = tag.name if tag is not None else ''
+ name_input = line_edit(grid, grid_layout, 0, 'Name', init_name)
+ init_color = tag.color if tag is not None else '#FFFFFF'
+ color_input = color_edit(grid, grid_layout, 1, 'Color', QtGui.QColor(init_color))
+ tag_form_edition = gui.tags.form.state.TagFormEdition(
+ init_name,
+ name_input.textChanged,
+ init_color,
+ color_input.textChanged)
+ def on_validate():
+ form = tag_form_edition.get()
+ if form:
+ on_validated(form)
+ layout.addWidget(buttons(
+ parent = widget,
+ action_title = action_title,
+ tag_form_signal = tag_form_edition.signal(),
+ on_validate = on_validate,
+ on_cancel = on_cancel))
+ return widget
+def line_edit(
+ parent,
+ layout: QtWidgets.QGridLayout,
+ n: int,
+ label: str,
+ default_value: str) -> QtWidgets.QLineEdit:
+ label = QtWidgets.QLabel(label, parent)
+ layout.addWidget(label, n, 0)
+ edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(parent)
+ if default_value != None:
+ edit.setText(default_value)
+ layout.addWidget(edit, n, 1)
+ return edit
+def color_edit(
+ parent,
+ layout: QtWidgets.QGridLayout,
+ n: int,
+ label: str,
+ init_color: QtGui.QColor) -> QtWidgets.QLineEdit:
+ label = QtWidgets.QLabel(label, parent)
+ layout.addWidget(label, n, 0)
+ edit = ColorInput(init_color, parent)
+ layout.addWidget(edit, n, 1)
+ return edit
+class ColorInput(QtWidgets.QLineEdit):
+ def __init__(self, init_color: QtGui.QColor, parent):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.setReadOnly(True)
+ self.installEventFilter(self)
+ self._color = init_color
+ self.update(init_color)
+ self._is_editing = False
+ def eventFilter(self, source, event):
+ if source is self and event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FocusIn:
+ if not self._is_editing:
+ self._is_editing = True
+ color = QtWidgets.QColorDialog.getColor(self._color, self)
+ self.update(color)
+ else:
+ self._is_editing = False
+ self.clearFocus()
+ return super(ColorInput, self).eventFilter(source, event)
+ def update(self, color: QtGui.QColor):
+ self.setText(color.name().upper())
+ palette = QtGui.QPalette()
+ palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Base, color)
+ palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Text, color)
+ self.setPalette(palette)
+def buttons(parent, action_title, tag_form_signal, on_validate, on_cancel):
+ widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(parent)
+ layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(widget)
+ validate = QtWidgets.QPushButton(action_title, widget)
+ validate.setDisabled(True)
+ validate.setIcon(gui.icon.dialog_apply(validate.style()))
+ validate.clicked.connect(on_validate);
+ layout.addWidget(validate)
+ def on_tag_form_signal(form: Optional[ValidTagForm]):
+ if form:
+ validate.setEnabled(True)
+ else:
+ validate.setDisabled(True)
+ tag_form_signal.connect(on_tag_form_signal)
+ cancel = QtWidgets.QPushButton('cancel', widget)
+ cancel.setIcon(gui.icon.dialog_cancel(cancel.style()))
+ cancel.clicked.connect(on_cancel)
+ layout.addWidget(cancel)
+ return widget